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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. To an extent, yes. A scientist posts a paper, and the paper is peer reviewed. If it gets through that, then other scientists cite the paper in their work. Over time, a consensus builds. On the other hand, most Denier science is junk that nobody uses, not even other Deniers. Come to think of it, in the Real World *you* follow the scientific consensus, it's only when your politics conflicts with science that you have a problem.
  2. Do you believe that the 2020 election had a larger than normal number of anomalies?
  3. The article talks about millions who died during the epidemic. Any chance they died from Covid?
  4. You really think that every country that reports excess mortality data is in on a giant conspiracy?
  5. The Russians mostly stalled, but they still advance in some places. It won't be a backfire until the Russians are pushed back across the border.
  6. Because your bank account receives government money from abroad.
  7. Because the proposal is aspirational. Like the high speed train from Suvarnabhumi to U-Tapao.
  8. According to the Aussie, he never married her, either legally or in the temple.
  9. the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world. A list of these organizations is provided here.
  10. The Trump fans here wouldn't have to spend so much time defending Trump if his legal team had actually attempted to defend him.
  11. I know some older women (40+) who are still good, but the problem is they are past their warranty expiration date, and the medical expenses can be overwhelming just to maintain them.
  12. The question is were both marriages legal, or was one only in the temple?
  13. What paper trail? He married her, and gave her money while they were together. No court is going to force her to pay him back. However, if her first marriage was legal, then he has a case for fraud. Maybe the court would have her pay a fine for bigamy.
  14. "Married" in Thailand is subjective. Can marry in the temple, but not in the amphur, so it doesn't count, legally. Big ceremony with the family, maybe sinsod, but no paper.
  15. I went through Immigration tonight, no problem at all. Whatever problem existed in January with the automated gate is fixed now.
  16. There aren't so many whites in gangs, because there aren't that many urban poor whites.
  17. Whites in urban poor areas do join gangs. Asians are relatively wealthy, but there are Asian gangs.
  18. Your chart doesn't really support your argument. What promotes gang membership is poverty, not immigration.
  19. Why is it nobody ever falls from a second floor balcony?
  20. The story omits details about whether he checked in alone.
  21. What about Trump claiming he never said "lock her up"? Is Trump lying?
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