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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. 99.8% sounds pretty good unless you think about it. if airplane travel had a 99.8% survival rate, that would be about three airplane crashes a day.
  2. Either the Israeli checked out, or he didn't. Leaving a quarantine hotel without checking out is going to cause a stir, no matter what.
  3. There will be a bunch of unvaccinated people dying from Covid over the next few months. I expect that you will post about being wrong here, since that would be the right thing to do.
  4. Make sure it is packaged with a Thai lady. Delta tried that, but failed. Actually maybe tried twice, I went with a lady who is in quarantine now due to exposure last week. I don’t know her test results yet.
  5. It’s simpler than that. Did he settle his account and check out of the hotel? If he has his hotel receipt, he will be a free man shortly.
  6. I had my Moderna booster in October, and my AstraZeneca booster in December. i am ready for Omicron.
  7. If Omicron infects 5 times more people, then more people will go to the hospital.
  8. We still don’t know how lethal Omicron is. Perhaps it’s the same as the flu, but maybe not.
  9. If you don't fear a virus that has killed 5 million people worldwide, then perhaps your risk assessment is a bit off. I try to avoid diseases that require intubation for weeks in millions of cases.
  10. You assume the official data is correct. I would advise not betting your life on Thai official statistics.
  11. All the doctor knows is what they see in their hospital, which is a small sample.
  12. It might be reasonable for Thailand to stop testing for Omicron and let it run wild. But vaccinate as quickly as possible.
  13. The scientific community has determined that vaccines are safe. You disagree. In my opinion, you are wrong to try to convince people to risk death by not vaccinating.
  14. Fake. It will format okay, but then the files you copy over to it will not be valid.
  15. You clearly have some concerns, because you are posting on a Covid topic. I suspect you don't post on a Fentanyl forum. Having said that, when it comes to Covid, you spend your time dreaming up issues with the vaccines, and nearly zero about how to stop the spread of the virus. That's kind of weird.
  16. https://www.cnet.com/health/moderna-booster-update-today-how-effective-is-it-against-omicron-heres-the-latest/ Moderna looks pretty effective against Omicron infection.
  17. It should be remembered that the spike in cases in the UK is mostly Delta, so there should be a big spike in hospitalizations and deaths in the next weeks. i am hopeful that Omicron will eradicate Delta in the UK and Thailand. It is beginning to look like the end of the epidemic is coming.
  18. You are confusing a paper that describes potential outcomes with clinical trials proving that vaccines are dangerous. I recommend you get vaccinated ASAP and stop trashing the vaccines.
  19. You worry about vaccines that are well tested and in widespread use. You don't worry about a virus that has killed 5 million people.
  20. Boosters are the same formulation as the original vaccine, which is well tested. if you are so worried about unknown substances in your body, why don’t you worry about the Covid virus? That has killed over 5 million people, so far.
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