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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Yeah, too bad about that Joe Biden impeachment thing. It must have been crushing for you when it fell apart.
  2. We are going to have a problem with the Trump fans in this topic, because their talking points come too late for them to post in a timely manner. Since they mostly aren't capable of generating their own ideas, without getting talking points, they have nothing to say.
  3. Once Trump's lawyer stated that Trump never had sex with Stormy Daniels, then Trump's credibility is on the line when she testifies. If the Trump fans here are reduced to claiming that "sex" doesn't include what they did, Trump is done.
  4. In their opening statement, the Defense asserted that Trump didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels. If Ms. Daniels is a persuasive witness, the Jury will convict based on just that point. I suspect that we are going to see a defense tactic similar to the Carroll case, over the definition of sex. It's possible that they didn't have full intercourse, and so the Trump fans will repeat their claims that Trump really didn't have sex. And therefore Stormy Daniels is lying.
  5. Most of the Biden haters here support Trump, not the Republican party. Which is very bad for the GOP.
  6. Great. Come November, the Republicans are going to have major regrets putting Trump in charge of their money.
  7. Michigan ‘fake electors’ head back in court Six Republicans charged with felonies relating to the 2020 presidential election will be back in court this week Prosecutors say the group forged a document falsely claiming then-President Trump won the 2020 election
  8. The 2 biggest scams on Lazada are USB thumb drives and 18650 lithium cells. In both cases, measuring the items is the key to knowing if they are real or not. If you ever use a thumb drive, you probably know that just accepting that the drive is at its stated capacity is not enough, you need to actually copy files to it and fill it up. The most common scam is to modify a 64GB drive to pose as 1 or 2 TB. So, you need to, as an example, copy 1 TB of movies to the drive and see if they can play off the drive. For 18650 batteries, you have to measure their capacity. Weighing them doesn't tell you anything. Measuring their voltage doesn't tell you anything. You have to use a capacitance tester to know the actual capacity of the cells. Out of 100 reviews of a cell, only 1 will show the actual capacity of the cell, 99 will show photos of the cell, its packaging, the initial voltage, or some other useless image.
  9. This probably kills this story until after the election. It's likely that the Court of Appeals will reduce the judgment against Trump to something like $175 million, and the AG will take over the Schwab account. So, this story is over.
  10. You love your billionaires: IRS launches new effort aimed at high-income non-filers; 125,000 cases focused on high earners, including millionaires, who failed to file tax returns with financial activity topping $100 billion Tax evasion is common for billionaires.
  11. It sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
  12. The list of people who have counted America out before is very long. It was just a few years ago that some here predicted that China would be #1. It's funny how so many America haters are Trump fans. It's almost as if you want Trump to win so he will ruin America.
  13. @Yellowtailis personally afflicted when billionaires pay taxes.
  14. Common sense indicates that the auditors will go where the money is. Inside the IRS unit taking on America’s millionaires and billionaires But some of those 87,000 will just answer telephone calls from taxpayers with questions. I am so sorry that the thought of a billionaire having to pay their fair share of taxes gives you a sad.
  15. You multipolar world backers are not going to be very happy in the future. Iran and Russia are creating global chaos as distractions for their domestic failures. Fortunately, they can't continue in this path indefinitely. And, no, Russia isn't going to have political/economic parity with the US any time soon.
  16. There is major manipulation going on that is impacting the share price of this stock. As long as Trump allies can throw money at the stock, when the price dips, then it will rally. Of course, the Shorts make money during this cycle, and sooner or later, the Trump allies will tire of handing money to the Shorts.
  17. The question is whether any of these state investigations follow the trail all the way to Washington DC, given that Georgia already has.
  18. Nothing in your post helps Trump prove his innocence. A DA promising to convict a perp doesn't make the perp innocent.
  19. It's not like they think much when they post, they just pass along whatever talking point shows up in their Inbox. That's why sometimes multiple Trump fans will post the same talking point the same day.
  20. It sounds like you are reciting the talking point of the day. Unfortunately, this talking point has come up before, and has been rebutted many times. Judge denies Trump’s third attempt this week to delay hush-money trial Keeping Up With the Trump Trials: So Those Delay Tactics Really Worked, Huh?
  21. Because the coverup wasn't discovered until much later. DA Bragg came into office in 2022, and indicted Trump the next year. And Trump's lawyers have been delaying ever since.
  22. Once again, the trial isn't about Trump's adultery in 2006, it's about writing checks in 2016-17 to cover up his adultery. The coverup wasn't uncovered until 2018-19. You don't seem to know the basic facts of this case.
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