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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. As a point of information, China did crack down on prostitution about 10 years ago, and ended about 90 percent. Not that Thailand will do the same.
  2. This probably means some well publicized bust of a massage shop is coming soon. i vaguely recall earlier random police raids in hotels and massage shops. To what end, I don’t remember.
  3. Omicron: Unvaccinated 60 times more likely to end up in hospital than vaccinated - study
  4. Yeah, everytime they report about the worst epidemic since the Black Death, it's all doom and gloom.
  5. Because we are still not sure about the lethality of Omicron.
  6. Plenty of clinical trials showing ivermectin doesn’t work as an anti-viral.
  7. Of course that’s not true. There is debate right now about the severity of Omicron. You are just not paying attention.
  8. Most testing now is for Delta, which has killed millions. Common sense.
  9. I am seeing Covid spreading in the bars. Fortunately, most ladies are vaccinated, so even if they are Covid+, they just feel like they have a minor cold.
  10. 99.8% sounds pretty good unless you think about it. if airplane travel had a 99.8% survival rate, that would be about three airplane crashes a day.
  11. Either the Israeli checked out, or he didn't. Leaving a quarantine hotel without checking out is going to cause a stir, no matter what.
  12. There will be a bunch of unvaccinated people dying from Covid over the next few months. I expect that you will post about being wrong here, since that would be the right thing to do.
  13. Make sure it is packaged with a Thai lady. Delta tried that, but failed. Actually maybe tried twice, I went with a lady who is in quarantine now due to exposure last week. I don’t know her test results yet.
  14. It’s simpler than that. Did he settle his account and check out of the hotel? If he has his hotel receipt, he will be a free man shortly.
  15. I had my Moderna booster in October, and my AstraZeneca booster in December. i am ready for Omicron.
  16. If Omicron infects 5 times more people, then more people will go to the hospital.
  17. We still don’t know how lethal Omicron is. Perhaps it’s the same as the flu, but maybe not.
  18. If you don't fear a virus that has killed 5 million people worldwide, then perhaps your risk assessment is a bit off. I try to avoid diseases that require intubation for weeks in millions of cases.
  19. You assume the official data is correct. I would advise not betting your life on Thai official statistics.
  20. All the doctor knows is what they see in their hospital, which is a small sample.
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