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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The problem with a cognitive test is that Biden has good days and bad days. Trump just has bad days.
  2. You mean the attempt by Russia to influence the 2016 elections? Do you think they didn't try to swing the vote to Trump?
  3. Does anyone at your troll farm check your posts? You seem particularly detached from reality lately.
  4. What you are saying is you can't read a graph. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature
  5. There are these things called "weather records" that say you are wrong. Global temperatures cooled after the 1940s. More to the point, scientists talk about global temperatures, whereas you are considering the temperature in Dogpatch, Arkansas.
  6. The scientists can get big money working for oil companies as climate change Deniers. Few do. Most researchers make very little money. If you told a grad student that they were faking science to get the big bucks, they would laugh in your face.
  7. As a prosecutor, she is a good speaker. Your opinion is based on factors that have nothing to do with her abilities.
  8. Remember George Floyd? Yeah, it was black people and white Liberals who protested his murder
  9. Nope. Whites are a privileged majority in the US. You are using a tired old racist argument. Anyone who trashes blacks or other minorities can use your argument when they are called out.
  10. You don't seem to understand English. Kamala Harris wrote that Trump would support a national abortion ban. "Would" is conditional tense, meaning that she was not stating a fact. Elon has lost his mind, unfortunately. But given that Trump brags about killing Roe, it's not an unreasonable assertion.
  11. You have some serious racial animosity there. Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California and a US Senator. Sarah Palin was a half term governor of Alaska. But you voted for Sarah Palin for VP.
  12. You mean, in your opinion, these black women didn't earn their job. But your opinion is based on your attitude, which is warmed over KKK.
  13. Because you don't think the 2 black women Biden hired are capable of doing their job. Because they aren't white. Do you think Sarah Palin was a capable VP candidate?
  14. This is old news: someone makes a racist comment and then tries to cover it up. In the Old Days, racists could get away with it, but not now. DEI and "woke" are codewords that signify that minorities don't have the capability to do the job, and so "get help" to get hired.
  15. A serious comment: Kamala Harris and many Dems are former prosecutors. As such, they are very careful when they speak, and they don't talk like the average voter. This makes them somewhat off-putting for many voters.
  16. Child molestors is the concept that inflames low information types. What does politics have to do with chil molestation? If you want to deal with child molestors, start with Nationalist Christian churches, that's where the police catch child molestors.
  17. I definitely will not vote for President of anyone who hung out with Epstein. How about you?
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