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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 18 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

    Why is it so busy?

    - understaffing

    - no charges

    - no system with GPs doing a first assessment

    - low education level of population so they go to the hospital for everything (hickups, common cold, sneezing)

    The GP's, contrary to what you seemingly imply, are part of the system in the hospital.

    The first doctor you will see, probably will be a GP.

    However, in many places the GP is disappearing from the bigger hospitals and appearing in smaller clinics while patients are actively sent there.

    If necessary the local GP will send you to specialist's care in the big hospital.

    In Khon Kaen the number of waiting patients+ are getting less.

    Me, for small things I will go to the local clinic.


  2. 1 hour ago, seajae said:

    they denied killing the kids etc too even though they cheered and clapped when it was announced on the stage, reds are beyond help like the yellows but he reds have a lot more violence in them. Both groups should be declared illegal, they are the ones that cause all the violence and problems, beefing up the firearms regs would help too, bit too easy for people to get weapons etc here

    Please explain to me how beefing up firearms registration might do something, at all, for illegal, repeat illegal, weaponry?

  3. 14 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    yikes.  Most cities in the world have some sort of "protection" rackets run by the local mafia or sometimes police, but officials on top of officials on top of officials?  Goodness.  what a parasitic society.  When did Thailand get so lazy such that they need to harass the working force and individual business owners so much?

    Squeeze, sir, is the accepted business practice in a certain Asian country and with its landsman.

  4. 19 hours ago, impulse said:


    Good chance there's not much left over after all that, plus rent and normal OPEX.


    OTOH, there's this:


    taking bribes from business operators at Ao Nang beach of Krabi province in return for not fully enforcing the law on them


    Leading me to wonder if legal businesses that aren't breaking the law are getting hit, or is it just the ones selling knockoffs, hiring illegals, or whatever other laws they're violating?


    What do you think?

  5. 16 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    There has always been unjustified violence against women; as far back as I can remember. But I believe the social media and Internet have escalated rapes, abuse and bad attitudes against women in general.

    Nowadays with the Internet, porn has been given easy access to all, even children, that can gain access to the most perverted, sickest material within seconds. A lot of it gives the semblance that all women are basically sluts, enjoy being dominated, enjoy having violence perpetrated against them, enjoy being sexually abused and raped.

    Here’s the problem; young people that watch online porn, many do and can become heavily influenced and addicted to it just like some become addicted to facebook whereas it becomes a part of the mainstream of their lives, will actually start to believe that women as depicted in porn videos really are like this and that it’s acceptable to violate them because those are genuine female traits. This can affect people’s behaviours towards women, having been influenced and manipulated online considering men should always play a dominating role towards women, have power over them that in many cases involves violent abuse.

     Here’s another example; here in Thailand the people love their TV Thai soap operas. They are of similar styles to the American TV series Dallas and Dynasty, whereas all the people are rich and powerful, live in huge mansions and drive about in Mercedes. In those shows the gays are always portrayed as fun joke characters and the women always have to be subservient to the men. Quite often the men have more than one woman on the go and the whole plot revolves around the women fighting over who gets the man. Rape is acceptable in those shows although discretely done the audience knows what’s going on behind the room’s closed doors.

    I am not saying that the Internet is entirely to blame. But it should still be taken into account that the Internet plays a big part in this problem. I wonder; when will people sit up and listen and admit the worldwide media (Internet) has created a huge social problem within societies? How far should society push the limits of acceptability before it’s said; enough is enough, it must stop now?

    Quite so.

    But the thing is, it was there already, all of it.

    But now it is more visible.

    Repression is not the answer.

    Education is.

  6. 3 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

    A Thai recently told me the way things are going you are going to have to look at the ground when you walk around so you don't get someone wanting to kill you.

    Such a sad indictment of what is a beautiful country

    Maybe some blame can be laid on the doorstep of the everlasting violent soaps on the tv.

     Coupled to the general disregard for the sanctity of life, it figures the combination of both doesn't bode well for the future.

    I think.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Ossy said:

    I wonder if, when he gets home in an evening, he asks his Mrs, "Tell me, darling . . . how is it possible for me to have become so hated, recently . . . and by nearly everyone, too? . . . That's what I can't understand. What do you think, darling?"


    "There, there dear . . . just get stuck into those . . . they're those specially tasty frogs . . . like the one you kissed for the camera, the other week . . . remember, that time, when you were trying to show your 'human' side. And don't go spilling gravy down that nice white jacket . . . you look almost regal in that!"

    at his regal best.jpg

    I dare say he looks better, much better, as you do.

  8. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    If the comments above were made by a 'Red' politician, they might not be published or at least there would be a reply included which might even threaten to delay the election.


    But, having a Dem politician speak, especially a senior one, is okay.


    I cannot figure out if the military is going to try to co-opt the Dems into supporting them post-election, and/or if the Dems would be foolish enough to do so. Or perhaps this is just a case of old habits die hard...


    You don't read very much, do you?

  9. 16 hours ago, tifino said:


    Hope he gets Life...


    ... by that, I mean to send him straight to prison hospital bed!


    sounds great eh!! and so caring...




    yeah! -  but;  strap him up for immediate application of Terminal palliative treatment...


    doped with morphine, such that he can't eat, nor drink, nor blink, nor be able to speak to complain... and feel his own life be drained away into tomorrow's crocodile poo pit



    Any idea what cancer and pain can do to your mind?

    Might that be the reason he lost his sense of right and wrong?

    What he did was very wrong, but the reactions I read give me the idea you also might have a lot of pain seen the medieval level of idiotism.

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