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  1. Can only seem like it if you don't know what "baiting" means.
  2. In other words you have nothing to defend your indefensible assertions.
  3. I am actually for reality. And I trust scientists. And the overwhelming consensus is that if much stronger action than is currently being taken to slow anthropogenic climate change, there will be disastrous consequences. In bleak report, U.N. says drastic action is only way to avoid worst effects of climate change The world has squandered so much time mustering the action necessary to combat climate change that rapid, unprecedented cuts in greenhouse gas emissions offer the only hope of averting an ever-intensifying cascade of consequences, according to new findings from the United Nations. 10 steps you can take to lower your carbon footprint Already, the past year has brought devastating hurricanes, relentless wildfires and crippling heat waves, prompting millions of protesters to take to the streets to demand more attention to a problem that seems increasingly urgent. Amid that growing pressure to act, Tuesday’s U.N. report offers a grim assessment of how off-track the world remains. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/11/26/bleak-report-un-says-drastic-action-is-only-way-avoid-worst-impacts-climate-change/
  4. You really should keep better track of what you write You're the one who categorically claimed that "Environment and world domination are two different subjects". Up to you to show that in 50 years time the environment won't be a wasteland if radical change isn't instituted soon. I've got science backing me up. Whaddya you got? And your comment leaves no doubt that 50 years + is what you meant by the long game.
  5. What is the point of your post? Is there anybody who is suggesting that Putin didn't do it for reasons that seemed good to him? Why would he invade if it didn't seem like a good idea? On a whim? Or that he did it against his will? That the Devil made him do it? I'm sure invading Kuwait seemed like a good idea to Saddam. Does that mean it was a good idea?
  6. I'm guessing that by orders you mean laws and regulations derived from laws. Laws and regulations that come from elected government. Which the citizens of a democracy are free to vote out of office.
  7. Well, there's an article in the Bangkok post today that says the Philippines and Singapore are both doing better than Thailand. And the reason for that is they don't require tourists to take a test on arrival. Testing is required before they board the plane. This is such an obvious point it's dismaying that those in charge can't seem to grasp it.
  8. I've read reports from OCSE about bombing in the area. It seems to be the work of both sides. But then there's this: "Moscow refused to allow another OSCE mission to keep monitoring the border between the rebel-controlled area in east Ukraine and Russia in September. Pro-Russian separatists blocked its monitors in their hotel in Donetsk for a week in October. "read more https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-staff-osce-begins-pullout-donetsk-eastern-ukraine-2022-02-13/
  9. About a week ago, this article about the Moskva was published. Russia’s Most Powerful Warship In The Black Sea Is Operating In A Pattern https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/04/russias-most-powerful-warship-in-the-black-sea-is-operating-in-a-pattern/ It has 2 weapon systems. One is anti-ship missiles. And the other is anti-craft missiles. The Moskva was hit with Ukrainian made anti-ship missiles. If the British follow through on their promise and transfer 100 of their presumably more advanced anti-ship missiles to Ukraine, the implications for the Russian Navy wouldn't be good.
  10. I just bought some scent-free detergent at Makro. It's one of the generic house brands: savepak. Very inexpensive and works well. The packaging doesn't indicate it's scent free but it is.
  11. 10 February 2022 Heart-disease risk soars after COVID — even with a mild case Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00403-0 Even mild Covid is linked to brain damage, scans show The new British research is the first to reveal striking differences in areas of the brain based on scans taken before and after a coronavirus infection. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/long-covid-even-mild-covid-linked-damage-brain-months-infection-rcna18959
  12. Thanks for catching the typo. It doesn't change the fact that you haven't backed up your claims. As per usual.
  13. Really? Is that why the Minsk agreement was created? Because it "was too much even for the Western govts"? You got some source not linked to the Russian govt. to back up that assertion? Were the people living in Minsk oppressed by their own govt? Or was that just more Russian disinformation?
  14. About as normal as having a large powerful neighbor sponsor a civil war in your country. It's the separatists the Ukrainian government is attacking. Separatist backed by Russia. As you well know.
  15. So that Russia would inherit an economic wreck? Please share with us the knowledgeable authorities who back your claim. Just more nonsense from you.
  16. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You fail.
