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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There are a ton of ladies in the bars in Pattaya. Very few customers, though.
  2. Actually, i was referring to jobs in shops dealing with English speaking customers. Plenty of ladies from the Philippines in the shops, virtually zero Thai ladies.
  3. This answers the OP. The baht buses from Pattaya will stop on Beach Road when it reaches Soi Chayuphreuk. Some baht buses run up and down Beach Road south of Soi Chayuphreuk, but these are unscheduled.
  4. Actually, Filipinas in UAE have more straight job opportunities because they speak English better than Thai ladies.
  5. The problem is laziness. Its common for them to start trying to weasel out of it, if they think there's a chance the money flow will continue.
  6. You don't seem to have a handle on facts. The vast majority of Covid deaths earlier this year were the unvaccinated.
  7. The lady I am with right now started hacking and wheezing yesterday. We came to Phuket, and she fell asleep at 7 pm. At 9 am, I woke her up for breakfast, after which she fell asleep again. Its past 6pm, and she is still asleep, with some more hacking and wheezing. If she has a cold, its like none I have ever encountered. If she can't make our flight out of here tomorrow, I may have to take her to the hospital.
  8. I know ladies who fell for such schemes. Usually, they can't get out for 30 days.
  9. There is one other explanation for this respiratory illness that is going around Pattaya, for which i seem immune: a couple of months ago, i came back from Mexico with some sort of chest cold. It developed into a normal cold after a week, the cold went away, but the chest cold continued for a month and continues to decline in severity. I may have passed it to a lady in Pattaya, as she showed symptoms a week later. So, I may be running into ladies suffering from the Mexican chest cold, but I may be immune, since I already have it. Just a theory.
  10. There is something going around in Pattaya, a virus that produces symptoms similar to a bad cold. I have had ladies this week with symptoms in close contact with me, but i seem to be immune (so far), whereas I get colds pretty easily.
  11. If your Thai lady is 40+, and she has you fully committed, then don't expect a lot of boom-boom.
  12. In Pattaya, Farangs give money to their “girlfriend”. Thai women give money to their Thai boyfriend. i once had a lady pay for a ride on a baht bus.
  13. Never tell your Thai lady that she will get big money when you are gone. The English speaking press is full of stories about Farangs who made that mistake.
  14. It’s pretty obvious that some people are innately immune to Covid, at least to the variants known to date. Unfortunately, the virus is fairly clever, and may evolve into a variant that attacks those innately immune to earlier variants.
  15. A person can be infected with both. But, Covid is so infectious that it drives influenza out. Why? Because so many peopke are infected, or are taking precautions, so the flu can't spread.
  16. I had a retired bargirl visit me last night. Her strategy was to marry a Farang, which she did. The problem is that he lives in Germany, and she is running out of excuses not to go see him. So, she stays in Pattaya, having fun in the bars. As far as i know, she doesn't go with other Farangs. But, she does have a Thai boyfriend, a karaoke boy 15 years young than she. The claim is that she doesn't give him money, but her friends disagree. So her family complains she doesn't send enough money, but she needs to hold back some cash to pay for drinks and her Thai boy. Eventually, she will either have to go to Germany or end the relationship. Or find a better story why she can't go to Germany.
  17. When you're reading page 3 of comments about a topic you are complaining about.........
  18. I have a bargirl in my room now who had a daughter with an English chap. He's long gone, but she reports that the daughter looks 100% Farang, so she's a super retirement plan for the bargirl.
  19. You misunderstood my comment. I have no doubt that your story is real. The issue is that this topic is about bargirl retirement strategies, so your story about non-bargirls having success is not germane. A bargirl won’t have the years of working in Isaan that your wife has, and so doesn’t have the same experience or opportunities.
  20. I would give more credit to your story, if your wife were a former bargirl. If not, she has had years of experience living and working in Isaan, which most bargirls don’t have.
  21. Covid and the flu cannot co-exist, Covid is vastly more infectious. Since Covid is mild, we are seeing lots of people with minor flu like symptoms. Cheap ATK tests cannot detect Omicron reliably. The uneducated might question why anyone worries about Covid now, but the greater the number of infecteds, the more resulting mutations.
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