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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. Registered as the foreigner staying at my wife's house, used her ID and Tabianban in the documents section, never been registered for on-line before, approved no problems. Assuming existing TM30 is still valid, will find out soon as 90 Day is due 22nd (i.e. could be now as using online submission). Edit - Submitted 90 Day online, application accepted online and acknowledgement by e-mail received no comment now waiting for approval. PS even though having been receiving 90 Day e-mails for about 3 years now reminder was placed in junk folder by Outlook, never happened to 90 day before.
  2. Must have been constructed in the Twilight Zone and transported there. As it appears that nobody saw the construction happening.
  3. Have been here for 18 years and have not been required to provide a medical certificate when obtaining a repeat extension based on retirement, I did have to provide one when I was moved from marriage to retirement, and when on Non-B. Maybe it's a Samui only requirement, I've never dealt with them.
  4. Think you missed the point, US, UK and Aus citizens just need to prove foreign money deposit, no need for an Embassy letter (because they can't get one). A number of Norwegians have been working this way also, the ruling now is that they need to provide an embassy letter of income not just bank deposits to comply.
  5. The longer they can keep you in the more chance of being able to part you from some Baht.
  6. Doesn't look like light in the photo, and don't tell me the beach has gone on holiday again, just when I was thinking of a holiday myself.
  7. Did that exactly as stated, of course you need all the appropriate paperwork for your retirement extension, the IO asked me to write a letter there and then to explain why I wanted to retire here (don't know if standard or not), simple for me the contract with the school is terminating and wish to remain in Thailand to be with my family. All done on the day, it maybe helped that one of the schools owners was with me all the time to present the required papers from their perspective.
  8. Where did the requirement for a tax declaration for immigration come from, or is it just your supposition.
  9. PM Advocates for Strengthening Gun Laws All that does is make it harder for those that follow the laws and other rules. Will not effect in any way individuals with illegally held weapons, until they've done something to get caught, by then it's too late.
  10. If they did them the same way as the replacement poles along my village street, I'm not surprised if the fell down. First they dug a hole next to the existing pole, then they put a concrete plug in the bottom of the hole, 2 days later dropped the pole in place and started wiring up, afterwards they came along removed the existing pole and poured concrete to form a substantial base. By this time the pole was leaning off vertical, luckily along the Soi and not towards the house.
  11. They will assume current income, it will be up to you to prove otherwise, standard practice I thought in Revenue departments. If you could prove the equivalent of 800k Baht in your foreign bank accounts at the end of Dec no need you are moving over savings not current income.
  12. If your from the UK and if my reading of the UK DTA and it's associated Digest is correct, I would have to say yes to that, but a lot of things could happen by then.
  13. Sorry, thinking on my position, where the only account I have in the UK is non-interest bearing
  14. Have you read many DTA's, because the UK agreement is written to allow tax to be collected by Thailand, and then claimed back if allowable, as State and Private Pension are not addressed specifically in the DTA it is doubtful IMHO if any claim would be upheld by HMRC.
  15. If you had a bank balance of say $15,000 on 29th December and you transferred $16,000 during the Thai Tax Year, I would assume the extra $1,000 would be all they could tax. As far as understanding local tax regs, all they need to understand is the DTA's for 61 countries, the others they can make up as they go (as per norm for Thai Gov Depts).
  16. That could be a breach of a double taxation agreement, you seem to think the US agreement applies to everybody.
  17. I bought a number of pieces of cooked chicken from a food stall, the price was worked out using a calculator I couldn't see (not sure if it was right but it was in the expected ballpark), as was the change to be given. The change was counted out from a bag onto the counter, not quite out my sight, then 3 twenty baht notes were moved to one side and the remainder given to me, when I challenged her about the change not being correct the 3 twenties were recovered and handed to me. I don't mind paying a few baht extra, but that was attempted theft in my book.
  18. Only works if you have an address in your home country, Wise will not issue a card to anybody with a Thai address (and I'm one of them)
  19. Meanwhile those that cannot get embassy letters and rely on the deposited amount of foreign funds for their annual extensions of stay are coming up short as far as Immigration are concerned.
  20. Some have no choice as UK banks are clamping down/closing accounts of people who are not resident in the UK and have been doing so for a while now, and to open another is next to/if not actually impossible without proof of UK residence.
  21. The taxation point in Thailand is pretty low, and is dependent on spouse or not, children or not, etc.. If the banks withhold a temporary tax (like bank accounts) as you suggest, it would have to appear as a separate entry for Immigration purposes for those on the non-Embassy income letter route (US, UK and Aus), but yes it may be a way to make all submit tax returns or B. Off.
  22. To an extent, provided it is earned legally, they don't give damn where it comes from they want to assess it for potential tax when you bring it into the country, note assess not necessarily tax it. How would they know - it's quite simple the banks will be required to notify the Thai Tax Office when money from foreign sources arrive and whose account they are credited to.
  23. Not always, where I am (only 9km from a large town & 35km from the Provincial capital) post from Thailand to Thailand can take months, still waiting for an insurance bill reminder from June this year, managed to pay it without but bank wasn't happy.
  24. Nope [email protected] for example, the other e-mail classified as junk was a derivative of this but I no longer have it
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