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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The case is in court. Trump told his people to go to the Capitol and fight. Which they did. Telling civilians to attack Congress is not an official act.
  2. I prefer policies that work to improve people's lives. So, Social Security is a good thing. Cutting taxes on billionaires causes misery for everyone else.
  3. If you are dealing with Somchai in the local TRD, you're dead anyways. The point is to legally avoid such encounters.
  4. More likely will be chaos at the county level as some bureaucrats may simply refuse to certify the results.
  5. Please tell us if you even understand Trump's answer to the question about child tax credits that he was asked. As long as Trump is demonstrating clear mental decline, it's probably better for you not to post about Kamala Harris' intelligence.
  6. There was a boy bar raided about four months ago, with a high ranking politician accompanying the police (Dirty bar). The bar was officially closed for 5 years. It's open again under the name Secrets bar.
  7. Did you know that Trump ordered his followers to attack the US Capitol on January 6, 2021? People died as a result.
  8. I withdrew cash from an ATM in the US using my Bangkok Bank ATM card. Since I was remitting money from Thailand abroad, does that reduce the basis for my accessible income?
  9. It will be a relief when the election is over, and these posts about ticky-tack stuff disappear.
  10. The point of the OP is that Trump will use chaos in the electoral system to try to change the outcome of the election.
  11. Every day that passes, Russia is weakened by the war of attrition, while the US is untouched. Russia loses territory every day. If anyone thinks things are going along Putin's plan, they are deluded. This war is going badly for Russia.
  12. You misread my statement. I stated that very few Farangs will start filing next year as a result of the new regulations. I haven't met a Farang who knew about the new regulations. I did meet a guy working in a hotel who was paying Thai tax, but his company filed his return. I suspect that they won't add any monies that he remits to Thailand in next year's return.
  13. I am convinced that this tax thing is a nothingburger and that, at best, the regulations will only be used to put the screws to a big fish who is already in the sights of the RD. I think Bob in the village will remain ignorant of these new regulations for years to come. Meanwhile, I am staying out of Thailand for all but 179 days this year, so I can monitor the situation.
  14. It is so easy for traffic police to stop someone riding a motorcycle without a helmet. This is Thailand.
  15. I had a cashier complain to me that her Farang soulmate had discovered that she had worked as a bar girl many years before. He was outraged that she went with a customer, although this was years before they had met. She was very sad that he was upset about her prior career. Of course, she told me this story while we were in bed.
  16. The bar girls I know have stories of customers defrauding them in one way or another. I am amazed how stupid bar girls can be when they think they have found Mr. Right.
  17. I was very lucky that I lived in Mexico before I came to Thailand so I was very well prepared for scams.
  18. Hey Trumpers! Where are you on the great "electrocution vs sharks" controversy?
  19. Because you believe everything Putin says.
  20. It's surprising that, with the Tenet money gone, you're still here. The upside of that is that you may be here when Russia loses the war.
  21. This news article is about some guy with nothing to do about space launches suggesting that Thailand launch satellites. In other words, a nothingburger.
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