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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. You try arguing that with them when they say they want, this started prior to the TM30 enforcement.
  2. I have, a few years ago now. 3 of them in uniform with side arms and wearing what might have been a stab vest. They came out of a hotel as I was walking by the front. Stopped me and demanded my passport, I handed over the laminated copy I always carry (face page and latest extension), they didn't want to know, informed me I must carry my passport at all times and asked where I lived, told them and said it's only 5 minutes away and offered my DL and Pink Card as proof of address. Response was a little grumpy saying they mean nothing to Immigration, funny as the office at extension time wants a copy of the pink card and the yellow book and a map of the house location.
  3. Lloyds do, I've got one. No problems for years but are asking for a Tax ID and Tax Residency Certificate on my last few paper monthly statements, in saying that haven't received one since November last.
  4. Tried that and failed 2, private pension companies refused to deposit my pensions into Wise, one gave the excuse that Wise was not a bank, only a finance house and as such not covered by banking deposit protection(s).
  5. That's precisely what I do. As far as "IN THE SAME YEAR WHEN YOU EARNED IT", where in the rules is it? Can you provide a link as I cannot find it anywhere.
  6. Not only is my UK bank is asking for my Thai Tax ID, they are also asking for a Tax Residency Certificate. Approaching the Thai Revenue Department for this info may open me up for double taxation, i.e. taxed on income in the UK (pensions), and then taxed again by Thailand as I bring UK income into the country. The potential tax liability from UK income being brought into Thailand more than negates the Tax Withholding by the Thai banks. The following is a direct copy from the Thai Revenue Personal Income Tax www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html 1.Taxable Person Taxpayers are classified into “resident” and “non-resident”. “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand.
  7. True, but it's also legal in Thailand. Vote with your feet.
  8. Mirrors are for checking your hair, putting on lipstick, checking your zits, etc., aren't they? Why would you want to know what's behind you, doesn't help you go forward and they can always pass you on the inside anyway. 555
  9. I'm not saying the bank was wrong, they were protecting themselves. I'm just highlighting (for peoples information) the steps which I had to take even as the Executor of his estate.
  10. When my father died, while living with us in Thailand, despite me having a power of attorney over his financial affairs, the bank 1. locked the account and 2. refused to release the balance of his accounts to me until I got a Thai court ruling releasing them from any liability for later claims, in other words I had to certify to the court that there were no possible claimant's to his estate from outside Thailand.
  11. nearly as good as Michael Fish the UK weather forecaster who said "sorry about the F in Fog" when the letter fell off the chart he was using.
  12. Assume he was given an Immigration "yellow card" and threatened with a "red card" before he ran. If he was being tracked by RTP/Immigration, how did he escape? In another thread it is suggested that every visitor to Thailand be checked for criminal records before they are allowed to enter, maybe to speed things up on arrival the RTP/Immigration use should use "mind police" to read future intensions, similar to those in the movie "Minority Report".
  13. That's not what CharlieH said see below
  14. The article stated they were stopped for having too dark a tint on their windows, if that was the case the color of the occupants would not have been seen prior to the stop.
  15. Should go one step further back, if they were wanted by the police in their own countries at the time of departure, how did they manage to exit. Immigration cannot check all criminal (or even suspected) records in every country.
  16. They are being paid in to a UK bank currently, and have been for about 10 years, (started looking at this as more and more people were having problems with high street bank closure) the requirements for depositing into a Thai bank account are next to impossible as 1 has asked for copies of a recent "council tax bill", or 2 utility bills showing my name and address in English, also a bank statement showing my name and address and the Banks name and address in English.
  17. May be a problem depositing his pensions, reason I say this as neither of my pension providers (UK) will deposit into Wise, one gave "not a bank, only a finance institution" as the reason for not being able to.
  18. So this only affects people who use an agent, or maybe a single agent. The original post doesn't make that clear, so no changes to paperwork required for a personal visit to Immigration, thought I might have an opportunity to cut down the paperchase.
  19. You wrote. "Signed copies aren't even needed this year. PDF scans of all documents are all that's required." Is that Immigration policy or just your agent, I've not seen anything official to confirm that sentences, do you have any links to verification locations.
  20. No can do. Wise are not a registered bank or financial institution in Thailand, therefore cannot operate within the banking system here. Which is why they do not send direct to all Thai bank accounts, but use intermediary banks.
  21. One possibility is to open a Wise account, can be done while in Thailand, transfer the money via bank or DeeMoney into your Wise account, then after you sort a high street bank transfer it from Wise.
  22. Eh! Doesn't make sense, if she had mistaken a green light for red she should have stopped, and it wouldn't of mattered if she ran the light it would have been green anyway. So you run a red light even when it's green.
  23. Probably, and he's got a perfect alibi, he wasn't there he was on the PA system.
  24. Only when he has the local officials standing over him, and he can always say somebody must have dropped a lit cigarette end or wasn't here when it started so I don't know anything.
  25. same as some civil servants
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