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  1. The difference is that Trump actually had a job and a home office to work from. How exactly did covid restrictions keep him from doing his job? Was it the hazardous commute from his bedroom to the office?
  2. Well, that works only if you count time at the Whitehouse as actual working time. I doubt that Biden spends his morning in a bathrobe watching cable news Trump reportedly watches up to 7 hours of cable news every morning before getting to the Oval Office as late as noon https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-is-watching-7-hours-of-tv-and-getting-to-the-oval-office-at-noon-report-2020-4
  3. Oh really. What typo was it that is responsible for the misapprehension that Trump accused John Fetterman of taking amphetamines, fentanyl, heroin, and cocaine? What typo was it that led to the misimpression that Trump called the Justice Dept and the FBI "vicious monsters"?
  4. Because he was waiting to use it against Trump in the midterms? And it looked like it worked perfectly.
  5. For what it's worth. Fetterman would have a pretty good shot at successfully suing Trump for defamation, even though in the USA the standard is much higher for public figures than in most other countries. Trump's accusation of Fetterman taking heroin, amphetamines, fentanyl, and heroin has no basis in evidence and are clearly inspired by malice. But it's extremely unlikely that Fetterman would bother to.
  6. There are lots of nutter Republicans out there. Lots. Most Republicans still falsely believe Trump’s stolen election claims. Here are some reasons why. In poll after poll, about 70% of Republicans say they don’t think Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/70-percent-republicans-falsely-believe-stolen-election-trump/
  7. I'm guessing that it's also psychological warfare. Russian morale is not good. Learning what they're up against and what they're going to be up against has to be very discouraging for Russian troops.
  8. An interesting take on Biden's speech from David Frum Biden Laid the Trap. Trump Walked Into It. At his Pennsylvania rally, the former president gave exactly the narcissistic display his Democratic nemesis tried to provoke. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/09/trump-pennsylvania-rally-republicans/671344/ Can you imagine how Mehmet Oz felt when Trump attacked his opponent, John Fetterman, for consuming cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl and heroin? “Fetterman supports taxpayer funded drug dens and the complete decriminalization of illegal drugs, including heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and ultra lethal fentanyl,” he said. “And by the way, he takes them himself”. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-john-fetterman-drug-use-rally-b2159287.html It's bad enough for the Republcians that Trump pushed such a weak candidate over the finish line in his race to be the nominee. Now he's making sure that Oz has no chance. It's Georgia 2020 all over again.
  9. Rural America Reels From Violent Crime. ‘People Lost Their Ever-Lovin’ Minds.’ Murder rates didn’t soar only in cities during the pandemic; small-town sheriffs and prosecutors are overwhelmed with homicide cases https://www.wsj.com/articles/violent-crime-rural-america-homicides-pandemic-increase-11654864251 In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons. https://www.governing.com/archive/gov-crime-rural-urban-cities.html Edit: Just to make it clear, rural areas overwhelmingly support Trump.
  10. What Trump supporters fail to note is that the primary reason for the FBI search was to recover documents that were left with perilously little protection.. Documents that were brought to their attention by witnesses after Trump's lawyers denied any classified documents were left at Mar a Lago. In June, these allegedly cooperative persons denied the FBI the right to look at boxes that were still in storage.
  11. Interesting how you respond to this but when Trump claims a Democratic Senate Candidate consumes many kinds of illicit drugs, no response ensues.. And do you think Trump should not be ashamed of himself for not welcoming his successor? And for not attending Biden's inauguration? Do you think he shouldn't be ashamed of himself for still carrying on about a "stolen" election?
  12. First of all, none of the documents taken from the White House were legally in his possession since they weren't vetted by NARA. But even if some of the documents were legally in his possession, it's clear that not all were. And as my analagy pointed out, it's legal to have vitamins in your possession, but amphetamines not so much.
  13. You mean that they should have raided the place earlier? Also, keep in mind that his lawyers signed off on a letter that claimed all the classified documents had already been removed. Then the Justice Dept was apparently informed by witnesses that there were some really serious highly classified documents that were still in Trump's possession. And none of those documents taken from the White House could legally be in Trump's possession without being vetted first by NARA.
  14. This is like defending a drug dealer on the grounds that while he may have had several kilos of amphetamines in his possession, he also had vitamin pills.
  15. Nonsense. There is no doubt that classfiied files were recovered from Mar a Lago. This is just a discussion of the significance of the folders. As I pointed out, it may be that they just contained the documents that were found. Or it could be that the documents they contained are still missing. But the fact that highly sensitive documents were found is not in dispute by any rational person, Nor that Mar a Lago does not have the facilities to properly protect them.
  16. Actually, they were unarmed. Not only that but they were told to dress in casual clothing so as not to attract attention. As for the number of agents, they want to cover all the bases and not allow Trump's people to remove items before they got to them. Pfbi had information that Trump's people had already lied about the presence of classified information on the premises. That's a serious offense.
  17. Thanks for the correction. But how many house members actually objected? A very tiny number. And they certainly weren't backed by the Democratic candidate for president.
  18. It was an assault on Mar y Lago? Were weapons fired? Were people injured? Were doors battered open? It was a peaceful search authorized by a duly obtained warrant.
  19. Because that's not the way criminal investigations are done. And, God forbid, if the justice department did as you suggested, why wouldn't Trump supporters accuse them of singling out Trump for special punishment? And, if they did as you suggested, how could they justify not charging Trump separately for each document that he held?
  20. Good thinking. One distinctly minority opinion against a host of experts.
  21. Actually, on that score Dan O offered a very favorable interpretation of why the classified folders are empty. The alternative explanation would be that the the documents they contained have gone missing.
  22. What does this even mean? Democratic legislators voted to certify the election. So of course they accepted Trump. There were no widespread accusations of election fraud against Trump. Was there widespread resentment against Trump? Sure. But what did Trump do to reach out to those who didn't vote for him after the election? He took a victory tour after the election to thank voters in States that voted for him. And he ignored the states that didn't. What in Trump's rhetoric would ever have inclined those who didn't vote for him to regard such an openly vindictive person favorably?
  23. Well, if you're talking about members of The forum who support Trump, they do have a way of ignoring all the awful things that Trump says and focusing on stead of the comparatively mild statements from Joe Biden. I cited Trump's recent speech in Pennsylvania which was as nasty a piece of work as you can find in American politics, and I don't think that elicited one comment from Trump supporters. I guess because not even they can find a way to mitigate, much less support, such rhetoric.
  24. Really? Can you share with us the number of Democratic legislators in the House of Representatives or the Senate who voted not to certify the Presidential election results after the 2016 elections? Did Democrats bring 600 plus failed lawsuits to try to overturn the 2016 election results? And there's a lot more where these examples came from. And you're seriously comparing all this to a slogan adopted by some unhappy Democratic voters? Your point is a particularly flagrant example of both- sidesism.
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