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  1. Fox News Poll: Voters voice strong support for gun reform On specific gun proposals, voters are most supportive of requiring background checks on all gun buyers (88%) and improving enforcement of existing gun laws (84%). Another 8 in 10 favor raising the legal age to buy assault weapons to 21 (82%), passing "red flag" laws that allow police to take guns from people shown to be a danger (81%), background checks on buying ammunition (80%), mental health checks (78%), and raising the legal age to buy any gun to 21 (78%)... The only proposals tested that lack majority support are allowing teachers to carry guns at schools (48%) and encouraging more citizens to carry a weapon (45%). https://www.foxnews.com/official-polls/fox-news-poll-voters-voice-support-gun-reform And the Fox poll differs little from virtually all other polls taken on this subject.
  2. And you claimed that a Muslim coach who behaved in such a way would never be hired in the first place, correct? So is it in accordance with the Constitution not to hire someone because they would exercise what the Supreme Court calls their constitutional right but wrong to fire someone for the same practice?
  3. So you're claiming that being an American is the reason you love the 2nd Amendment? Do you think most Americans agree with your take on it? And if they don't are they still Americans?
  4. So for a governmental organization it's constitutionally sanctioned to discriminate on the basis of religion?
  5. Women Declare Themselves Corporations to Force Supreme Court to Grant Them Rights as People Millions of American women and girls have declared themselves corporations in order to force the United States Supreme Court to grant them rights as people, legal observers have reported. Attorneys across the nation indicated that they have been swamped by requests from clients seeking to incorporate as soon as possible. “The Supreme Court decided in 2010 that corporations are people, so all we want is to be treated like corporations, ” Carol Foyler, who now goes by the corporate name FoylerCo L.L.C., said. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/women-declare-themselves-corporations-to-force-supreme-court-to-grant-them-rights-as-people
  6. The Russians give a new ugly twist to the saying "shop until you drop".
  7. Breaking News! Jan. 6 Panel Abruptly Sets Tuesday Hearing on ‘Recently Obtained Evidence’ The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol on Monday abruptly scheduled a hearing for Tuesday afternoon to hear what the panel called “recently obtained evidence” and take witness testimony. The hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m., according to a news release issued by the committee, in which it provided no other details about the surprise session. The panel has held a series of hearings this month laying out the findings of its nearly yearlong investigation, but it had not been scheduled to have any additional sessions this week. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/27/us/politics/jan-6-panel-abruptly-sets-tuesday-hearing-on-recently-obtained-evidence.html Any bets on whether this turns out to be good news or bad news for Trump? Hmmm....
  8. It seems to me that it's more associated with one's political bent. Mostly it comes from the right wingers.
  9. You think that this is mainly an American attitude? Really?
  10. Lots of things that human do to themselves are unnatural. The thing is, one of the things that make human beings so formidable, is that they are extremely adaptable.
  11. Among the Russians, instead of saying the Devil made me do it, they blame NATO.
  12. Really? Here a link to a Telegraph article about Johnson's 36 point plunge among Tory voters dated Aug 1, 2021. Boris Johnson plunges by 36 points in poll of grassroots Tory ...
  13. Some people's common sense is difficult to differentiate from uncommon nonsense.
  14. Maybe you should let the Ukrainians decide whether the carnage is worth it or not. Not for you to decide whether or not the Ukrainians think Russia's plan for them as a people warrants continued resistance.
  15. You seem to have a predilection for extreme adjectives... So every moment you were wearing a mask was a moment of horror? What does "profoundly unnatural" even mean? As for not seeing faces, do you think people are masked 100% of the time? Even in their own homes? Stop generalizing your feelings into universal truths.
  16. It's odd how calm and serene Thais seem to be living in this nightmare world. Do you believe that they're screaming on the inside?
  17. You want to change the verb to "remind" or "points out" fine. But to characterize his post as "exposing Boris went to party a few years ago?" Really? That's like saying John Wilkes Booth is reviled because he went to the theater.
  18. Especially when the post exposes someone you support as being a lowlife.
  19. Actually my argument. At least, given that I meant to direct it at Kwasaki but somehow managed to quote you instead. This is what it meant to be directed at:
  20. You know that phrase "All dressed up and no place to go?" Well if Putin can't buy the chips and high tech machinery to create missiles and sophisticated aircraft, will Putin even be able to ratchet up his campaign?
  21. And Mr. Smith's employer requires that Mr. Smith show up at work every day along with his body. Does requiring people to be at a certain place at a certain time violate their bodily autonomy?
  22. Your argurment is only valid of those partying people kept themselves locked up in #10 to avoid spreading contagion elsewhere. Is that what happened? Were they quarantined?
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