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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Meh. Despite all the yelling and screaming, this is basically status quo. Presidents have always had implied immunity for official acts, and the DOJ has a policy of not prosecuting the President. The only thing this gives Trump is the opportunity to argue that his crimes were official acts. He will argue that all the way to the Supreme Court, delaying his cases. But since Trump is going to lose, it doesn't matter if he is tried in 2025 or 2026.
  2. Lazada sells many 18650 batteries, some fake, some real. Best to read the online reviews of the specific battery you want to buy. I use a LittoKala capacitance tester and publish the reviews on Lazada. Lots of bad batteries. Note that anyone selling a Panasonic 18650B for under 70 baht is probably selling fakes.
  3. Trump let in 3 million before COVID stopped migration. So, is Trump an open borders guy? As for your 8 million illegals: Fact check: Have '8 million' migrants come to the U.S. under Biden?
  4. You guys worried about car fires should just get a horse. That's what early adopters of Internal Combustion vehicles were told by the old folks, back in the day.
  5. Neither the US nor the EU have any plans to mobilize troops, whereas Russia has a shortage of manpower for its war with Ukraine.
  6. The border is not open. That is a hack lie. Trump's tariffs will raise prices and cause inflation. Do you disagree? Price inflation is coming down under Biden. What plan does Trump have to curb inflation?
  7. I'm glad you admit that Trump lied during the debate. You claimed that Biden lied. I have already posted Trump's lies. Post Biden's lies.
  8. We'll see how this plays out. Biden is going to have to prove he is okay. However, all the talk about Biden helps him in the polls, which are mostly based on name recognition at this point. Trump has the bigger disadvantage, he can't stop lying.
  9. I have no idea what you are on about. At least I know you are not working in a troll farm, since they would give you better talking points.
  10. If Russia requires a mass mobilization for the Ukraine war, Thailand will be filled with Russians.
  11. You are obviously worried about Biden's condition because Biden is going to serve another term. You don't worry about Trump, because Trump will continue to be a private citizen next year. Makes total sense.
  12. The Trump fans are working overtime now. Let's see if the polling makes them happy.
  13. You are very confident about November, but the election is far away.
  14. So, you are suggesting that Steve Bannon was working for the government when he said on January 5 that the next day would be wild? The Proud Boys who prepared for the insurrection were working for the government? Really?
  15. Of course, you saw mostly video when the invaders were being ushered out. RW media misinforms the suckers by claiming the police were ushering people in, but that was rare: There were a handful of police who allowed the crowd in once the windows were broken, the police were in shock at that point.
  16. How many Christian church officials have been arrested for child molestation in the last year? We could have reduced that child molestation to zero if we had only closed the Christian churches.
  17. You should really hate those mega-farm owner who bring in illegals to work their farms. Oh, wait, those are Trump's donors.
  18. In what way was the January 6 attack on the Capitol "orchestrated"? If you mean that it was planned by Trump's team, yeah, it was orchestrated. If you mean that it was a government plot, you have some serious issues with reality.
  19. I'll type slowly so you can understand: Trump will lose the election in November, no matter who the Dems run. Everytime Trump appears on TV, he loses voters.
  20. That's what demagogues do: exploit anecdotes as if they were representative of large scale problems. Illegal aliens are less likely to commit crimes than citizens.
  21. The Democrats will beat Trump with Biden, or whoever the Dems nominate. Trump made himself unelectable at the debate.
  22. ISS has a mass of 100s of tons. Escape velocity is about 15,000 meters per second from Low Earth Orbit. The amount of propellant required to accelerate ISS that much is more than my calculator can support.
  23. Oh, my take on the SpaceX deal: they will de-orbit ISS, but put it in the wrong place.
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