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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. My Bangkok Bank Be1st card was locked the first time I tried it in a Brazil ATM.
  2. Another issue is that bargirls with Thai boyfriends often express pleasure that they can go with another man, while the boyfriend has to wait for them. It’s very common for a bargirl to tell me that her boyfriend does what she tells him to do - she can marry a Farang, and he must wait. She doesn’t mention the baht she hands to her boyfriend when she comes home. of course, the Thai man does not have to wait, really, if she goes off for a night or a year, he will hook up with another lady in the interim. Having some money in hand helps with that.
  3. The problem for this lady is that I know her friends in real life, and I see their FB. And she has 1,000 male followers, so she isn't going to abandon that FB account. But, yeah, I knew a lady years ago who had multiple FB accounts. The problem is she was friends with all of them. A better example is a Thai lady I know who forbids her Thai boyfriend from using FB, so no customer can ever find him. But, another Thai lady I know made a FB account for her husband, so that ladies would know he has a wife.
  4. Another morality issue: why do Thai ladies often give up their babies to ex-husbands and boyfriends?
  5. I guess a current article in a medical journal won’t be very convincing. Covid deaths in the UK are at their highest since February 2021 despite omicron being less severe than previous variants.
  6. Omicron is a fraction as lethal as Delta, but many times more infectious. So, as long as infections are at 80,000+ in the UK, lots of people are going to die. Maybe not as many as Delta, but still a lot. You May feel better if Omicron only kills 99% as many as Delta, but it’s still tragic.
  7. It sounds like you don't know much about how a death certificate is created. Everyone else knows, so now you are embarrassing yourself.
  8. The overnight reports in the UK list anyone who dies within 28 days of testing positive. The official reports list the actual deaths from Covid. So, the official numbers may be slightly lower than the overnight numbers.
  9. The most vaccinated countries tend to test the most. Its very odd that if a country doesn’t test much, it’s’ infection numbers are lower.
  10. Denmark infection numbers are still spiking after a month. The UK has stabilized, but a very high number. There is a good possibility that the death toll for these countries will climb, with unpleasant results.
  11. You really believe that coroners are lying about Covid to save some time? it’s pretty clear you are not well informed about Covid. If you disagree, please explain why excess mortality numbers indicate that Covid deaths are significantly undercounted in most countries. Your internet friends haven’t told you about that, so you probably can’t answer.
  12. That ignores reality. In most countries, the primary cause of death is what is noted on the death certificate.
  13. Unless some new variant emerges. Meanwhile, in many other countries, the infections have peaked, but remain at a very high level, and daily death counts are rising.
  14. It looks like Covid extensions are being denied by Immigration unless the applicant has the “right” visa. Does this mean that Pattaya is going to be empty soon?
  15. That is not the real question. Covid Deniers like to focus on the physical state of the deceased, but it's more appropriate to consider that someone with a chronic condition that might kill them over 10 years who is then infected and dies from Covid didn't particularly want to die prematurely. Taking your position to the extreme, everyone dies, and Covid just makes the process quicker, so what is the problem?
  16. I know two ladies who are opening new bars next week, so they must think there are customers in Pattaya.
  17. In the USA, some 3,000 people a day are dying from Omicron. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ i am sorry that your sources don’t mention this.
  18. It’s really amazing how many gambling addicts I have run into in Pattaya. I know ladies who work bar because they rang up big gambling debts in their home town.
  19. Nothing saves doctors’ time and Medicare money than having a million people die after a month in ICU.
  20. You are correct. Excess mortality data indicates that well over a million Americans have died from Covid.
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