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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. How about Trump calling Biden "Sleepy Joe"? Are you unaware of the concept of "irony"?
  2. It's not the mention of Trump that's the problem. The issue is the number of lies posted here by Trump defenders. You can defend him all you want, just don't gaslight us while doing so.
  3. What have Trump's future victims done to you? You remind of those in the USSR who cheered on Stalin's show trials.
  4. Kari Lake suggests supporters 'strap on a Glock' to be ready for 2024 How do you interpret this?
  5. Just a reminder that this stock almost hit $100 a share when the Trump deal was first announced, some years back.
  6. How is your investment in Truth Social doing?
  7. And yet people convicted for fighting at the Capitol for January 6 offenses claim that Trump's speech motivated them to go fight at the Capitol. Do you not understand that Trump's speech was intended to use the crowd to stop certification of Electoral Votes? You don't know that there was an advance force equipped to capture congressional leaders once the crowd took the Capitol? It looks like you didn't pay attention on January 6.
  8. Your internet friends have lied to you. You have been corrected on the statute of limitations before, but apparently your memory has failed you, so you repeat misinformation. Sad.
  9. You are way off there. The US middle and working classes have been hard hit by the Republicans since Reagan took office in 1981. The Dems have done a lot to support the middle and working classes, but Trump's 2017 tax cut for billionaires has created hardship for everyone else.
  10. If the share price of this loser keeps going down, Trump will call on his followers to march on the Stock Exchange to fight for his stock, ie halt trading on the Exchange.
  11. You are back to your claim that nobody brought guns to the January 6 insurrection. You need help with your memory.
  12. Judge in Trump hush money case rejects attempt to delay trial with immunity defense This is a cognitive issue on your part. You see, claiming immunity = claiming you are above the law. Yeah, I know it's a hard concept for you to wrap your head around, but everyone else understands it. You might even understand it today, but you will forget it tomorrow, and we will play Groundhog Day.
  13. Getting back to the bond, there is talk of Trump having a sizeable bank account that is used as collateral for the bond. Interesting.
  14. Trump did just that for the Stormy Daniels story. You must have heard about that.
  15. No point in providing information to @Skipalongcassidy, he only accepts stuff given to him by his internet friends. Don't forget that Judge Aileen was appointed by Trump and often rules against him.
  16. "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.
  17. "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.
  18. Next you are going to ask for an in-context quote of Hitler ordering killing of the Jews. Do you really doubt that Trump wanted the crowd to Storm the Capitol?
  19. You guys are using the classic troll technique of parsing words to deprive them of their meaning. Any person who is not an idiot would understand that Trump's speech was a call to action - intended to stop the certification of the vote. Do you really think that the rioters misunderstood Trump? Why were the Proud Boys already in place around the Capitol when Trump was speaking?
  20. Use common sense. A general call for a "fight" is going to end badly. You will note that Trump encouraged the calls to "hang Mike Pence".
  21. The laptop story was held back by the Trump campaign as an October surprise. Rudy Giuliani had access to the data, and could have released it at any time, but chose to wait.
  22. You are gaslighting us. Three weeks before the 2020 United States presidential election, the New York Post published a front-page story that presented emails from the laptop, alleging they showed corruption by Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee and Hunter Biden's father.
  23. The Trump fans want to make America more like Thailand, where the wealthy can often escape the consequences of their actions. Because Trump fans think they will be wealthy one day.
  24. The payment to Stormy Daniels was made to prevent her from telling her story just before the 2016 election. Trump did not want voters to know about his liaison with her when they were voting. His actions were classic election interference.
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