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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. That was before Omicron and Delta. If the next variant turns out to be worse, are you going to blame that on Biden, too? Biden did manage to get the original strain under control.
  2. I suspect there will be all sorts of problems with Thailand Pass software for 2 weeks.
  3. Based on recent experience, if 10,000 new tourists show up at Suvarnaphumi, that’s cause for 100 new bars to open in Pattaya.
  4. First the naysayers claim that nobody will come to Thailand, now they say that anyone coming will be forced to go to a hospital, or that too many are coming. Naysayers be naysayers. They can just post that they aren’t happy, every single day. Much easier.
  5. Because it's killing a lot of people who think they have a healthy immune system. If you have any doubts, check out the Herman Cain Awards.
  6. You are probably not scared to remain unvaccinated and to infect your loved ones.
  7. Well, for most people, the Scientific Method works. On the other hand, crazy people declare that what they think is true, is reality. That approach doesn't really work for most of them.
  8. Yeah, those ladies on their phones 24 hours a day with their 20 sponsors is a real problem. But, if there weren’t Farang idiots sending money for nothing, that problem wouldn’t exist.
  9. You seem to believe that, under Test and Go, if you arrive at your hotel after 6 pm, you will be required to spend, and pay for, a second night in the hotel. This is not the case. You book a single night for Test and Go, and remain in the hotel for as long as it takes for your sample to be processed. It’s on the hotel to make sure you are out within 24 hours. There is a flight to BKK that arrives at 00.05, that’s 5 minutes after midnight. All of the passengers go through Test and Go, and are released from the hotel before midnight that calendar day. Happens every single day.
  10. The wife typically only declares she is too old for boom-boom when she achieved a controlling financial interest.
  11. Not as much of a blocker as when your Thai wife hits 40 and declares she is too old for boom-boom.
  12. So … is there a stampede of long timers to the airport, or is this being sorted?
  13. Vietnam and Malaysia have more stringent entry requirements.
  14. Just for reference, my girlfriend would come over to my place, clean it, cut the toenails, do laundry, and other stuff. Spend the night. And then go back to her Thai boyfriend the next morning. i was happy to see her go.
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