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  1. Why are you comparing the Baltic States to Sweden? They don't border Sweden. For what it's worth, they're closer to Finland. But I guess it wouldn't help your case to compare them to Finland, would it? But they do border countries with low vaccination rates and high mortality rates from covid like Russia, Belarus, and Poland. What are "full EU protocols"? Poland has a high mortality rate because it has a very low vaccination rate. Denmark has a low mortality rate because it has a high vaccination rate. As for that nonsense about vaccination rates being immaterial. Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in October, according to a new report People are now dying from COVID-19 at a rate 3 times higher in counties where former President Donald Trump won at least 60% of the vote than in counties where President Joe Biden won a similar percentage, according to a New York Times analysis of the data. And that partisan gap — which didn't emerge until the widespread availability of vaccines in the spring of 2021 — has consistently widened over the last 5 months... A late October poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation's COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor found that 39% of Republican adults remain unvaccinated, while just 10% of Democratic adults said the same thing. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-biden-counties-covid-death-rate-3-times-higher-vaccines-2021-11
  2. Sure they are. It has nothing at all to do with their political orientation KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Media and Misinformation People’s trusted news sources are correlated with their belief in COVID-19 misinformation. The share who hold at least four misconceptions is small (between 11-16%) among those who say they trust COVID-19 information from network news, local TV news, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. This share rises to nearly four in ten among those who trust COVID-19 information from One America News (37%) and Fox News (36%), and to nearly half (46%) among those who trust information from Newsmax. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-media-and-misinformation
  3. Because they're old-fashioned honest-to-goodness vaccines like Grandma used to make. And they never ever caused anyone any harm. Except when they did.
  4. Anyway, the trial was one of many trials conducted not by Pfizer but by various subcontractors.
  5. Well, there's also the polio and measles vaccines. Both are clearly capable of eliminating their targets. Vaccination refusal for one reason or another being what stands in the way.
  6. Of course, one big problem with this is that treatment has to begin early in the course of the disease. Unfortunately, there seem to be lots of people ideologically committed to the belief that there is no such thing as covid-19 or that it results in no life endangering consequences.
  7. There's just a tiny problem with your generalization. It's called smallpox. Thanks to vaccinations, smallpox has been eliminated. It's now extinct.
  8. Texas study: Unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the vaccinated Unvaccinated Texans were 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 and 13 times more likely to get infected with the virus from Sept. 4 to Oct. 1, according to a study released this week by the Texas Health Department. The difference in health outcomes varied among age groups, as unvaccinated people in their 40s were 55 times more likely to die from COVID-19, while unvaccinated people ages 75 and older were 12 times more likely to die. Dr. Jennifer Shuford, Texas's chief state epidemiologist, said that the study "quantifies what we’ve known for months." https://www.foxnews.com/health/texas-study-unvaccinated-people-20-times-more-likely-to-die-from-coronavirus-than-vaccinated-people And just in case you don't believe those leftists from Fox News, here's a direct link to the report itself. https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/covid19/data/Cases-and-Deaths-by-Vaccination-Status-11082021.pdf
  9. You're absolutely right about this virus and current vaccines. But when it comes to "immunizing" vs. "sterilizing" it's a bit more complicated. It's true that in the past there was absolutely reckoned to be 2 kinds of vaccines: ones that allowed some infection but then had primed the body's immune system to fight beck. These were immunizing vaccines. The other kind prevented infection altogether. These are called sterilizing vaccines. But as science progress and detection techniques get better, it seems that there may be no such thing as a sterilizing vaccine. Still, the smallpox vaccine, which is not sterilizing, did eliminate smallpox as a disease. The polio vaccine has done so in nations where inoculation is virtually universal. So, if a vaccine primes the immune system enough, that may be all that's necessary to eliminate a disease. Here's a link to an interesting overview about the concept of sterilizing immunity. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/09/sterilizing-immunity-myth-covid-19-vaccines/620023/
  10. Correct. In fact, the odds are 20 to 1 re the likelihood of you being embattled. Texas research: Unvaxxed 20 times more likely to die from COVID Unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people, per new state research. https://www.axios.com/texas-research-unvaxxed-20-times-more-likely-to-die-from-covid-973a28b4-ae10-4fdb-8d9c-f14dfdc70e20.html
  11. It was clearly a collision. Probably no maids nearby to sweep up the mess. Tesla shares slide 12 percent as Musk’s stock-sale pledge continues to reverberate. Shares of Tesla fell sharply for a second consecutive day, dropping 12 percent Tuesday, in a continuing shakeout after Elon Musk, the company’s founder, suggested on Twitter that he would sell 10 percent of his stake in Tesla. Tuesday’s losses put the stock down more than 16 percent this week, nearly erasing the series of gains it had seen in the two weeks after Tesla’s market value exceeded $1 trillion for the first time. Since Friday’s close, Tesla has shed about $200 billion in market valuation, though it remained just above the $1 trillion threshold as of the close of trading on Tuesday. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/09/business/tesla-elon-musk-stock.html The article goes on to say that Musk may need the cash to pay for some stock options that recently vested.
