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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Omicron numbers are low because of low testing. Thailand ranks 146th in testing.
  2. The official numbers show that Thailand tests less than most countries. To be precise, Thailand ranks #146 in testing per capita. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries Disgraceful.
  3. That was before Omicron. The real question is if you understand that unvaccinated people have a much larger risk of dying from Covid. Do you understand that basic concept?
  4. From the quoted article: ”The skewing effect of overestimating the size of the unvaccinated population - potentially by as much as 50% - used for the "per 100,000" denominator becomes more pronounced as the prevalence of the virus increases, as it did to record levels with Omicron.”. Meanwhile, the CDC reports that unvaccinated people are up to 53 times more likely to die from Covid. Do you disagree with the CDC?
  5. Getting back to the topic, Vietnam has consistently reported case numbers about double Thailand’s numbers, which makes sense given its larger population and better testing. The problem is that Vietnam’s case numbers are spiking up right now. I suspect Thailand may follow.
  6. After reading 11 pages of this: getting married in Thailand is like buying a lottery ticket, there are some winners and many suckers who lose. I don’t see a reason to marry in Thailand. Similarly, i don’t see a reason to have a girlfriend in Thailand. Better to play the field, and cheaper in the long run.
  7. Scotland has stopped reporting this data, because it was inaccurate. The problem here has nothing to do with vaccines, and everything to do with you not understanding your linked article. Meanwhile, the CDC reports that unvaccinated people are up to 53 times more likely to die from Covid. Do you disagree with the CDC?
  8. The Scotland Health Service says the data is inaccurate. Do you disagree with them?
  9. If you have any doubts, the number of Covid deaths among the unvaccinated is many times that of the vaccinated. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm “During October–November, unvaccinated persons had 13.9 and 53.2 times the risks for infection and COVID-19–associated death, respectively, compared with fully vaccinated persons who received booster doses, and 4.0 and 12.7 times the risks compared with fully vaccinated persons without booster doses. ” Do you disagree?
  10. You clearly don’t understand the article you posted. Apparently, when your internet friends sent you the link, you were so eager to post it, you didn’t bother to internalize it. Deaths per million as a statistic requires an accurate denominator, in this case, the raw number of unvaccinateds. The problem is that Scotland does not have a good handle on the number of unvaccinated Scots, so they admit the published data is inaccurate. Since your position here is based on inaccurate data, you lose.
  11. What you can’t explain is why the vast majority of Covid deaths in the US are unvaccinated. i get it, you’re a deadender anti-vaxx type. So you gain pleasure from posting misleading data or just lies, because you think that lying about vaccines is a good thing.
  12. You forgot to read your own article, which is about why the data in Scotland should not be relied on. You lose. More to the point, even if the data from Scotland were accurate, it’s just one country. You can always find a point of time in any country where the data supports you.
  13. From the quoted article: ”The skewing effect of overestimating the size of the unvaccinated population - potentially by as much as 50% - used for the "per 100,000" denominator becomes more pronounced as the prevalence of the virus increases, as it did to record levels with Omicron.”. in other words, the data used in Scotland is not accurate. Vaccines save lives.
  14. You seem confused. if there were zero tests conducted, then deaths per million would be zero. if there were 100,000 tests per day, then the number of reported infections would be very high. Anutin has chosen to test closer to zero than to 100,000 per day. Therefore, you think Thailand is doing well.
  15. TaT wants to scrap the second PCR test, and replace it with an ATK test. so, does that mean the quarantine for the 5th night would be scrapped?
  16. My experience is different. I see Thai ladies in their early 40s who look pretty good. But when they hit 50, they turn into grandmothers. last week, I was with a 39 year old Thai lady, and some security person thought she was underage.
  17. Meanwhile, daily deaths from Covid in South Africa are spiking up. Although case numbers declined in South Africa, deaths did not decline.
  18. You do understand that Anutin has chosen to reduce testing so that the numbers don't look so bad.
  19. Although Covid is declining in Europe, it continues to infect large numbers of people. The decline is very slow, unlike the initial spike.
  20. Your opinion that having 0.1% of the population hospitalized for a single disease is not serious. Please remind us where you received your medical degree. Also, please note that 0.2% in hospital represents 100% of all beds, so if 0.2% are hospitalized for Covid, even you would agree that would be serious. So.. Dr. Stephenterry, at what point between 0.1% and 0.2% does the number of Covid hospitalizations become serious?
  21. How many of those imported cases were positive tests on Day 5, ie tourists who caught Covid after arrival in Thailand?
  22. Your math is wrong. One percent of 70 million people is 700,000 people. So 70,000 hospitalized is 0.1%. The rest of your post is likewise worthless.
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