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  1. Considering the widespread claims among vaccine denialists that vaccinations offer no protection against transmission of covid-19, it is a very timely article. And this information is extremely useful for epidemiologists in helpng them to make more accurate predictions.
  2. The fact is that before the covid epidemics there was no widespread shortage of ICUs in American hospitals despite an high average BMI or other levels of comorbidities. So what's your point? The only way your objection would make sense is if there had been a sudden and abrupt increase in average BMI and/or other comorbidities. As for the nonsense that covid isn't causing widespread care shortages in American hospitals is utterly nuts. Covid Hospitalizations Hit Crisis Levels in Southern I.C.U.s https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/09/14/us/covid-hospital-icu-south.html COVID-19 Is Forcing Us to Talk About Rationing Health Care in the U.S. Again. Could We Have Avoided This? In the U.S., as of Sept. 9, 80% of ICU beds are occupied, with 31% of them filled by patients with COVID-19, according to data collected by the Department of Health and Human Services. Those data also show that 100% of ICU beds in Alabama are occupied, but Dr. Karen Landers, assistant state health officer at the Alabama Department of Public Health, said to TIME in an email that the situation is actually worse. The state “reports that Alabama hospitals are in the negative zone in terms of ICU beds,” she writes. “Alabama hospitals have more ICU patients than ICU beds. https://time.com/6096517/covid-19-health-care-rationing/ Another Alaskan hospital announces rationed care amid delta surge https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/574800-another-alaskan-hospital-announces-rationed-care-amid-delta-surge Crisis standards of care are now in place across all of Idaho. What does that mean? https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/coronavirus/article254285123.html COVID-19 Surge Forces Health Care Rationing in Parts of West https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-09-16/idaho-rations-health-care-statewide-as-covid-surge-continues
  3. What you don't seem to understand is that infection doesn't equate to illness. There are still powerful immune systems that remain to battle covid. Here's a report from Israel that might help you understand this better: "According to Health Ministry data, the ratio of unvaccinated people among the severely ill has continued to rise as more people are inoculated against the virus. As of September 13, out of the 664 severely ill patients, 437 were completely unvaccinated and 168 had received two doses. Only 59 had received the booster shot. The ratios are similar when analyzing new infections." https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israel-unvaccinated-booster-65-serious-covid-19-cases-death-delta-1.10208784
  4. Whether he will avai himself of medical services is unimportant. In the USA, where vaccination rates in lag much of the developed world, most of the patients with serious symptoms including those who end up dying are clogging up the hospital ICU units. So the unvaccinated don't seem to be willing to die for their beliefs. And even if someone claims they forego medical treatment, that sort of declaration is only meaningful when actually put to the test.
  5. This is a preliminary study. It's a preprint and hasn't yet been published in a peer reviewed journal. But it's based an data drawn from 100,000 patients infected with Covid-19. So that's a big study. The data comes from UK govt. databases. It compared how effective the Pfizer-BioNtech and Astra-Zeneca vaccines are at reducing transmission in the case of both the alpha and delta varients "Both vaccines reduced transmission, although they were more effective against the alpha variant compared to the delta variant. When infected with the delta variant, a given contact was 65 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. With AstraZeneca, a given contact was 36 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated." https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/vaccinated-people-are-less-likely-spread-covid-new-research-finds-n1280583 Here's a link to the original study on which the article was based: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.28.21264260v1
  6. As has been pointed out repeatedly, and apparently to no avail, the elderly are far ore likely to succumb to covid than younger cohorts as are the immunocompromized. For every ten years the risk of dying from covid doubles. The fact that the vaccin Yes, my statement was incorrect because at this point an overwhelming majority of aduts have been vaccinated. But the more important figure is how how much more of a risk is run by those who are not vaccinated. And apparently it is to no avail that the evidence I cited from UK sources that coorected for age, the risk for contracting serious illness and the risk for dyinig is far greater for the unvaccinated is far greater than that for the vaccinated.
  7. There isn't one official analyses. All the CDC's statistics about those rare cases where a clinical problem is detected with the vaccine, start with the VAERS. And, by the way, do you understand now that the VAERS isn't about "bad reactions" but only about "adverse events"?
  8. But I think in the case of the person I was replying to, it's not at all clear whether the insurance he already had explicitly stipulates that it covers covid 19 expenses for up to 3,500.000 baht. That's necessary to re-enter Thailand. f not, maybe his insurer will offer a revised contract the fulfills that requirement.
