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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You are posting an old tired cliche. The vaccinated are far less likely to be infected, and when infected, have a much shorter infectious period. You are doing your best to avoid reality: vaccination saves lives.
  2. Wow, you really don’t understand probabilities, do you? Almost a million dead from Covid in the US now. If you can reduce your risk of joining them by getting vaccinated, I would suggest you do so.
  3. Your wrath should be directed at those idiots who are keeping the virus alive by not vaccinating.
  4. I guess you are not paying attention to current events. The world is suffering the worst plague in 100 years. The more people who vaccinate, the greater the chance to end the epidemic before the virus mutates again, this time into a more lethal form. You can help stop this plague by vaccinating.
  5. Wow, you are doing your best to disprove your claim about your intelligence. If some unvaccinated superspreader gets close enough to me, yeah, probably not wearing a face mask, I am liable to be infected, despite my vaccinations. The difference is that I am less likely to be infected than you, and much less likely to die than you. Despite your alleged high IQ, if you choose not to get vaccinated, and die from a Covid infection, that would be pretty much the height of stupidity.
  6. Ignorance must be bliss. Omicron is sufficiently infectious that an older vaccinated person can still be infected by an unvaccinated superspreader. Omicron is also sufficiently infectious that you may find yourself in line for a Herman Cain Award. Thousands of people who thought they could beat Covid have now received their HCA.
  7. Of course there ARE consequences for unvaccinateds under 50, at best, they can infect many others, some becoming superspreaders. The unvaccinated under-50 types are keeping the pandemic alive.
  8. So, you only care about surviving Covid, you don’t care about getting infected, not knowing because you are asymptomatic, and infecting others. Nice.
  9. The issue on the table is not the competence of Thai physicians, but your opinion that you are more knowledgeable concerning the field of immunology than the world’s leading experts, who are nearly unanimous in recommending that you vaccinate.
  10. It is common for Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers to sow doubt by questioning various statistics about Covid. Or by discussing questionable clinical trials. The deniers and anti-vaxxers are fed by a misinformation network that constantly produces material for their victims to post on social media. They are not stupid enough to spread the message that vaccines don’t work, but rather to attack around the edges, focusing on posting misleading quotes or poorly conducted clinical trials. this misinformation network is based on the Climate Change Denier lie factory, which has pretty much closed up shop and refocused on Covid.
  11. Stubby’s post questioned the accuracy of a report about vaccine efficacy. He neglected the flip side of his objections, what is the efficacy of remaining unvaccinated? Since the unvaccinated die at a rate some 50 times more than those with boosters, a rational person would opt for full vaccination.
  12. During October–November, unvaccinated persons had 13.9 and 53.2 times the risks for infection and COVID-19–associated death, respectively, compared with fully vaccinated persons who received booster doses, and 4.0 and 12.7 times the risks compared with fully vaccinated persons without booster doses.
  13. Those are old quotes, based on the problem that there are a lot of worthless clinical trials. The scientific community weeds out bad clinical trials, like the early studies of Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid.
  14. Get vaccinated. There is no serious disagreement among scientists about the importance of vaccines in saving lives.
  15. You are missing the forest for the trees. If you don't want to die from Covid, get vaccinated, early and often.
  16. Since you invoked the flu earlier, what percent of flu mortality is due to co-morbidities? Don't worry, your internet friends will never give you that data, so you can't answer.
  17. If people were falling off balconies due to drunkenness, why don't they fall from the second floor, or the 3rd floor, why is it always a high floor? Same with the railings. Why are they high enough on the low floors?
  18. If the cause were drunkenness and/or low balcony railings, we would be seeing more stories of people falling from a second story condo. But we never do.
  19. If testing is poor, the reported numbers per million cannot be accurate. The number of excess deaths in Thailand is three times the number of reported deaths.
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