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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Just wanted to clear up your misapprehension. And also put in perspective Biden's standing. Interesting that he's actually ahead of Reagan at the same stage in his Presidency, don't you think?
  2. Also, do you understand that a conspiracy has to involve more than one person? There is absolutely no evidence that Clinesmith didn't act alone.
  3. If anyone has doubts about his fascist leanings, this post from Trump about what he considers a positive attribute should put those doubts to rest. This is his endorsement of the guy who went on to win the primary to be the Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts: Trump Says Geoff Diehl Will Rule Massachusetts With 'Iron Fist' If Elected "Geoff is a proven fighter who successfully pushes back on the ultra liberal extremists, and who has driven them a little bit wild too because they can't figure him out, and he'll rule your state with an iron fist and he'll do what has to be done," Trump said. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-geoff-diehl-massachusetts-primary-1740114 Given the admiration he has expressed for how Putin, Xi, and Kim govern, this sort of endorsement should come as no surprise.
  4. Who knows who got access to Trump's bedroom? Was Stormy Daniels the last of his indiscretions? He and his wife each have their own bedroom..
  5. Excellent point. Actually the Trumpists have also been ripping off their supporters. In various pleas for cash. they've used what is an opt-out play to milk these poor folks. When someone agrees to donate $100, they have to opt-out of it being a monthlly donation instead, as halfway decent organizations would do, make those donations monthly on an opt-in basis. That hurt a lot of senior citizens who disproportionately support Trump.
  6. An interesting and prescient quote from George Mason, one of the architects of the Constitution re the President: “ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic. If he has the power of granting pardons before indictment, or conviction, may he not stop inquiry and prevent detection? https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2018/07/25/the-pardon-power-and-original-intent/
  7. Now, if only you had posted your political opinions previously in this forum I would have made a fair point. But since you haven't...oh wait a minute...
  8. A few ANy honest person would see through your ploy here. A few comments from Democrats as opposed to a flood from Republicans. And not just comments but actual steps taken to overthrow the election results including creating false electors and illegally accessing voting machines. A majority of Republican House members voted against confirming the 2020 Presidental vote. As did 8 Senators. That total would have been even greater but for the the events of Jan 6. You've got virtually nothing.
  9. A candidate whose positions are diametrically opposed to virtually all those of Trump's? It is to laugh.
  10. So, to you it's insignificant that 2 out of his 3 co-defendants pled guilty and in the case of the remaining defendant a jury voted to convict by 11-1?
  11. The fivethirtyeight.com figure is an aggregate of all the polls. A vanishingly small number of polls put Trump at 50% or barely above. And those that did tended to be polls that poorly predict election outcomes. You can check individual polls by following the link: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
  12. And the remaining alleged accomplice pleaded not guilty and the case resulted in a mistrial because 1 juror out of the 12 refused to vote to convict.
  13. Even if it's true that the wealthy would take their increased increased income and invest it productively, why would they necessarily invest it in the UK? Because the free market is not about maximizing profits but rather about patriotism?
  14. What don't you understand about the fact that the Justice Dept. won't indict a sitting President. Or maybe you've somehow managed to remain unacquainted with that fact?
  15. You've watched way too many TV shows if you think that's how a criminal prosecution works. Especially when there is so much incriminating evidence to sort through
  16. He's doing better with the American people than Trump was after the same number of days as President. And when Trump was President the world economy was doing very well. It takes a special talent for a President to make himself so disliked in those circumstances https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo
  17. There's a site run by very right wing people called Real Clear Politics. And one of the things they do is track Biden's performance in the polls. Aug 8 was the day Mar a Lago was raided. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president-biden-job-approval-7320.html
  18. Well, you cared about it just a few comments back. And it shows how reflexively you reply.
  19. Well, it seems clear that MAGA failed in 2020. So, if the media failed, who then succeeded in taking Trump down? And who will be taking the DOJ down? A House committee? A Senate committee?
  20. The opposite of false, actually. "Trump announced on Monday that his palatial Florida residence had been raided early in the morning. Sources told Fox News Digital the search was in connection with materials that Trump took with him from his time as president. Sources also said National Archives and Records Administration referred the case to the Justice Department, which recovered 15 boxes of classified materials from the home." https://www.foxnews.com/us/fbi-raids-trumps-mar-a-lago-unprecedented-agency-execute-search-warrant-former-president Trump says FBI agents searched his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida Updated August 9, 202210:54 AM ET Former President Donald Trump said on Monday that FBI agents had searched his Mar-a-Lago club and residence in Palm Beach, Fla., and opened his safe. The FBI and Department of Justice declined to comment, although Eric Trump said Monday night that he was told the search was related to the possible mishandling of government secrets the Justice Department is known to be investigating after the National Archives retrieved White House records from Mar-a-Lago. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/08/1116427430/trump-says-fbi-agents-raided-his-mar-a-lago-home-in-florida
  21. A doc dispute? You think it's just because they were pieces of paper with writing on them that makes for all this fuss? It depends on what was written on them. Apart from the fact that Trump's people apparently lied most likely at his behest, which would be obstruction of justice and that he refused to obey a grand jury subpoena, another crime, the fact is that he left the information highly classified documents exposed to possible enemy acquisition. A resort with guest everywhere is hardly a secure place. The Secret Service is there but to guard the President and his family, not to guard documents. People have been jailed for what he did. Why should he get a break?
  22. It's always risky to bring one's alleged relatives and/or their alleged experiences into the conversation. And not worth anything anyway when it comes to demographic issues.
  23. So the non white people who are beating out your kids for jobs actually aren't employed because they are for one reason or another unemployable.? That makes sense. Not. 76% of working age people (16 to 64 year olds) in England, Scotland and Wales were employed in 2019 78% of White people were employed, compared with 66% of people from all other ethnic groups combined the difference in the employment rates between the White ethnic group and all other ethnic groups combined went down by 5 percentage points between 2004 and 2019 https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/employment/employment/latest#:~:text=76% of people aged 16,out of all ethnic groups
  24. Probably because she is emblematic of the vacuity and veniality that lies at the heart of the Conservative Party in the UK.
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