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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. like your postman admirer or was he a she
  2. going up, next floor ................
  3. probably released already and organising his next evacuation to friendlier climate.
  4. Wise always issue the money in THB, therefore getting a Credit Advice from the receiving bank should not be any different.
  5. 1 day as apposed to 1 minute is not a problem. Just trawled through the bank books all the exceptions to FTT are for sums in the 30K range. A previous poster in this topic stated that my Immigration office will not accept anything other than 800k in the bank for a retirement extension, not sure where to go now with this except maybe a visit to Immigration.
  6. I think I remember of somebody that said he had approached Wise to do this and was informed that even though they could mark your account there was no guarantee that Wise wouldn't use an intermediary bank.
  7. Have heard before about the combo method, but first I've heard about not accepting income route. TM30 will have to ensure I only stay in places that don't report your arrival.
  8. Good plan, I just hope my Bangkok Bank branch is up to the job and that my Immigration will accept the advices printed off e-mail and not insist on bank issued notes showing the Bank stamp.
  9. Sounds like a certain country starting with Th and finishing in ailand
  10. Am considering moving from money in the bank to monthly income, am concerned about proving the foreign funding of same. Many times I have sent over funds to Bangkok Bank using Wise, using the pulldown menu to indicate "Long Term Stay", about half the time it does not show as FTT, the last time it was identified as TRD (Transfer from other account). I believe to satisfy Immigration I would need to utilize the following steps 1. If book (and hence statement) shows FTT no further action required 2. If no FTT, then I need to get a Credit Advice note from Bangkok Bank 2A. If shows on the Credit Advice as FTT no further action required 2B. If shows comes from a different Thai bank, then I would need to approach that bank for a Credit Advice, then follow steps 2A and 2B, again as often as necessary. Is this about right?
  11. Thinks it's probably due the differences between English-English and American-English, not heard it referred to as counterclockwise often before, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ACW may refer to: Military American Civil War Air Control Wing, e.g.: 116th Air Control Wing 461st Air Control Wing 552d Air Control Wing Other Acorn Cambridge Workstation, a microcomputer Ancient Christian Writers, a book series Anticlockwise Arts Council of Wales Ashfield–Colborne–Wawanosh, a municipality in Ontario, Canada
  12. Of course they'll respect the law, those that wish too anyway, after it has been amended to suit their "religious" beliefs and teachings. Like do not kill, unless it's a non-believer then it's OK.
  13. Bad boy, spending money on somebody other than MP's and Senators.
  14. Was that not one of Gen Prayut's early day catchphrases, no new thoughts from the old parties then.
  15. In UK it exists now, even if you live in Thailand all year round and only have a Thai address and are classed as "Normally Resident" in Thailand, all income generated in the UK (includes pensions) are subject to UK taxes. Know a few who hold both Irish (Eire) and UK passports and have done for years, don't know if UK or EU taxes are more beneficial to them.
  16. ACW - Anti-Clock Wise Yes - one might be better depending where on Sukhumvit you need to go.
  17. Walk is the cheapest, I mean just to the BTS (I do it to stretch the legs and get them working after 7 hours in the bus), you can either walk through the park(s) or round the outside ACW. From there you have a choice of Skytrain or the Subway.
  18. So if he was found innocent.....would that mean they could try him again on his return. Arrest warrants are issued for wanted people not only for fleeing people. If only for fleeing people, why hasn't the Red Bull heir returned and had his arrest warrant cancelled as well. Thaksin's case is in the political arena that's why he is being treated differently.
  19. I suppose you can do better, how many years overstay are you on now?
  20. So despite having arrest warrants issued against him, he is not to be detained.
  21. Don't remember the actual medicine involved, the storage instructions were not above 25 Dec C and definitely not in a fridge, unless you are prepared to run A/C permanently your stuck with one or the other.
  22. Ah! But whose watching the watchers? There's always some in conspiracy theories.
  23. for how long? until staff turn-around move the bank person elsewhere, can't believe it is bank policy.
  24. correct, just go faster to give the train less chance to hit you
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