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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Yes, the vape discharge can and will make some people ill. These people will be located within the 3 adjacent rows of seats. This is the same distance as is used for alerting people who have been exposed to a respiratory infection, because this is the distance when there is an obvious risk of exposure. Yes, passengers who do not wear seatbelts on an aircraft present a risk to others. These are the people who get tossed around whenm something goes wrong. The often end up falling on others, injuring them. They also sustain injuries and then cry about it.
  2. Perhaps if they had been from Israel, Lammy would be beside himself with anger and milions in the UK would be on the streets demanding their collective punishment. The worst part of this affair is that it is still going on and absolutely no one in the UK wants to deal with the big picture, not even Farage and Reform.
  3. I was going to suggest Tops. Saw some lovely, packaged loins yesterday. I also found decaffeinated coffee for brewing (Hallaleujah) as I had run out.
  4. Defeated by his own delaying strategy and by the original SCOTUS ruling itself. Even the 2 biased justices could not help him.
  5. To the attention of General Blowhard: The OP article mentioned an APC. The IDF has fitted its at risk Bradley class vehicles with the design. Many years ago it was reported that The Israeli Military Industries has developed a set of new armor protection components comprised of a high-explosive reactive armor and a composite structure of armored steel, rubber and ballistic ceramics. It has used smaller systems on other at risk vehicle classes. This approach has been used by other militaries. The primary use is for tanks, but multiple vehicles had adapted versions for designated purposes. However, the use of this type of armor will be obsolete as the new armor technology is fully deployed. Since you are a self appointed military procurement expert you will be aware that the US military awarded BAE a full-rate production contract in August 2023 to continue manufacturing the AMPV Family of Vehicles (FoV) at a high and sustained rate. The AMPV FOV consists of five, multi-mission variants including the General Purpose, Mortar Carrier, Mission Command, Medical Treatment and Medical Evacuation vehicles. The new armor surpasses the survivability of HERA.
  6. Truly one of the most idiotic demands of the past week. Do you really believe that Canadians are going to export water to the USA after Trump's threats and bullying? When he imposes 25% tariffs, the only thing Canadians will send him is their piss. There is no support for the export of water from canada to the USA, particularly since western Canada is experiencing a drought in several regions. There is not enough water in southern Canada to satisfy US demand. The Americans should learn to conserve water and not waste it. Ask North Dakota to channel its polluted Devils Lake filthy water to the USA instead of dumping it into the Canadian red River system and causing catastrophic flooding in Manitoba. Anyone who thinks they are going to get water from Canada is going to get a backside of buckshot from an angry Canadian farmer or rancher, and yes they have firearms in Canada.
  7. One of the best state educational systems in the USA One of the best health care systems in the USA Some of the best social services in the USA Some of the best municipal services in the USA Sure, California could cut taxes, but then it would be like Louisiana or Mississippi with high rates of illiteracy, low wages, poor education, high infant mortality and reduced life spans.
  8. He didn't demolish dams. There hasn't been anything done by the state in years. 4 dams were removed because they were illegal and encroached on native sovereign land and negatively impacted the people who lived on the land. Ever hear of the rule of law? The state was at the losing end because they lost the court cases. Most of the dams removed over the past 20 years were at the end of their useful lives and were not used for water storage. They often were 1-4 feet in height. Some were removed because they were at risk of collapse and had already been replaced in other areas. Only a handful were used for water storage and that was specific to vineyards, or manufacturing use. These dams prevented others from free access to the water. You can only have a number of dams on a river before you turn it into a dead zone. You do know that people sued to prevent that don't you? California has more than enough dams. Agriculture, and recreational use are the two largest consumers of the water. You go tell the powerful farm lobby not to grow almons and see what they do.
  9. Get back to us when you have the engineering worked out and have a mitigation plan in place to address the contamination and destruction of the land that will result when it is soaked with salt water. Perhaps if you had a basic education you would understand this. Salting land destroys the local ecosystem, causes building problems, pollutes the water table and corrodes infrastructure, but sure go right ahead with your brilliant plan.
  10. The fire hydrants were not dry. They delivered water as intended. Go back and take a basic physics course. You cannot maintain water pressure if all the hydrants are in use and the size of teh pipes limits the amount of water that can be transported.
  11. Trump should not be spreading false information and blaming a state governor something the governor has no control over. Trump should look to Governor DeSantis for a lesson in leadership and civics.
  12. What? No one is to blame, other than the population of California for building in high risk zones. And what happens when a state tries to block land development? Cries of socialist meddling. How would you have built a water delivery system that would supply water that could extinguish hundreds of buildings burning at once under gale force winds? There isn't a city in the world that has that capability. Even cities built on waterways don't have the ability to pump the amounts of water needed to supress this kind of conflaguration. People want to blame someone, anyone for thei rown poor choices. People have been told for decades that building on steep slopes in earthquake zones isn't a good idea. They are told not to build in flood zones and in hurricane zones, but they do. When governments try to enact building codes that do not allow ceder shake and shingle rooves or high flammable decorative vegetation, people claim that their property rights are being infringed. When people are told to remove scrub bush, they protest. There is just so much a government can do, or should do.
  13. Mr. trump is taking cheap shots at a political adversary. The correct action would have been to offer support for the victims of the catastrophe and to try and be positive. It is what every President has done for 150+ years. Making false claims does not help anyone. People at some point will tire of this. Governor De Santis showed class when he offered moral support to Californians. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) offered assistance to California on Wednesday as the state grapples with severe wildfires in the greater Los Angeles area. “Our prayers are with everyone affected by the horrific fires in Southern California,” DeSantis said in a post on social platform X. “When disaster strikes, we must come together to help our fellow Americans in any way we can.” “The state of Florida has offered help to assist the people of California in responding to these fires and in rebuilding communities that have been devastated,” he wrote. DeSantis and Newsom have a rivalry going back to the coronavirus pandemic, yet DeSantis put his country before politics. That's the right thing to do.
