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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Compare Trump's biggest deficit to Biden's, and you would be surprised. Donald Trump built a national debt so big (even before the pandemic) that it’ll weigh down the economy for years
  2. There is a school of thought that maintains that destroying Hamas will bring peace to the Middle East.
  3. It's interesting that you ignore Trump's COVID deficits but complain about Biden's COVID deficits.
  4. IF the COVID virus ever evolves into a more lethal strain, this board is going to get a lot quieter. But right now, it's basically the flu, albeit a bad one.
  5. There was no derailment of the Prosecution's case. The Defense witness was a mess.
  6. Of course I do, and have posted it. I am just not playing your trolling game. Next week, the Prosecution will present their closing argument, you can advise the Trump Defense on the law afterwards.
  7. You are correct. What are the odds she wins re-election in Fulton County?
  8. It's been posted here several times. Re-posting it won't stop your trolling.
  9. Concealment of a campaign finance violation. Groundhog Day trolling
  10. New York State Election Law 17-152 will always be a mystery to you.
  11. Okay, I hope the "underlying crime" trolling is over. The Defense will give it up tomorrow without having disproven any significant facts that Prosecution witnesses have alleged. That's usually bad for the Defense. Truly, the best hope for Trump is that he got info on one of the jurors and has either threatened or bribed them to hold out for acquittal.
  12. Unfortunately, Zab Isaan is gone. You can try: https://maps.app.goo.gl/qMLaPvBqUWPerNoR6 Sin Lapin Isaan on 3rd Road.
  13. The underlying crime was a campaign finance violation that Michael Cohen pled guilty to. Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations I welcome you to go troll the Department of Justice and tell them they are lying.
  14. I am beginning to think that the prime US goal is degrade Russian capabilities, not necessarily have Ukraine win. So, letting Russia inch into Ukraine at a high cost in troops and equipment doesn't have a downside for the US.
  15. The underlying crime was a campaign finance violation. Cue: Groundhog Day trolling.
  16. High probability of conviction, low probability of a hung jury, zero probability of an acquittal.
  17. Campaign finance violation. You have asked the same question over and over, despite my answering the question. Groundhog Day trolling. It doesn't work.
  18. Wow! The Trump people have placed an ad here in this topic! Okay, Trump fans, how much are you going to give this time?
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