  12. I should have looked at the video before i commented.
  13. Since 2016 Tesla has sold almost 2 million vehicles. You gotta learn somehow to come to terms with numbers and probability.
  14. Well, at least in the united states it's obviously very tied to political orientation. Right wingers are far more likely to believe falsehoods about vaccinations and covid and residents of states that tend to vote right wing have far higher rates of covid. This latter fact wasn't true before vaccinations came into force. And in western europe, political orientation looks like it's also a factor..
  15. It's mainly one of 2 things. Political orientation as touched on above Mistrust of govt. While this can tend to be a right wing belief, in Russia and the former communist states of Eastern Europe, govt is widely mistrusted. Covid is rampant there now.
  16. Nonsense. In much of the west theres a very strong correlation between political beliefs and covid vaccinations. Republicans are 3 times more likely than Democrats to believe falsehoods about COVID-19 https://money.yahoo.com/republicans-3-times-more-likely-215516363.html U.S. Covid Deaths Get Even Redder The partisan gap in Covid’s death toll has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/briefing/covid-death-toll-red-america.html
  17. Excellent post. I learned from another poster on aseannow.com that a clearer term for effects that manifest themselves some time after the inoculation is "latent effects." To date there have been none. Whereas for some viral diseases latent effects are actually a thing.
  18. There's obese and there's dangerously or morbidly obese. If your BMI is between 30 and 39 you're obese.40 and over you're morbidly obese.
  19. Please, you post a BS report about a 7 year old who died from being vaccinated and he had an antivax father who now regrets that he got the vaccination done. Now you're claiming the child was actually 13 years old and no reference at all to a regretful parent.. I've seen a few reports of deaths of teens after getting vaccinated. But "after" doesn't necessarily because of. Also, I never saw in any of those stories a reference to the father being an anti-vaxxer who bitterly regrets getting his child vaccinated. You just laid it on too thick. Maybe you were thinking about a father who regretted not getting his daughter vaccinated? https://www.wavy.com/covid-19-vaccine/florida-dad-regrets-not-getting-covid-vaccine-after-15-year-old-daughters-death/ or this one? After teen daughter hospitalized with Covid, mom regrets saying no to vaccine https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/after-teen-daughter-hospitalized-covid-mom-regrets-saying-no-vaccine-n1274227
  20. Good point. Even if they gave it to this alleged 7 year old, that would be a real quick death. Anyway, it's obvious that this story would have been pounced on by the anti-vaxx media.
  21. If you're going to start blaming a religion for the bad conduct of citizens of a particuular country, which ones will come out of that sort of evaluation untarnished?
  22. They've joined. That should get them access to some more vaccine. But Thailand has to pay for it.
  23. Thailand is not eligible for free vaccines. It's a middle income country. It would have to pay for the vaccines it gets from Covax.
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