  17. Boris Johnson pledges to send more arms during surprise visit to Kyiv “We are stepping up our own military and economic support and convening a global alliance to bring this tragedy to an end, and ensure Ukraine survives and thrives as a free and sovereign nation.” No 10 said Britain would send 120 armoured vehicles and new anti-ship missile systems to Ukraine. The missiles can do serious damage to Russian warships and could be used to tackle the Russian navy siege of Black Sea ports. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/09/boris-johnson-pledges-to-send-more-arms-during-surprise-visit-to-kyiv
  18. Here's the full quote. "Renowned movie director...lol Do you mean this Roger Stone, the one that also asked Putin to be a godfather for his daughter? Oliver Stone Criticizes “Mr. Putin’s Aggression In Ukraine” After Previously Saying There Was “No Proof” Russia Intended To Invade "Russia was wrong to invade. It has made too many mistakes — 1) underestimating Ukrainian resistance, 2) overestimating the military’s ability to achieve its objective, 3) underestimating Europe’s reaction, especially Germany upping its military contribution to NATO, which they’ve resisted for some 20 years; even Switzerland has joined the cause. Russia will be more isolated than ever from the West. 8 ) putting cluster and vacuum bombs into play, "" https://deadline.com/2022/03/oliver-stone-criticizes-putin-ukraine-1234973037/ And it was a reply to this misleading claim of yours: And here's the rule you clearly violated. 6) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post. https://aseannow.com/terms/ Clearly he's challenging you on your claim about where Oliver Stone stands on the issue of the Russian invasion
  19. Sweden and Finland make moves to join Nato “When Russia invaded Ukraine, Sweden’s security position changed fundamentally,” the party said in a statement on Monday. The Social Democrat general secretary, Tobias Baudin, said the security review would be complete “before the summer”. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/11/sweden-and-finland-make-moves-to-join-nato After Russia’s Ukraine Invasion, Baltics Push for Permanent NATO Presence The small Baltic countries, whose militaries have long been dwarfed by that of neighboring Russia, are renewing their push for NATO to establish a larger and more permanent presence on their territory following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania — with a combined population of only about six million people — have long been seen as some of NATO’s most vulnerable nations. The countries joined the Western military alliance in 2004 but are connected to the rest of European NATO countries by only a narrow corridor, which lies between the heavily armed Russian exclave of Kaliningrad and Russia-allied Belarus https://www.voanews.com/a/after-russia-s-ukraine-invasion-baltics-push-for-permanent-nato-presence-/6497246.html After Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Moldova worries it might be next In Moldova, the war has accelerated the drive to align fully with Europe. On Thursday, the country signed an application to join the European Union, in what its prime minister described as a vote for “freedom.” Moldova has also strained to accommodate more than 250,000 Ukrainian refugees who have crossed its borders, the prime minister noted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/06/moldova-ukraine-war-invasion/
  20. You're right there is a lot of hypocrisy. But does that mean what Russia is doing is excusable? Moreover, Russia poses a direct threat to the rest of Europe. Bombing elsewhere not so much. Does acting in self-interest make it illegitimate?
  21. From the article: "Finland’s Defence Minister says that there’s nothing unusual about the move, except the way it was reported. Russian news agency Interfax reported on Thursday that two S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems had been moved towards the Finnish border. Defence Minister Jussi Niinistö told Yle that there is nothing strange about the move." https://thebarentsobserver.com/ru/security/2016/09/russia-moves-missiles-finnish-border Anyway, given Russia's poor performance in the Ukraine, the saber it's rattling looks mighty rusty.
  22. Not really, Russian is the first language of 29.6% of Ukrainians. "The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian, an East Slavic language, which is the native language of 67.5% of Ukraine's population. Russian is the native language of 29.6% of Ukraine's population and the rest (2.9%) are native speakers of other languages." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine#:~:text=Russian is the native language,native speakers of other languages. Actually, more Dutch people can speak English than can speak German "Between 90%[6] and 93%[10] of the total population are able to converse in English, 71% in German, 29% in French and 5% in Spanish." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_Netherlands
  23. Earlier, you claimed that most German people didn't have a clue about the death camps. Hmmm...
  24. More chess moves: Putin purges more than 100 FSB agents in apparent retaliation amid Ukraine invasion quagmire Russia's invasion of Ukraine appears not to be going according to plan, and President Vladimir Putin seems intent on blaming his old colleagues at the Federal Security Bureau (FSB) – the intelligence agency successor to the KGB – for the quagmire. Putin reportedly purged more than 100 agents from the FSB, and his government sent the head of the department responsible for Ukraine to prison. About 150 FSB officers have been dismissed, The Times of London reported Monday. https://news.yahoo.com/putin-purges-more-100-fsb-043240239.html
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