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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 20 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    As Trump slowly implodes to being a dufus,  European leaders like Merkel and Macron are gaining stature as leaders of the western world, specifically of Europe and N.America.  Honorable mention is also due to Trudeau, while the UK slips into the quagmire of having to implement Brexit.

    The EU, contrary to your beliefs, is in decline. The anti-EU feelings in most countries in Europe is growing while the anti-EU parties are growing, not declining.

    See the results of the UK elections, the UKIP was third in number of votes, in The Netherlands the PVV got more seats in Parliament, in France Macron only won because of support from the other parties, in Austria and Italy anti EU parties are growing.

    The political parties of old are loosing ground but present the loss of seats n Parliaments as winning.

    Me, for one, I am very unhappy about the unholy union of forces by France and Germany.

    It does not bode well for democracy in Europe.

  2. 58 minutes ago, trogers said:

    It is unlawful intervention on another's sovereignty, and in the same breath, we will double the size of our military base there...

    There is not real love between Arabs and Turks, and there will never be.

    And let us not forget the unhealthy wishes of Mr Erdogan and his countrymen for a Greater Turkey.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    Using Section 44 to "protect public's interests"


    Let us remind the anti-democrats, so driven by (crocodile) tears over “corruption,” that you do get exactly what you whistled for.


    … Of the total nine laws that will be sidestepped, seven were promulgated to ensure transparency and fairness in state procurement and two others involve the employment of foreigners in the project.


    … The invocation of Section 44 prompts some people to compare the [General] Prayut[h Chan-ocha] project to the one proposed by the Yingluck Shinawatra administration.


    Like it or not, it’s obvious the project proposed under the Yingluck government, which encompassed the same 256-kilometre route, seemed far better in terms of efficiency and transparency.


    The Yingluck version, as handled by former transport minister Chadchart Sittipunt, would have cost 140 billion baht, against [G]en Prayut’s 179 billion. Under the Yingluck administration, the rail track was included in a mega-infrastructure development package and proposed to parliament for consideration….


    The difference between the train project of this government and that of Yingluck’s is that the previous administration’s project was open to all legal examination mechanisms and underwent international bidding, which would provide the country with the best offer.


    You get what you whistle for: a military dictatorship that is opaque, repressive and corrupt.


    You mean the Shinawatra government was nothing if the kind?

  4. 7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Someone call the Chinese quick!!!  The Navy's going to placing an order soon for new airplanes...


    Along with the Chinese submarines, Chinese armored personnel carriers, Chinese tanks, and who knows what else...

    Yes, because western material is much more expensive.

    However, Chinese material, can it be trusted?

  5. 9 hours ago, Bastos60 said:

    Might want to use google and find what Thai people originate from. 

    Yes, how very true.

    But, mind, not only Chinese lived and live in China.


    The whole thing is that Thailand don't need high speed rail.

    It will kill the investment made on the existing railways and it will never make a profit.

    Two competing rail systems on the same routes?

    And getting the Chinese rail in will mean a huge loss for Thailand.

  6. 2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    If the locals knew anything about high speed trains they would not need the Chinese would they? except the money to pay for it.

    The knowledge about building a high speed line is freely available.

    There are companies and engineers with this knowledge in Thailand.


    Building the rolling stock is quite another matter.

    He knowledge about that was freely available to the Chinese copycats.


    Thousands of jobs will be unavailable for Thai people, because the Chinese will take them.

    It is all long term thinking aimed at keeping control.

  7. 2 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    Does any of this actually affect you? Just a bit interested in your rants. I actually live here,

    I have zero input to what is going on and it does not impact me in any way. Nor my neighbours,

    nor my village nor the province. 

    I hope you do not live here, your posts are so ridiculous to any resident here.

     Unless you live in a bar at Pattaya, they are very insightful.

    I do agree with you.

    I really don't see or hear people hating the military.

    The police, however, is another matter.

    The only rants against the government I read here on TV, mostly from people coming from countries in the west where democracy has been degraded to a voting circus with no real influence at all.


  8. 4 hours ago, Seismic said:

    Pattaya can never be a family friendly resort as long as there is so little parking, polluted beaches and water, terrible traffic, flooding , constant road works, scams and rip-offs. While they are trying to paper over the 'farang visited' bars, they dont seem to have done much about the numerous karaoke and thai bars that also feature prostitution.

    But, but, there is no prostitution in Thailand!


  9. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What is it with politicians and government officials that makes them want to use/abuse children?

    Sick barstewards, any man who touches underage girls should be castrated.

    Pray, tell me, what you think is underage?

    16, 18, 21, 23?

    If you choose 18, then 17 years and 364 days is underage, one day later, no problem.

    I am not defending this, mind you!

    But things are not black and white only.

    It is a grey scale.


  10. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:


    No.. if said golfer was wearing hot pants and is endowed with a delightfully

    voluptuous bosoms and friskily posing with a putter in a seductive pose, she too, would be in every national



    Very vulgar, posing with a putter wearing hot pants.

    Or was she wearing hotpants?


  11. 4 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:


    Rather aptly named, that.



    Let us not forget the dirty games from the Dutch prosecutors office.

    There was no case to be made against him in his own country, the Thai authorities were contacted, envelopes were asked but not given.

    No shred of evidence of money laundering, but there he went.

    Shameful business of the Dutch justice department.

    Ally theory of course!!!!!!!

  12. 4 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Sorry dear but the general doesn't give a damn about you or your family.  I think he would prefer that you were selling yourself in a Pattaya brothel than singing.  


    It is just that the rich, never mind where, don't give s**t about the poor.

    Or anyone else, in fact.


    Before all the noise about her I looked her up on YouTube.

    Well, she moves, she makes sounds, but, is it nice?

    Matter of taste, I guess.

    For me it is a little on the vulgar side, but as long people like it, no problem.

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