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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. They do admit it? Where would that be? Like the time they came clean when they fired the guy who called Arizona for Trump and others involved in that call?
  2. Wow! Realy bad example. Doctor made a preliminary diagnosis, then double checked it with tests and found out he was wrong. But thanks for your nonsensical comment about how he looked disappointed. Maybe you should offer your learned comments to that eminent scientific publication called The Journal of I Have A Friend Who...
  3. About that "Ivermectin success story" UP: 24 districts reported 110% more deaths between July and March than same period the previous year https://scroll.in/latest/998069/up-24-districts-reported-110-more-deaths-between-july-and-march-than-same-period-the-previous-year
  4. Kind of old news. From a year and a half ago. And that's in Wuhan. Anything from this year?
  5. How quickly they forget. It seems you don't recall that while Thailand has been enforcing strict mask and social distancing rules the former US president flouted such rules and encouraged followers to do the same. Ask Herman Cain about the consequences of that. Oh wait, you can't, he's dead.
  6. I had the same situation. It wasn't a problem for me. I've been told that it's not a problem for anyone.
  7. In other words, nothing that is independently confirmable. An explosive story that none of the media have gotten wind of. Really?
  8. I don't know about "we heard those reports" what are the sources for these reports
  9. Where did I make the statement that all unvaxxed die?If I did, I certainly didn't do it intentionally. Please, show me where I wrote that. As for you using my extract as your sole source of information, what can I say but huh? Are you aware that we are allowed to quote only 3 sentences from sources? But I do include links. Nothing stopping you from clicking on them. And, no, the headline was correct. It used "effective" the way epidemiologists use it and the way it is used now by the media to report on covid statistics. It did not in any way signify that "study was 3.4 million so 10% ,thats 340,000, fully vaxxed with Pfizer ended up dead or in hospital."
  10. Well, first of all, Brazil's official death rates don't match those of developed nations. In fact, they exceed them. Also, Brazil has an excellent public health system. As for China, if Covid had reached pandemic levels, we would know about it. There are simply too many westerners scattered throughout that country for them to conceal the effect it would have on hospitals. Of course, China being very close to a totalitarian police state helps a lot. And your characterization of the currently avaiable Chinese vaccines as "no real vax" is baseless. It seems mostly to depend on the fact that antibody levels decline more quickly than in other vaccines. As we've seen in the case of the Pfizer vaccine, even very low or absent antibodies doesn't mean that a vaccine is ineffective.
  11. The evidence is massively in favor of vaccinations. The State of Pennsylvania recently released data that showed that 97% of all covid deaths occur among the unvacccinated. And yes it is selfish not to get vaccinated. In those areas where the largest percentage of people refuse to be vaccinated, hospital ICU's are being overstressed by these selfish people. Critical care is being rationed. In other words, triage is now the rule of the day in many states.
  12. And again, the most important protective effect of masks is protecting others against the wearer. Surgical masks weren't created to protect surgeons and nurses from being infected but rather to protect the person being operated on.
