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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. I didn't say I had nothing left, only that it needs my entire state pension to rent a one bedroom flat. It shows how pi## poor the UK state pension is (35,000 Baht per month max.), By the way I won't get that much, as I lose 28% for having company pensions, and no inflation increases because I have chosen to live in Thailand.
  2. Don't know about Mike or the costs in the US. In the UK my entire State Pension would be required to rent a single bedroom apartment, in the city where I last lived, with nothing left to pay for food, utilities, etc., so living in the UK is just not possible for me.
  3. try geese they are really noisy when disturbed and wont eat poisoned meat.
  4. assume this stamp is related to the initial 90 day Non-O, and not for subsequent extensions, it'll be a real pain if they start doing under-considerations for annual retirement extensions, it's bad enough that some offices have started come back tomorrow for your stamps.
  5. Ah! It happened during COVID, the way you wrote it, it sounded like it was a factual delay like the Proof of Life Certificates you may or may not get. I know someone who has been here for 8 years and says he has not yet received one. Another gets one every 2/3 years.
  6. where did you dig this up from?
  7. yeah. caught that as well, does put the rest of the story into a questionable light.
  8. Not our fault Head office do what they want, you can have a different colour today or wait another month.
  9. lucky you the showroom I dealt with was a branch of the regional dealership, and my pick-up was taken off the delivery wagon as they had a customer for it, despite it having been ordered specifically for me . I had to wait another 6 weeks for the colour I wanted.
  10. nope it was a friend who says he has multiple pension incomes and hasn't paid tax since he moved to Thailand as "non-residents do not pay UK tax"
  11. Let's see using mostly incorrect numbers all in GBP and Per Annum Personal allowance = 12,750 State pension = 9,500 - no tax liability accrues add Company Pension 1 = 1,500 Income now 11,000 - no tax liability accrues add Company Pension 2 = 6,750 Income now 17,750 - tax liable on 5,000 @ 20% = 1,000 Who deducts tax through PAYE is an other issue, previously HRMC erroneously had me liable for tax before I claimed my state pension by bad allocation of tax codes, i.e. I was below the tax liability threshold.
  12. when I dealt with Phitsanulok yes 7 days was OK as was the passbook but now I'm with Phetchabun, it's all on the day - I stand (or truthfully sit) ready to be corrected
  13. Depends on the office your dealing with, Phetchabun, in my experience, is make a transaction (I withdraw 1900B), update passbook and obtain letter on the day of application. As I'm on retirement they now also want a 12 month bank statement as well as copies all pages of the passbook - may not apply in OP's situation.
  14. what law? UK, US, Thai? or something you think it should be?
  15. Agree in 2005 the DTA was simple, basically income in the UK was taxed in the UK, income in Thailand was taxed in Thailand. Somewhere around 2014 the DTA changed and it gets more complex with the ability for double taxation to occur and limited tax relief on what is claimable for double payment.
  16. The New State Pension is in the order of 9k+GBP maximum this is less than your tax free allowance 12k+GBP therefore state pension will not be taxed. If they were to tax your state pension they would need to employ legions of new civil servants to administer it. As I understand it the full tax calculation is as follows State Pension + other UK pensions + other UK income = Total Income Total Income - Personal allowance = Taxable amount (e.g. the amount you pay tax on).
  17. I have been informed that if I can obtain proof of tax residency in Thailand, I will not have to pay tax in the UK on my pensions. Does anybody have any direct experience on this subject. The questions I have are 1 - how to obtain the proof of tax residency 2 - how to get HMRC and pension providers to accept this and 3 - has anybody actually succeeded
  18. Cannot do monthly credit advices as I am on 800K in the bank and have been since 2005. I can only assume that the 12 month statement is because they fear the passbook may show consolidated transactions.
  19. Some IO's (mine is one) are asking for a 12 month statement in addition to the standard letter, and copies of all the pages of the relevant passbook.
  20. I registered with Wise using a UK passport and a Thai phone number, later set up an actual account with them so my UK pensions can be paid direct into my Wise account (failed with the pension provider - but that's another story).
  21. I use a True sim card works fairly well, about one in ten failure to receive the OPT, resend never had a failure.
  22. In my experience, not unusual, I've worked for 4 schools in Thailand (1 via agent), and it always took 6/8 weeks to see a contract, let alone get a work permit. Only with one school did I need to leave the country to get a B-Visa, the others I was on a "married extension of stay". Things have tightened up a little since my time.
  23. yes, some of the more "feminine" things do seem to be on the higher shelves, at least my daughter is nearly as tall as me so can reach herself, when we get there knowing how long selection takes I wander off.
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