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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Somchai who works for traffic police can *see* people on motorcycles whizzing by while not wearing a helmet. He *could* stop them.
  2. The reality is that very few Farangs are going to file Thai tax returns next year. What do you think is going to happen to Bob in the village who doesn't know anything about the new Thai tax regulations and doesn't have a clue about filing a tax return?
  3. You have the capability of inventing nonsense *and* forgetting actual events. Impressive.
  4. Got any links to cities being burned down? All you've shown are standard random riot photos.
  5. If anyone is pumping up this stock using funding from Russia, I suspect that will immediately stop. We'll see if the share price drops tomorrow.
  6. BLM didn't burn down any cities. There were isolated outbreaks. In one case, the Boogaloo Brothers committed arson and tried to pin it on BLM.
  7. The government is asserting that the Russians paid Tenet $10 million. Do you disagree?
  8. And yet, Russia is paying talking heads to support Trump. So, you don't seem to have any basis in fact for your claim.
  9. Trump admitted that he lost in 2020. Do you agree with Trump?
  10. The question is how this will impact the distribution of talking points for Trumpers. We may have a few quiet days here until new avenues of talking point distribution are found.
  11. Discussions about procedures that Farangs with Thai tax identification numbers who regularly file Thai tax returns are not germane to the issue of the impact of the new Thai regulations on Farangs who have never filed. Yes, once you file a Thai return, you are in the system, and the RD may come looking for you if you fail to file again. We got that. Also, people with millions of baht in Thai banks may face scrutiny from the RD. We got that. The question is the impact of the new tax regulations on Farangs who have never filed, and/or don't have millions of baht in Thai banks. There really should be a topic for the 2 or 3 people who file Thai returns to talk to each other.
  12. There is a 20,000 baht minimum for such bank interest to be taxable. That implies a bank account in the millions before any tax on interest is applicable.
  13. This is a country that doesn't enforce motorcycle helmet laws. I could write a post about how they *could* easily enforce the laws, but they don't. Your observation is true, in theory, but Thailand is a country where theory rarely becomes practice.
  14. It's $17.84 before the market open. Maybe today is the day they try the short squeeze. I can't believe they are going to let it drop and die.
  15. The question is what will Trump voters do after Trump loses again?
  16. The vast majority of Farangs living in Thailand have never filed a tax return. The question is how the Revenue Department will identify them. More to the point, very few of those retired Farangs will have sufficient accessible income to require filing a tax return. Your experience is very different than that of most Farangs. The issue now is whether RD will staff up to identify tax residents who haven't filed, or whether this new regulation will go the way of marijuana recriminalization.
  17. The question is how the Revenue Department would have a Farang under investigation if that Farang has never filed a tax return. The vast majority of Farangs living in Thailand have never worked in Thailand, and therefore have never filed a Thai tax return.
  18. Trump isn't very active on the campaign trial anymore. I am seeing a very light schedule for Trump this week. Lara Trump, rather than serve as RNC director, is making music videos.
  19. And meanwhile, I am staying out of Thailand in 2024 for all but 179 days, so as not to be a tax resident. I will monitor what happens in 2025 to decide on future residency. If some of you are sent to the monkey house for failure to file, then I will never be a Thai tax resident.
  20. The specific case you are referring to is a Farang who worked in Thailand, paid taxes, and then stopped filing returns after retirement. The Revenue Dept noticed the failure to file a return, and took action. The lesson here is that, once you are in the RD system, they can require you to file a return. But 99% of Farangs are not in the RD system, and those are the people this topic about.
  21. Did Trump manage to get out of bed and go campaign?
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