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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 8 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    There seem a great deal of effort for this government to centralize and control. For countries of similar sizes, Thailand is now the most centralized in the world. Power and funds are mostly centralized. Besides functioning poorly, centralization will likely to increase corruption as checks and balances are undermined by the huge task of monitoring the distribution of funds.  

    That is exactly what is going on, centralisation.

    That said, I have never heard that economy is indeed an exact science.

    For what this Dean declares, I dare to say there are many of his colleagues who will gladly and wholeheartedly declare the opposite.

    And, indeed, the possibilities for corruption and useless spending by decentralised government are much bigger.

    Getting back unused money is a good thing, more if the next year the budget remains the same or is even lower.

  2. On 5/4/2017 at 6:17 AM, johnnywishbone said:

    A fat and ugly man could possibly be a very nice person.
    Appearances can be surprising.
    and disappointing.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Especially from those that call themselves "fit".

    But are mostly a skeleton slightly covered with skin.

    And highly unpleasant against and about everyone not adhering to their standards.

  3. May one wonder who, and how much will be offered to find a Thai doing something like this.

    A Wai, maybe?


    No excuses, at all, for the stupid behaviour as shown in the video.

    But offering a reward to find the man seems to me an invitation for a round of farang bashing.

    May one wonder who is that good citizen?

    And the police?

    The police will be on the front of the troops, 5000 baht is nice amount of money, isn't it?

  4. 55 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    Sorry girls, spent the money on submarines.


    BTW -- Fairer allocation of government revenue is why PTP continue to win every election held and the old guard will always have to rely on coups!

    PTP "wins" every time because of the slight boons they give to the poor to get their votes while using that power to enrich themselves by every means available.

  5. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    2 hours on a tarmac is not unreasonable.   HKT is a busy airport. Once an international flight  has cleared the terminal it is a lengthy process to get it back and unloaded. It requires a gate and personnel. It also requires space in the terminal.  Jet Star is an ultra low cost carrier and   the customers buying its cheap fares must accept that  they will receive sevice that reflects the cheap air fares.

    What you write about low price service is plain rubbish.

    Leaving people in a stranded aircraft for two hours in tropical heat has nothing to do with "service" but might be construed as criminal negligence.

    Just imagine some passengers would have succumbed to the heat, I guess the company would have been open for negligence, at least.

    I really cannot understand there are people on this world defending the companies disregarding many safety precautions just for profit, or even worse, the well-being of passengers in unexpected situations.

    Like this one.


  6. 29 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Got to admire their balls for taking on the whole world.


    People will sacrifice much freedom for security (cf muslim women). Kim simply has to provide security (or the illusion of security) to secure the people's compliance. The west's constant threat-mongering is a (rather pathetic) attempt to make the people feel insecure and thereby undermine Kim. Kim is obliged to respond belligerently. It's expected.


    The west wants to obliterate the regime not because he is a threat, but because he doesn't comply with their ways. Therefore they keep pushing him until he is a threat. That's the game the west is playing.


    The N, Koreans are not suffering. They work hard and have a reasonably modern society. If they suffer it's because of the west's sanctions - the west is causing the suffering. Just leave them alone. They'll come around eventually.


    Where do you come from?

  7. 10 minutes ago, boooker said:

    I worked here in a Hospital for 20 years rarely seen when not zero at all that a treatment been refused....what does happend if coverage is declined then assessment of financial payment is being addressed to relatives and further if does not work out than it is transferred to a gov. Hospital because of high cost associated in a private sector.

    But this is a last resort private hospital direction they go...many 1000 had been treated and money annual lost because of coverage decline...

    High cost in the private sector?

    You mean bloated prices, unnecessary tests & all?

  8. 1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Attempts, such as this article, at downgrading the effects this blast had are pointless.

    This incident had a profound effect on the local people and the country.

    That such devastation could happen so easily...in front of security personnel...in the main area of town, shows the level of technical expertise that these terrorists are reaching.

    For over a decade, the military has been completely useless....the oft used term, "hightened security", has proven totally void of serious action time and again.

    Over 7000 deaths and still they bumble onwards....forever denying the real threat!

    Military useless?

    Against those muslim terrorists there is only one answer.

    And that answer can not be given, nowhere in the world, because of restrictions laid on the military by conventions that hinder combating terrorism.



  9. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    2026? Another 9 years before it is even possible to think about employing nurses as actual nurses. Further proof (as if any were needed), that this Government is hopelessly incapable of doing anything that is good for the people of this country. We will end up with loads of expensive military hardware, a Press that can't say anything and a populace downtrodden alongside a shambles of infrastructure. The sooner they are out of power the better.

    You have the misguided idea former governments did a better job?

    Well, dream on.

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