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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The other day, a German fellow burned down his house and killed himself over cheating by his Thai wife of 21 years. Apparently, she cheated the whole time. i think that Thai ladies are unique in their practice of marrying a Farang while seeing a Thai man on the side. Meanwhile, the Thai man will have a wife and family, who he will abandon the moment the Thai lady disengages from the Farang. i have seen chains with a Farang on one end, and a long series of Thais on the other. A Farang goes with a married Thai lady, her husband goes with another Thai lady, she has another Thai man on the side, etc. When the Farang disengages, the whole chain is disrupted.
  2. Yeah, it sounds like a tragic situation, especially with so many bars open that there is a shortage of ladies.
  3. I’m not in Pattaya now, but the reports I see indicate that the bars are doing very well. oh, sorry, the restaurants are doing well.
  4. I took a box of 50 with me when I left Thailand. I guess I narrowly escaped the monkey house.
  5. The only reason that day 5 Test and Go positives are so low is that there are so few Test and Go tourists this week. In a couple of weeks, positives will be much higher.
  6. I am traveling the world with a married Thai lady. She says she loves her husband very much, but needs money. Plus, she is bored when she is at home. She has a Farang sponsor, and told him that she is traveling together with her sister, who is supposed to be my girlfriend. What I don’t get is that this lady is constantly trying to make plans for further travel after we return to Thailand in April, she has a list of places to visit. If I didn’t know better, I would think that she doesn’t want me to see other ladies.
  7. Here is actual reality: There is no National law about face masks, only a recommendation. In some jurisdictions, there are local ordinances about face masks.
  8. There is some reason why so many people are asymptomatic, whereas others die. Same for some people who never get infected. No one seems to understand this.
  9. I am planning a trip to Mexico in late April, this time I go with a Mexican lady. I mentioned being in Argentina now, there is a shortage of gringos at the moment. Everyone I meet is amazed I can speak Spanish. I get a few who try some English, but most give up and just ask why I can speak Spanish.
  10. The unvaxxed are prolonging the epidemic. Plus, they are many times more likely to die from Covid. They don’t have to trust the government, they can trust the virus to kill them.
  11. Face masks are useful in reducing the rate of new infections. It's like seat belts, they don't prevent everyone from dying, but they save some. Oh, you don't like seat belts, either.... Sorry.
  12. I couldn't get a Mexican visa for my Thai lady friend, so we went to Argentina instead.
  13. Because you are taking his words out of context. His point was that the Feds can’t do it alone, nor should they. Do you disagree?
  14. Is there some part of this chart that is hard to understand? Get vaccinated…
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