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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Your numbers are misleading, and you are mocking the worst epidemic in modern history. Nothing good will come from that.
  2. There really aren’t any pimps in Pattaya. There are money boys who leach off ladies, but they aren’t pimps. However, the lady in question works factory, and has a husband who kind of works. I have her Facebook.
  3. Obviously, many posters here share my interest. Apparently, you do as well.
  4. Because no Farang goes with ladies in Thailand. I’m sure you never have.
  5. You are assuming that the husbands are unaware of what the wife does when she is with the Farang. As long as the wife comes home with baht, all is forgiven .
  6. Except that most are too lazy to do the work necessary to claim the estate. They mostly don’t know where the man is from.
  7. Rt-PCR tests accurately determine whether an individual is infected with the Covid-19 virus. Do you disagree?
  8. To be clear, your OP referred to a CDC directive related to retiring one type of RT-PCR, one that has not been in use since February 2020. if you really think that the directive instead was intended to retire all current RT-PCR tests, please say so. otherwise, what’s your point, unless you are just trolling.
  9. No one said he did. Actually, he took 2 married ladies on that trip.
  10. My friend says he is aware of bargirls who have money boys, some for a long time, but has not seen the husband of a factory girl deliver her to a customer, until recently.
  11. Asking for a friend. My friend lives alone in a condo, but often has bargirls come over at night. Sometimes they bring a friend, sometimes the friend is not a bargirl. There is heavy drinking involved. i understand that for a bargirl to go with a Farang is no big deal, but I am surprised at the number of non-bargirls who want to go with my friend. More surprisingly, they are often delivered by their Thai husbands. Note that I am talking about ladies working in the factory, ie they are not penniless. A couple of weeks ago, my friend took a married Thai lady to Bangkok for the weekend. Her only concession to modesty was not posting photos on Facebook. This week, he rented a pool villa and the married lady was delivered to the pool villa by her husband, along with a married neighbor lady. so, are Thai men really that mercenary? Or is this some ploy to justify leaving the wife at some point in the future? Yes, I realize that my friend is not dealing with HISO ladies, and, yes, this is Pattaya.
  12. The Covid Deniers are eagerly posting this old CDC release, without context. Do you really believe that CDC has terminated the EUA for all RT-PCR tests? If so, please explain why you think so, and I will correct you. if not, please delete your misleading post. if this is just a hit and run, and all you care about is getting lies up on the internet, you need help. Unless you are a Russian bot.
  13. If there were only some lab test that could distinguish between Covid and influenza....
  14. The CDC advisory is real, but relates to one specific PCR test that is faulty. The EUA for all other PCR Tests remains in place. The thread author is misinformed about RT-PCR and Covid in general.
  15. More kids hospitalized with COVID-19 as Omicron spreads: "We need to get child vaccinations up"
  16. The data so far is not really usable. We don't know how many deaths are due to Omicron or lingering Delta. Maybe no one will die from Omicron, we don't know. The UK just now has experienced very high numbers of cases, let's see how this develops over the next week.
  17. We don't know the whole story yet. We have not seen the impact of all those cases in the UK. Too early to tell.
  18. Crazy talk. Let's say that Omicron is 50% as deadly as Delta, but more transmissable. So, let's say 10 million unvaccinated get Omicron in the next few months. That's 50,000 dead in the next few months, if they try herd immunity.
  19. They will seal Bangkok after everyone has gone to Isaan, and then come back to Bangkok.
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