  14. A small number of people have moved elsewhere. For such a failed stated, it seems to have the largest GDP in the USA and contributes 14%+ of the US GDP. For some strange reason, Republican states. don't have the same contribution. Maybe it is because they are filled with people, MAGA stalwarts Laura Loomer , Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr. call "retards".
  15. The Governor has not failed. He didn't create the Santa Anna winds. Nor is he responsible for a multi year drought. No amount of money spent could have stopped this tragedy.
  16. Might be the best thing for Thailand if the Chinese pause their visits. China is in the middle of multiple respiratory illness epidemics that include Covid, seasonal influenza, hMPV, RSV and a potentially unknown virus. The last thing Thailand needs is the Chinese to bring in their infections.
  17. Instead of looking for a convenient excuse, for someone to blame, listen to what he said. It was logical. The water system is not built for this type of event. It would have been imnpossible to have a water supply system that would respond as it would have required a water reservoir on every block with pumping infrastructure. Where would you get the. billions of $$ to pay for that when the lcoals are already compaining about tax levels. Yes, the local CalFire chiefs are going to have to come up with a plan to supplement the water supply. The Governor is not an engineer, nor is he a trained fire suppression professional. The fire department will tell the state what it needs and how they think they can solve the problem. This is called letting people do their job without getting in the way. The California fires are a human tragedy. Pointing your finger and trying to score political points serves no purpose.
  18. For reference sake; Passengers who opt to use the biometric system at Thailand airports can register themselves at the check-in through these two methods: Self-check-in kiosks: Passengers can select a kiosk to check-in. After using the machine in the kiosk, they can select their airline, choose the ‘Enrollment’ option, and scan the boarding pass barcode. Next, they must insert a passport or ID card and finish the process with a facial scan. The system stores the facial scan and other data as a Token. Check-in at counters: Passengers opting to check in via airport counters at these Thailand airports can request airline staff to register their facial data via the CUTE boarding pass reader. The reader can securely capture information related to facial scans and travel documents as a Token within the system. Once enrolled, the passengers’ facial biometrics are securely stored, eliminating the need for repeated identity checks throughout their journey. This means faster and smoother passage through baggage drop, security checkpoints, and boarding gates. However, passengers will have to repeat the process for their next journey. Source: Travel & Leisure Magazine
  19. Most modernized armoured units, including the Russians use Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA).
  20. Oh come on. This isn't a Hardy Boys adventure story.
  21. I sympathize and understand, but it is time to move on. Focus on the big picture, the midterms in 2 years. Focus on addressing the reasons why voters moved to Trump. There is nothing you can do to reverse the undemocratic actions of trump. You can however vote. You can legally resist. If you are opposed to trump and his enablers, concentrate on taking back the House and Senate in 2 years so that Trump will be held in check and impeached if need be,
  22. Not to worry. The defenders of Hamas will be along to remind us all that Hamas are freedom fighters and that the Thais are guests doing their part against colonial aggressors.
  23. Same applies to de Niro. The difference though is that the child will inherit a sizeable fortune and will have an extended family who will be able to support the child. De Niro has 6 other kids some of whom are parents themselves and are available to help raise the child, if the mother needs assistance. In the case of the typical elderly farang in Pattaya, they do not have the wealth of a De Niro, nor the immediate local educated family members who can assist. Most of the elderly farangs who father kids do so with local prostitutes, so the child already is starting out disadvantaged.
  24. The budget change reflects the funds available in a state that had an increased deficit. The reality though is that the Governor did present a budget for 2023-24 that included a total of $4 billion from various funds to support CalFire, including $2.9 billion from the General Fund. This was an increase of about $150 million (roughly 4 percent) compared to the estimated expenditure level for 2022-23. Funding had been significantly increased over the years and the small budget adjustment has to be considered within that context. Because one line entry of the state budget reduced an allocation, does not mean that the state was imperiled. Please refer to how the billions were spent. The 2024-2025 budget just spreads some of the spending over 5 years instead of 4. https://wildfiretaskforce.org/governor-newsom-introduces-2024-2025-budget/ The state has a $38 billion deficit. Savings have to be spread across the budget. Unfortunately, California has to care for a lot of homeless and mentally ill people who are from out of state. These people flock to California because services are not available in their home states. The easiest solution would be to deport the hundreds of thousands of people back to Alabama, Mississippi. Idaho etc. or to ask their home states to provide the hundreds of millions of $$ it takes to. care for them. Additional reservoirs would not have helped. The south has a long term drought so that means there is reduced water available to fill any reservoirs. The fact is that the firefighters have more than enough water to supply their vehicles. The hydrants in the Palisades fire had a shortfall because all of the hydrants were open and the water pressure combined with the available water piping and supply lines could not service the demand. It wasn't because the total available water supply ran out. This fact has not been reported by FOX and others because it is an inconvenient truth.
  25. More lies and dishonesty from Trump. Maintaining an aquatic ecosystem was also about replenishing the aquifer and responding to the demands of homeowners and recreational uses. The water was being used to meet the basic needs of citizens. NYPost offered its biased interpretation. You left out the most ignorant part of the article; Trump has long supported diverting supply from California’s main water hub, the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, to farmers who have sturggled with repeated droughts. The farmers have wasted the water on crops unsuitable for the region. They have been told for decades that the crops need to be changed to vegetation appropriate for drought prone regions. The agricultural corporations have fought against that and instead want water diverted from millions of residents to support their profit making enterprises.P hey refuse to cover water routes which see large amounts of the water lost to evaporation. The large companies profits benefit large multinationals and not the millions of people who live in California.
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