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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. On 16/08/2017 at 4:38 PM, YetAnother said:

    another in a long line; the current ultra-conservatism is playing out just as many of us predicted; more to come; the core reason i hope for another form of govt here

    I really don't see any difference  between the last two years and the ten before.

    And hoping for another form of government will not bring any difference in this conservatism.

    It's all about face.

    If you don't see it, it surely isn't there, it is deniable.

    If it is visible, you cannot deny it is there, so loss of face.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kerryd said:


    Actually we are at the end of the rainy season, which generally goes from May/June to October, give or take a couple weeks.


    But if Thailand really wants to do something about the water problem, upstream millions of trees need to be planted to hold the water, the river bed flowing through Thailand into Bangkok need to be widened upstream, huge overflow areas must be designate upstream, the river in Bangkok must be widened and dikes need to be built, literally, to hold the river in check, and the whole of greater Bangkok must become a polder, enclosed by dikes.

    Huge pumping stations must be installed to keep Bangkok dry, but not to dry to stop the ground subsiding.

    That's what has been done in the Netherlands.

    And a big part of that country is below sea level....

  3. 5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    This is one of the stupidest policy decisions that I have ever seen.


    There is a legitimate disagreement regarding the deal; I think it was worth doing but I also understand those who did not think it was a good idea. However, once the deal was done, it simply does not make sense to discard it. Most of the benefits to Iran have already been achieved and most of the restrictions are still to come; why would the US cancel now?


    I can only assume that Trump has done this for no other reason than it was negotiated by Obama, and Trump cannot handle the fact that Obama did some good. The US had certified the deal twice already and the senior national security staff all agreed that this action makes no sense; what is it that Trump knows that everyone else does not know? And why would anyone (North Korea especially) negotiate a deal with Trump if they know he won't stick to it?


    Stupid stupid stupid.


    I have said it before and (unfortunately) need to say it again;


    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


    God help us all


    Obama did nothing good about the Iran deal.  Although the "watchdogs" think all is well, reports indicate Iran is secretly going on trying to buy nuclear technology.  And going on enriching in secret places where the watchdogs are not allowed to inspect.  In fact the deal made the world a more dangerous place.  Much more so.

    Since the deal, the connections between Iran and NK have been intensified to levels never seen before.  I presume those levels are not cultural exchange... Better lay the blame of the troubles with NK and Iran where they belong, the Obama period.  Better to accept that period has ended, now to repair the damage.  If possible.



  4. 17 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    that's 3, now recently. gun related. guy got shot in a bar, guy blasts his brother in law and now this, and the government are banning us from having guns. need to look on their own doorstep, major problem with guns in this country now and AK 47 ? someone with money to burn

    If authorities try to do something about illegal possession and use of illegal guns they realise that there is no way they can do anything about illegal guns.

    Something cosmetic must be done, so the easiest step is taking away the guns from a group that have no way to protest this unfair treatment and are powerless anyway.

  5. 4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Yet ANOTHER unstable Thai male in a relationship. A soldier too !

    <deleted> like this are trusted to run this country ! 

    I do think lowly soldiers, NCO's and lower grade officers are in no position whatsoever to really run anything.

    Although I am not a coup admirer, I can't escape the idea most, if not all, politico's are unsuitable to run a country, province or town.

  6. Again, the government stands at the front of foreigner bashing.

    There is absolutely no control whatsoever over illegal possession and use of firearms.

    It is not certain at all if legally owned guns are used in criminal or threatening acts.

    And of course, foreigner owned firearms are only a very small part of legal gun possession.

    So in it's infinite wisdom, the government attacks the tiny legal ownership of guns by foreigners, in the farang bashing mode, so to say.

    And will do and can't do anything about illegal guns.

    My compliments, government.


  7. 1 hour ago, tonray said:

    Pence is an even bigger phony than Trump. At least Trump does not hide behind self-righteous religious ideology. If Pence had any real principles he would not lied time and again to cover Trump's own lies. Another poser who wears a nice suit but has no real core....can't wait to get rid of both of these parasites, sucking the life out of American democracy

    I am afraid you really don't see it, do you.

    It were the last eight years damaging democracy, inside and outside the US.

    And making the world a much more dangerous place.

  8. 8 minutes ago, tomster said:

    There is a law in place that covers this situation?

    I seriously doubt that but then most of the bars are breaking a heap of other laws so they will just do you for that I guess...

    No, probably no law is in place.

    Just the edict of the police, acting as police, prosecutors, jurors and executioner's.

    But of course, sane operators have a good idea what must be done.

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