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Everything posted by WHansen

  1. Fantastic news. Suffer forever
  2. That's random.... And there is the real reason this debacle is still going on
  3. Hardly suprising in a land that keeps so many people on the edge of poverty. The scammers know how desperate the people are and the poverty makes them gullible to any sort of scam that appears to offer a chance to make some money. Not to mention the greedy well off Thais that are so desperate to increase their wealth without getting off their backsides - like so many other nationalities these days.
  4. Agreed, Thais love an easy money opportunity. If there was a market for dog legs, there wouldn't be a soi dog left in the country with all it's legs. I am in no way anti weed, i smoke a couple of joints every night (compressed bush, not the outragously priced indoor grown weed) but the way everyone threw money at opening shops to make a fast buck might come back to bite them.
  5. Best case-non of the new proposals/laws get enforced. Worst case-smokers have to go back to the outdoor grown compressed weed. Weed shop owners and investers must have known it was all a gamble in this country that loves u turns.
  6. Describing deaths and injuries as "traffic mishaps" speaks volumes
  7. Opening DLT's that actually train people to be competant on the roads would be a good start. In combination with a system that bans people who are caught drink driving, driving without a licence and without insurance might start to reduce deaths on the roads.
  8. I suspect a lot of this countries mental health issues stem from long term Yaba use, Amphetamine does strange things to people, paranoia being a common side effect.
  9. Little things please little minds
  10. W.H.O - a laughable organisation
  11. I genuinely feel sorry for the average Thais that earn such a pittance for a days work. My girlfriend has to work for 4 days to earn the 1,200 baht my company in the UK gives me for a daily food allowance. Very sad.
  12. No complaints from me, 200 baht a month for decent mobile data speed, 5g everywhere i go. Cheap as chips.
  13. This type of reporting from Thaitiger and his obsession with multi story video pieces is why i do not visit their site anymore.
  14. There is a lot more going on here that has damaged Thailands image more than prostitution
  15. Probably not a good idea until details of the latest health problem that is being reported is clarified. It didn't work out well last time they all got sick in 2019 and spread it to every corner of the planet.
  16. I know where most penniless Thais would like to stick that stake of yours
  17. Maybe the Thais are smarter than the average 3rd world country, realising that if you can't feed yourself and the children you already have, the situation will worsen with more mouths to feed. Something most of the African nations are yet to grasp.
  18. I can't see anything in your post. Was very simple to find, it was at the bottom of this story
  19. What more can i say 🤣
  20. What ??? How did that tosh ever get used on A.N
  21. The ones complaining are the ones that don.t need 10,000 Baht
  22. Expect a lot of prosecutions of senators next year if they are disbanded and can no longer protect each other.
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