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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. "If we can impeach Biden, keep SCOTUS as is, fool the voters about the border, flood the zone with propaganda, and claim the illegals are voting, then we can save Trump".
  2. Except the Thai people don't import cash into Thailand from abroad. Or worry about visa renewals.
  3. Trump claims he never said "Lock her up". So, are you Club Trump is Lying, or Club Trump is Senile?
  4. Meanwhile, Trump has been found guilty on 34 counts. It's amazing how much rationalizing the Trump fans are engaged in. Some claim the convictions make Trump a sure winner. How do the polls look?
  5. Trump may get some relief during the appeal, but not for the reasons cited in the article. For example, Judge Merchan's participation in the trial has already been reviewed.
  6. I took Latin in high school. It helped me a bit to learn Spanish, but was very useful for learning Russian.
  7. There's a trick they use in the South to disenfranchise Blacks. They require all voters to use a DMV issued id,and then close DMVs where Black people live. Plus, they litter White voter precincts with polling places, but shutter all but one in Black precincts. And then, for fun, the Elections Board issues voting pamphlets with the wrong address for the polling place.
  8. Deported zero million illegal aliens. Scheduled Infrastructure week. Built no infrastructure, though. Built 25 miles of Wall. Thought about a new health insurance plan, but gave up. Stalled delivery of Javelin missiles to Ukraine.
  9. You have invented a new delusion. Congratulations!
  10. When I saw the headline, I worried that "going further" meant *requiring* same sex marriage. But when I read the article, it's obvious that it's just another "feel good" promise that will be forgotten. Like the digital wallet and abolishing wine import duty.
  11. That's my strategy for 2024. I have been out of Thailand for 4 months already this year. My flight back to Thailand arrives at 23.55. if it arrives early, I will have to walk very slowly so I don't arrive at Immigration before midnight. Next year, I will some months in early 2025 abroad, and then see what happens to the 100s of 1000s Farangs who don't file.
  12. If you pay no taxes in the USA, it's possible the deductions you use in the US are not the same in Thailand. Which could mean a tax liability for you here. Not likely, but possible. And, like the US, you would have to fill out a tax return to prove you don't owe anything.
  13. So...should Trump and Hunter Biden be prosecuted or what?
  14. Just like Trump, Hunter Biden is being charged with a paperwork error.
  15. Just because the official line in China is that China is Communist doesn't mean it's true. Unless you believe them. What aspect of China is Communist?
  16. Always happy to educate you: Civil Rights Act of 1964 LBJ's action in supporting minorities is what drove racists into your party. Many racist Dems switched parties after LBJ. It's hilarious that you, a member of a political party trying to strip minority protection, wastes your time attacking Kamala Harris for being anti-Black.
  17. Ukraine is conducting a strategic attack on Russian infrastructure, including oil refineries and petroleum storage. Such an attack could result in a sudden collapse of the Russian military, assuming the damage is being generated faster than it can be repaired. Ukraine doesn't seem to hit the same target more than once. I personally would hit a refinery, and then hit again while it is being repaired.
  18. Because you don't believe that billionaires should pay taxes. Because they are special.
  19. Yes, it took LBJ a whole year after the election to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Which Republicans are still attacking.
  20. More real (in terms of Socialist). China claims to be, but they are lying.
  21. Cuba *is* Communist. Sorry for confusing the uneducateds here.
  22. That was George Wallace's Alabama. He was not a Democrat, but rather a member of the American Independent party.
  23. Did Trump ever release his tax returns like he promised?
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