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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There can't be significant action until there is public consensus on the issue. As a concrete example, it's a standard Denier troll tactic to deflect discussions of new data showing climate change is real into a discussion about mitigation, at which point the troll states "climate change isn't real, so why bother with mitigation?".
  2. So why haven't you complained about the weaponization of the Trump DOJ to lock Michael Cohen up?
  3. Two wrongs don't make a right. Invading other countries is wrong. Do you disagree?
  4. Why is it when Hillary was running in 2016 and the FBI was investigating her, none of the Trump fans complained about election interference then?
  5. Are those spies and criminals in the room with you right now?
  6. https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/8/is-the-rate-of-sea-level-rise-increasing/
  7. Actually, it looks like the pilot was incapacitated *or* the crash was intentional.
  8. There is this thing called "executive privilege", a concept that you have recently forgotten about.
  9. Your love for Lex Luthor has no bounds Or sorry, that's the other evil billionaire.
  10. Just because the US overthrew the government of Chile in 1973 does not give Russia a free pass to invade other countries.
  11. Are you concerned about Trump having to take a drug test? How about a dementia test?
  12. Obviously, you don't believe that nations have the right of self determination. What limits on *your* country's decision making are acceptable to you?
  13. Those AIM missiles won't be used used for shooting down drones. Watch and learn.
  14. Invading countries is bad. I am sorry you can't grasp that simple concept.
  15. But it was only after Trump won the presidency that Colangelo began to make his life hell. In late 2017, Colangelo became the New York AG’s top “social justice” lawyer—notably backfilling a role left by Alvin Bragg, his future boss at the Manhattan DA’s Office. Colangelo left DOJ to work for Letitia James. In 2022, he left the state AG to work for Alvin Bragg. The Trump propaganda about Colangelo has fooled you.
  16. Colangelo retired under the Trump administration. So, according to you, Trump sent Colangelo to prosecute Trump. Your internet friends didn't tell you the whole story.
  17. If someone invaded your house, would you negotiate with them, and maybe give them a few rooms?
  18. The question is why you are so upset about Mexicans crossing the US border illegally, but are okay with Russians crossing the Ukrainian border illegally.
  19. The point of excess mortality is the additional deaths were not cited as COVID deaths by doctors. As for the flu, could you explain why millions died of the "flu" precisely during the COVID epidemic?
  20. The real problem for Steve Bannon is his NY trial for fraud. If convicted, that would be his second offense.
  21. Are you suggesting that every national weather agency in the world is publishing fake data? Or just NOAA? How deep in the rabbit hole are you?
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