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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. We may argue about the mechanisms and the details (but we are not scientists or physicians), but the basic fact is that vaccination helps combat Covid. If you are unvaccinated, you are prone to death from Covid.
  2. Except that Thailand has been fortunate in not having so many Covid deaths as other countries.
  3. I don’t think the anti-vaxxers want to talk about this.
  4. Yep. Where hospitalizations from Omicron trend down, countries react accordingly. Hospitalizations in Thailand are trending up.
  5. Because you believe there is a massive global conspiracy to make people wear face masks because reasons. And the 5 million dead are crisis actors. How deep are you in the rabbit hole?
  6. No, Omicron is not endemic in Thailand. Here's a hint: endemic diseases do not cause hospitalizations to triple in a month. .
  7. The problem is that the bulk of the new hospitalizations came in the last 2 weeks, so some fraction of those patients will be going to ICU. And some will die.
  8. That makes two of us. I designed stuff now flying on ISS. I am one of the founders of a company flying satellites that act as cell towers in space for standard cell phones.
  9. I have to say, if my Thai wife of 20 years left me to go with a Thai BF, I would be going with a much younger model, and forget about her.
  10. On the other hand, after hearing a few thousand stories about Thai ladies leaving a Farang after she got the house, a pattern seems to be emerging.
  11. I have seen too many Thai ladies describe a guy as having a good heart, and therefore not boyfriend material. Customer, yes.
  12. Farangs tend to think that Thai ladies like men with “a good heart”. In my experience, Thai ladies think that Farangs with a good heart are suckers. Their Thai BFs often treat them like <deleted>, but they tolerate it.
  13. That German guy felt the same way about his Thai wife, until he didn’t.
  14. I think the comment you responded to was about Thailand, not the world at large.
  15. Translation: you never knew your Thai GF had a Thai BF on the side. Oh, sorry, your Thai lady is different. Here is the clue: unless your Thai lady is giving you money, you’re not the boyfriend.
  16. Meh. i went with a Thai lady on and off for 4 years, until she found a better deal, a guy who only saw her during the day, so she could live with her Thai boyfriend at night. When she was with me, she didn’t have free time to see her Thai boyfriend, so he hooked up with another lady and had a kid. Meanwhile, my Thai lady friend was having a sad every day. i was happy to see her go. The kicker is that she has a twin sister, who is with me at the moment, and, yes, the twin sister has a Thai boyfriend, but money talks. I learned long ago not to take any Thai lady seriously, as they will do anything to get baht to give to their Thai boyfriend. So, just enjoy the ride, it’s like being in Disneyland, but if you think Mickey Mouse really likes you, you have a problem.
  17. It sounds to me that the Thai lady had a Thai man on the side for all of the marriage, and she finally had enough baht to leave the Farang to go live with her Thai sweetheart. For most of us, that would be a free divorce and an opportunity to score a younger lady. But maybe this fellow had too much invested in the marriage, including the house.
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