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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Agreed... For the majority of passengers the overwhelming issue is with the often lengthy immigration queues upon arrival and departure.


    Otherwise, Suvarnabhumi Airport is quite decent, food courts are ok, prices quite reasonable. Duty free while large is not too invasive as with other Airports, there's fast food, Pharmacies and some (but not a lot) of resting areas. 


    It does seem strange that a relatively new airport relies so heavily on 'bus gates' and those busses get hot. So, at least have some better Air-con tunnels to and from the Bus Gates.


    They could also improve the time it takes for regular passengers to wait for a Taxi. The Scamming taxi's is a Thailand issue, there is not much the Airport can do about that other than use the 'ticket' system and not allow Taxi's to return to the Airpot queue if a complaint has been made against them. 

    Taxi scamming is not a Thailand only issue.

    Taxi scamming happens all over the world.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

    I think it's a good thing but as others have said, this crackdown will likely go the same way as others have in the past


    I think the authorities see a little economic hardship as a small price to pay for ridding themselves of the scourge of cheap-ass, sex-starved deviants from abroad cruising their streets for sexual services and attracting ridicule from around the world.


    The girls can get jobs elsewhere or simply sell their wares online through FB, LINE or whatever.

    A lot of girls already do this and that's one reason why there are so many complaints about the standard of women heading downhill in these establishments. The hot girls already know the score - why dance all night for losers or risk being videoed  when you can put up a profile on social media or a messaging app and get the guy you actually fancy who's actually willing to pay you what you want???

    Low visibility, high conversion ratios and profits

    And much more chance to get or give something you really don't want to get or give.

  3. You obviously don't live in Nakhon whatever, do you?

    Well I don't live in Pattaya, simply because I don't like it there.


    You explained perfectly why you like Pattaya and why I don't like it.

    So I live in Nakhon whatever, because I like it there.

    Yes, between Thai people, eating Thai/Isan food mostly, and if I want to eat Western food I buy the ingredients and it will be prepared by the GF/wife or myself.

    You are happy in Pattaya, and I am happy in Nakhon whatever.



  4. 49 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    Phuket is full of Chinese right now, still doing the same tours to the Chinese-run shops and Chinese run restaurants accompanied by "illegal" Chinese tour guides. 


    But at the same time they're staying in Thai hotels and going on Thai boats to Phi Phi/James Bond Island etc bit they generally have one free day away from the usual schedules when local restaurants and the 7-Eleven do make some money out of them.


    In other words nothing seems to have changed since the so-called zero dollar tour crackdown.

    The Thai hotels you mention?

    I cannot escape the idea they are Chinese owned.

    Chinese companies hate to do business with non-Chinese companies.

    Minimise the "squeeze".

  5. 15 minutes ago, hobz said:

    They always find a way to blame farangs dont they 5555

    You might also, or instead, pose the question if the country would have been better off, in the long run, with external colonisation?

    That said, what about the countries in Asia that have been colonised?

    Any real difference with Thailand?

    I don't really know about, Laos, Birma, Cambodia or Vietnam.

    But from friends and relatives in Indonesia and the Phillipines, I more or less hear the same stories.

    The story about internal colonisation to stave off external colonisation seem to be right from the Grimm brothers.

  6. 18 hours ago, Ron19 said:

    Sounds more like the media beating this up than anything else.

    Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

    Yes, definitely.

    Like many press figures, papers and tv do nowadays.

    Bringing good, objective news has hugely deminished, or has disappeared.

    It's all about entertainment value, aka selling advertisements.

    The girl didn't really do anything special, see it all the time, even on tv.

    It isn't nice, vulgar even, but that's what people want, I guess.




  7. 14 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    Four million THB for a hatchback - not exactly 'affordable' for 99% of Thais?


    In less restricted car markets, potential customers will consider VW's and Hondas alongside a Mercedes, but here the three pointed star gets you instant respect, exemption from Police stops and the freedom to park where you like.



    I don't want to be seen in one.

    In Europe it is the preferred mode of transport for Turkish immigrants.

    While the rest of the drivers are criminally inclined drivers re traffic laws.

  8. On 6/11/2017 at 8:11 AM, darksidedog said:

    I think that is very reasonable actually. Many Muslims do not recognise Sharia law and they are the ones integrating into Western society nicely. It is the fringe lunatics, who want to live in the past with ancient and barbaric laws, and impose them on others against their will, who are the problem. America has its own laws. Muslims wanting to live there, need to accept them and renounce anything else. If they don't, they should leave.

    If an act of terror is committed in the name of Islam, the silence from the Muslim communities is hurting my ears.

    Even from the integrated muslims there comes no or just a token comment, mostly clad in social blahblah.

    The problem is, they come, don't want our freedoms, will try to introduce their medieval ideas, have no success, will get idiot, but don't go away!

  9. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Can I suggest before commenting, have a read of the report at the URL below:





    I followed your suggestion and read the whole thing, twice.

    My reaction to the report?


    Police forces all over the world have absolutely no real idea how many illegal weapons there are nor where they come from.

    Any finding of an illegal gun is broadly advertised, it seems, as a huge success for the force, while it is in fact a statement of weakness.


    The collecting of illegal weapons is very nice indeed.

    But it is only the law abiding group that will bring, mostly, old weapons in.

    Criminals will not!

    And believe me, terrorists or those inclined to terrorism will not bring in anything, while the followers of a certain religion will NOT rat on their brethren and sisters.

    Hence, those illegals and terrorists holding on to their arms, will be very happy indeed, even less reasons to worry about any resistance from unexpected sources.


    About the stash of arms in the picture, nearly all are "wood and steel" examples, probably older, hunting rifles, single shot small calibre, shotguns, but no or a few new semiautomatics or even automatics.

     The number of illegal weapons in Australia mentioned in the report vs the legal ones is hilarious.

  10. 4 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    All of these females are complicate in this murder, and I hope they all get several years in prison,

    including the so called innocent one who sold the cell phone. You do the crime together, you hang

    together, or at least face similar jail time together.  People who murder and get to live should be

    very restricted in who can visit them in prison. Family members only.



    And that only after the court decided.

  11. 2 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

    Almost no one dies from fire. Smoke is the big killer every time. Plastic cladding? Seriously? The smoke that comes of burning PVC is thick and extremely toxic.


    In Australia every building built above 25 metres from the ground must have sprinklers. How is this not the case in England?


    What a tragedy for those poor people that could so easy have been avoided with some logic.


    It is called profit making.

  12. 1 hour ago, jerojero said:

    They can say any excuse for these stupid purchases, including the subs. No body can oppose nor stop them. The essence of a military government. Tax dollars at work with zero return to the country its citizens. Pure b's waste of public money. Sad.

    I may presume you have the same complaints about your own government buying military hardware?

    Face reality, the existing hardware is nearly 50 years old and at the very end of its lifespan.

    That is really enough reason to buy replacements.

    Are they needed?

    The international relations say yes.


  13. On 12/26/2016 at 3:27 PM, dbrenn said:

    'Rich guys in, poor guys out' does seem to be the general drift of all the recent rule changes 

    And then forgetting that even "poor guys" bring into the country an average of 50,000 baht a month.

    I can not escape the idea, say 250,000 guys bringing in an average of 50,000 baht every month, not to mention the investment in housing and means of transport,  is quite a boon to the economy.

    A much bigger boon as what the relatively few elite card holders bring in.


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