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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There is some reason why so many people are asymptomatic, whereas others die. Same for some people who never get infected. No one seems to understand this.
  2. I am planning a trip to Mexico in late April, this time I go with a Mexican lady. I mentioned being in Argentina now, there is a shortage of gringos at the moment. Everyone I meet is amazed I can speak Spanish. I get a few who try some English, but most give up and just ask why I can speak Spanish.
  3. The unvaxxed are prolonging the epidemic. Plus, they are many times more likely to die from Covid. They don’t have to trust the government, they can trust the virus to kill them.
  4. Face masks are useful in reducing the rate of new infections. It's like seat belts, they don't prevent everyone from dying, but they save some. Oh, you don't like seat belts, either.... Sorry.
  5. I couldn't get a Mexican visa for my Thai lady friend, so we went to Argentina instead.
  6. Because you are taking his words out of context. His point was that the Feds can’t do it alone, nor should they. Do you disagree?
  7. Is there some part of this chart that is hard to understand? Get vaccinated…
  8. That was before Omicron and Delta. If the next variant turns out to be worse, are you going to blame that on Biden, too? Biden did manage to get the original strain under control.
  9. I suspect there will be all sorts of problems with Thailand Pass software for 2 weeks.
  10. Based on recent experience, if 10,000 new tourists show up at Suvarnaphumi, that’s cause for 100 new bars to open in Pattaya.
  11. First the naysayers claim that nobody will come to Thailand, now they say that anyone coming will be forced to go to a hospital, or that too many are coming. Naysayers be naysayers. They can just post that they aren’t happy, every single day. Much easier.
  12. Because it's killing a lot of people who think they have a healthy immune system. If you have any doubts, check out the Herman Cain Awards.
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