  13. These 3 sentences are from the finding sections of the actual [Pfizer vaccine] study "For fully vaccinated individuals, effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infections was 73% (95% CI 72–74) and against COVID-19-related hospital admissions was 90% (89–92). Effectiveness against infections declined from 88% (95% CI 86–89) during the first month after full vaccination to 47% (43–51) after 5 months. Among sequenced infections, vaccine effectiveness against infections of the delta variant was high during the first month after full vaccination (93% [95% CI 85–97]) but declined to 53% [39–65] after 4 months. " https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)02183-8/fulltext Here is the definition of "effectiveness" as it is used in epidemiology: "Vaccine efficacy/effectiveness (VE) is measured by calculating the risk of disease among vaccinated and unvaccinated persons and determining the percentage reduction in risk of disease among vaccinated persons relative to unvaccinated persons. The greater the percentage reduction of illness in the vaccinated group, the greater the vaccine efficacy/effectiveness. The basic formula is written as: https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson3/section6.html
  14. One problem with your claim here is that it rests on the belief that all government reports about deaths are equally valid. I don't know about Brazil, but a team of statisticians exposed the Mexican government's statistics as massively false. How two young math geeks solved the mystery of Mexico City’s covid-19 dead https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/03/mexico-coronavirus-excess-death/ Hidden Toll: Mexico Ignores Wave of Coronavirus Deaths in Capital More than three times as many people may have died from Covid-19 in Mexico City than federal statistics show, according to a Times analysis. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/08/world/americas/mexico-coronavirus-count.html In Mexico, study of ‘excess deaths’ shows at least 60% more COVID-19 victims than reported https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-03-28/mexicos-real-covid-19-death-toll-now-stands-at-over-321-000 Mexico vastly underestimating virus death toll, studies say https://www.ft.com/content/5746d3c0-ea4c-4552-b465-ea0c491079b2 Another problem is that you take no account of demographics. In this case the median age of the populace. In Mexico the medianj age is 29.2 In Brazil 31.4 years In the USA it's 38.1 In the UK it's 40.5 In the case of Brazil, it has 598000 deaths and ac population of 213 million The US has 705,000 deaths and a population of 329,5 million The UK has 137,00 deaths and a population of 67 million It's clear that Brazil has suffered a higher per capita death rate than either the USA or the UK.
  15. Given the comments of various covid vaccine denialists in this forum, it's clear that it isn't obvious to everyone.
  16. First of all, people who refuse to be vaccinated have been massively stressing hospital ICUs. So they endanger others, not only themselves. But you do make an excellent point which will save most of us huge amounts of money whether in insurance payments and/or taxes. After all, "If it's your time, then it's your time and it doesn't matter how fast you try to run." then there's no need for medical care at all. Thanks for the insight.
  17. RT is funded by the Russian govt and duly supports the Russian govt's policy and claims. So, in a way you're right. RT is reliable. It can be counted on to back whatever the Russian govt wants it to.
  18. Most likely, they are better protected. But a nice bonus of getting vaccinated after having covid, is that it seems to provide super immunity. Even to more distantly related viral disease vectors.
  19. Such nonsense. Clearly you don't have the least grasp of the role probability plays in science. Just because the vaccines don't guarantee immunity, doesn't mean that they don't provide ac good measure of it. The same goes for infection. You're telling a falsehood when you claim that agencies admit that vaccines don't provide any protection. There is absolutely no evidence that the spike protein, which mobilizes the immune system, causes ailments. None. Zero. Nada. Zip. And, of course, by mentioning baseless claims, you are promoting them. As for your nonsense about breakthrough cases. The definition of a breakthrough case is that the disease reoccurs for someone who has either been vaccinated or naturally been infected. Lots more people in Israel have been vaccinated than naturally infected. So naturally there are a lot more breakthrough cases among them. And even though there's good evidence that natural infection provides stronger immunity, you've got to run the far greater risk of contracting a serious illness or even dying from that natural infection. Hardly a sensible way to acquire immunity. As for Ivermectin, yes, it's very useful for parasites, Brilliant actually, But that doesn't mean it's effective against Covid. Brazil stopped distributing it because it made no difference in clinical outcomes.
  20. I agree in part. Getting the vaccine is a risk.. A very small risk, but still a risk. What you don't seem to understand is that not getting vaccinated is much more of a risk. The State of Pennsylvania recently released a report revealing that 97% of the deaths in its hospitals were of the unvaccinated. What is so hard to understand about that?
  21. The study was conducted by Western scientists and rigorously carried out. As for your contention that the CDC can barely conduct a controlled study now, where does that claim come from?
  22. No, even surgical masks can and do stop most aerosols from being exhaled. N95 masks can help prevent the wearer from inhaling them. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-aerosol-mask-idUSL1N2PJ0T5
  23. I have a wealthy friend who's looking to come to Thailand for an extended stay. Is it possible for her to get vaccinated here if she has a tourist visa? She's thinking of applying for one of those extended tourist visas that have been promised. If the tourist visa isn't viable, what about one of those visas that can be acquired for a substantial sum?
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