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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. A theory: Prior variants of Covid caused symptoms based on the initial viral load, if you just caught a brief whiff, you might be infected, but asymptomatic. If you were exposed to the virus overa long term, you would be sicker. Older people had worse symptoms because they are less mobile, and more likely to get a high load of virus. Omicron is different: it infects immediately, but with a tiny viral load. So, symptoms are less.
  2. Yet more bars are opening now. It's hard to imagine that there are enough customers for so many bars. I am seeing new bars posting photos of big crowds on opening night, perhaps drawn by the free food. But then, no more photos of customers after opening night, so I suspect that the crowds quickly thin out.
  3. Actually, no. The engine is hybrid, using technology patented by AMROC in the 1980's, and utilized by SpaceDEV about 20 years ago. The Germans never knew about hybrid rocket engines.
  4. How many governments have been successful in controlling the spread of this plague?
  5. https://chulalongkornhospital.go.th/kcmh/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2-covid.pdf This report says 35 is the number of cycles for Thailand.
  6. I cannot think of a good reason for the day 5 test, except that testing in general is a good thing. But Thailand would be better served if instead random sampling were undertaken to give the authorities a better understanding of the epidemic.
  7. Unfortunately, they may take out some innocents on their way to death from Covid.
  8. Because vaccination is very effective in preventing death from Covid. Do you disagree?
  9. I came to Pattaya 20 years ago, but waited to retire until Covid hit. Now I live in Pattaya, but travel often when I get bored. The most important thing was to wait until I was financially secure to retire. The other thing is that I normally have to be working on some sort of project, but these days, I have learned to take it easy. If I were still compelled to work on something, I would probably buy a bar, but these days, that would be total drudgery for me.
  10. Waiting for the OP’s inevitable new topic about how this disaster ends.
  11. People used to say that the plethora of Indian restaurants in Pattaya was due to money laundering, but Covid showed us that those restaurants needed customers to stay open. Maybe we will see another 1,000 Indian restaurants in Pattaya soon.
  12. If science could tell you where a mutation “came from”, would you get vaccinated? it sounds like your entire position on vaccination is based on a low understanding of science.
  13. Your point is to ignore data you don’t like. Sweden is comparable to Denmark, Norway and Finland. Yeah, I know you would like to compare Sweden to Belgium or some other country, because reasons.
  14. When Pfizer is approved in India, will you post it here?
  15. My point is to vaccinate everyone possible so the virus dies out, or is confined to small pockets. Like measles. And smallpox. And Polio. yeah, I get it. You want to give up, even if millions more die. if you had you way, new and nastier variants will emerge from unvaccinated hosts, and you will blame the vaccine.
  16. Great. Vaccinated travelers only have to self isolate for 3 days in Vietnam. How does that compare with Thailand?
  17. Okay, now I understand your point: let young people walk around infected, and if they happen to infect the “vulnerable”, well, that’s their tough luck.
  18. And multiply those percentages by the billions of potential infections, and the problem becomes obvious.
  19. Sorry, I took “!20 days” to mean 20 days, not 120 days.
  20. You wasted our time with drivel about 2 shots of AZ being ineffective against Omicron, while ignoring the existence of boosters. what point were you trying to make?
  21. It seems there are some posters here who think that lending money to females in Thailand is a good idea, and others who think it is so obviously stupid that there is no need to discuss it.
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