  9. About insurance...as things stand now the policy has to explicitly stipulate that it will pay for all costs incurred due to covid up to 3,500,000 baht
  10. One thing isn't noted in these statistics is the average age of each group. Also, those who were not senior citizens but judged to be more vulnerable.The UK's senior citizens and ohters more vulnerable were vaccinated first. So not only are they inherently more vulnerable, but the vaccines' effectiveness gets lower over time. Most COVID deaths in England now are in the vaccinated – here’s why that shouldn’t alarm you "The risk of dying from COVID doubles roughly every seven years older a patient is. The 35-year difference between a 35-year-old and a 70-year-old means the risk of death between the two patients has doubled five times – equivalently it has increased by a factor of 32. An unvaccinated 70-year-old might be 32 times more likely to die of COVID than an unvaccinated 35-year-old. This dramatic variation of the risk profile with age means that even excellent vaccines don’t reduce the risk of death for older people to below the risk for some younger demographics." https://theconversation.com/most-covid-deaths-in-england-now-are-in-the-vaccinated-heres-why-that-shouldnt-alarm-you-163671 Fact Check-England’s COVID-19 death statistics do not suggest vaccines aren’t working “It is important to understand the whole context to avoid misunderstanding data,” said Dr Shamaila Anwar, science communicator at Team Halo (teamhalo.org/). Speaking to Reuters, she noted the importance of accounting for the demographics of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, especially as Britain’s inoculation programme has prioritised those who are older or clinically vulnerable. Anwar added that data currently shows the number of infections is “much less” in the vaccinated population, which indicates that “vaccination is working”. https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check-covid-england/fact-check-englands-covid-19-death-statistics-do-not-suggest-vaccines-arent-working-idUSL2N2OJ1ET
  11. Few practices as low on this forum as taking a quote out of context to use it to mean the opposite of the point that was being made. Do you understand the function of a question mark at the end of the sentence. It's about asking a question, not making an assertion. Here once again is the entire paragraph from which that sentence was lifted: "It's an open data source. It's function is to provide raw data. The CDC, for one, takes the raw data and has its medical statisticians analyze it. Probably the FDA does that, too. It's open to everyone. Even to me and you. Why is it so important to you that you get statistics from VAERS? Even if they did do statistics, what would make that special? Because their statisticians would be closer to the source? They would be using different raw data?"
  12. Who is using different raw data? Please be forthcoming with us and share links to the frightening studies of these "private analysts". And if it's official statistics you want, that's what the CDC is for. They command a small army of medical statisticians whose job it is to parse raw data. And who is keeping what secret?
  13. No. It's mostly misused by anti-vaxxers.
  14. It's an open data source. It's function is to provide raw data. The CDC, for one, takes the raw data and has its medical statisticians analyze it. Probably the FDA does that, too. It's open to everyone. Even to me and you. Why is it so important to you that you get statistics from VAERS? Even if they did do statistics, what would make that special? Because their statisticians would be closer to the source? They would be using different raw data?
  15. Well, even if the insurance companies will cover the 3,500,000 minimum for covid treatment, unless their policy explicitly stipulates that covid-19 is covered, it won't satisfy Thai immigration authorities.
  16. And hospital ICU's aren't being overwhelmed because of the refusal of so many not to vaccinate? Care isn't being rationed because of them? What is so difficult to understand that the overwhelming majority those with life-threatening symptoms or deaths from Covid are among the unvaccinated?
  17. Thanks for the information. Could you please provide a link to that IATA webpage? If they're correct, then it looks like the hours don't matter As for hotels requiring testing, it's now the case that you are required to take 3 PCR tests while in Phuket. The first one is done on arrival at the airport.
  18. VAERS is a raw data storage system. They don't do statistical analyses. Not in their remit. Their function is to provide an open and transparent database.
  19. A comment from someone who betrays no understanding of even basic statistical principles. If the lone boy were the only child to get vaccinated you might have a point. But it's not really about one lone child getting vaccinated, is it? And no epidemiologist is claiming that a single vaccinated child will protect all of us. But his vaccination can help protect his older relatives from becoming seriously il and even dying.
  20. I wrote too soon. I did find some reports that note the time the test was administered as well as the date.
  21. https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html
  22. And did that research ever proceed to ivermectin being used as a treatment for pseudorabies? Most pharmaceutiicals that do well in vitro don't succeed in actual trials. So this is proof of nothing. It's the same kind of nonsense that claims that because ivermectin worked in vitro against the covid virus, albeit at much much higher concentrations that are normally administered to humans and other mammals, that is proof that it will work clinically. As for your not soliciting my comments...do you understand that this is an open forum? Do you understand what the means?
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