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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Any idea why you can't answer the question about why the Stratosohere is cooling? It sounds like the question caused a bug in your programming.
  2. Your entire opinion on Global Warming is based on Newsweek publishing one article about global cooling 50 years ago.
  3. That's what happens when you read mass media stories without some understanding of science. Now that you have internet, the oil companies hire trolls to send you misinformation about climate change, and you believe that stuff. The way to determine whether you understand atmospheric physics, or if you just rely on the misinformation sent to you is for you to answer this question: Why is the stratosphere cooling? You can answer in several ways: You can say "I don't know". You can avoid answering, which means you are trolling. Or you can provide the correct answer. Your internet friends won't give you that answer, sorry. Up to you. if you decide to bail without answering, bye-bye!
  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change Climate change deniers, please explain why this chart is wrong.
  5. What mental condition would prompt someone to generate 2 different identities here to post misleading thoughts about climate change? For that matter, no one here has posted a single piece of data that disputes that human produced CO2 is heating the atmosphere.
  6. The problem is your tagline: "Stay the course! " It seems you are okay with dumping mass amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  7. The signatories don't know much about Climate Change. Why pay any attention to them?
  8. A bunch of people who knew little about atmospheric physics. Why would you pay attention to them?
  9. Your internet friends have misinformed you. At best, some scientists informally stated that, if the short term cooling trend of the 1970s were to continue indefinitely, then the planet would cool. But that was conditional, not definitive.
  10. Nope. If you disagree, please explain why the planet Venus is so hot. Yes, it's hotter than Mercury. Why?
  11. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Man's contribution to atmospheric CO2 concentration is significant. Over the last 20 years, CO2 has increased from 280 to 400+ ppm, almost entirely from human sources. Natural climate change is real, but absent human production of pollutants, nature would be producing cooling. But natural cooling has been subsumed by all that CO2 produced by humans, and the planet is warming.
  12. I understand your anger that your Dear Leader has been indicted four times. You have been sucked into a cult of personality. Trump recognized early on that his followers were blinded by enthusiasm for their Dear Leader when he declared that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, and his followers wouldn't care. Trump was talking about you.
  13. You continue to post nonsense here. Given your ignorance of science, you can't contribute anything positive here. Nothing you post about climate change helps anyone. Rather than rely on fringe scientists paid by the oil industry, how about doing some real research. If you don't think that excess CO2 contributes to global warming, can you tell us the planet Venus is so hot?
  14. I am waiting for someone to post that they believe Sydney Powell. I suspect they will believe Ms. Powell right up to the moment she is sent to a mental health facility.
  15. At this point, either you believe multiple prosecutors, 61 judges, the White House counsel, multiple independent invesigators and the House Select Committee that Trump lost the election OR you believe Sydney Powell. Up to you.
  16. Yep, it's cancelled. Same as Infrastructure week and his healthcare plan.
  17. of course, the Monday press conference has been cancelled.
  18. My opinion is that Biden will beat Trump handily, barring economic catastrophe or health issues or an alien invasion. But, the polls will be shockingly close at the later stages of the campaign.
  19. The Trump defense for the Georgia indictments is to break down the conspiracy into its smallest parts and then to argue that these overt acts were perfectly legal. So that's what we will see here in 1....2.....3...
  20. You have an active imagination. Is the DNC ruling now?
  21. DOJ will prosecute anyone suspected of violating election laws. Because this is not a political persecution. Trump attempted voter fraud. Do you disagree?
  22. I forget. Are you on Team "Trump is Innocent" or Team "Trump is Guilty But It Doesn't Matter"?
  23. I suspect that some of Trump's lawyers who he stiffed (non payment of legal fees) are going to cooperate with the authorities.
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