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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Do you think that illegals are voting in states with Republican Secretaries of State?
  2. Just noise to hide the reality that you have no proof that large numbers of illegals are voting. Do you also believe the Earth is flat?
  3. If "woke" means not racist, not sexist, not homophobe, I am proudly woke. As opposed to racist lowlifes who are currently hiding their KKK robes until after the election.
  4. You are just making noise now. Your trolling over this question goes back several months, as you cannot answer the question of whether Trump weighs 215 pounds. You don't have the mental freedom to contradict your Dear Leader.
  5. Trump's financial base are billionaires, hoping for another tax cut. It happens I know Bob Bigelow, who gave Trump $10,000,000. Isaac Perlmuttergave another $10 million before he sold his Disney stock. If you believe that Trump isn't living off billionaire donors, you are detached from reality.
  6. Why can't you answer the question? Yes, I have the data, but I am waiting for your answer on whether you believe Trump weighs 215 lbs. The more you delay answering, the more your insanity becomes obvious.
  7. The voters clearly want someone new. If Trump had dropped out in favor of a younger Republican, that new candidate would be widely accepted. But Trump grimly plods on, despite most voters being tired of his act. And, no, JD Vance is not the fresh face the Republicans need.
  8. It sounds like you didn't like the poll results and you're trying to cancel the poll. Unfortunately, there will be more polls with bad numbers for Trump.
  9. Citing "woke" means you are an unhappy white male. Unhappy because you worry about uppity blacks, women seeking equality, and illegals who could take your job if you were an American.
  10. It's impossible for big donors to manufacture small donors as you suggest. About 1 million individuals donated to Kamala Harris with 48 hours of her candidacy. You have to learn to accept that.
  11. You wish. America is the world's leader, and the world's most successful democracy. I am so sorry that you come from a country that is less successful.
  12. Pure insanity. You have zero proof that large numbers of illegals are voting
  13. Anyone who supports Trump has some problems. Especially foreigners.
  14. Just answer "yes" or "no". I am not going to search through your dozens of propaganda posts. It's not a hard question except for MAGA cultists: does Trump weigh 215 pounds, as he claims?
  15. Unfortunately for you, you can't vote in November. I don't think foreigners can donate to political campaigns, either
  16. A working definition of insanity is believing something incredible with zero proof. Your claim is so crazy that it invalidates not just your post, but all of your posts. I would ask you to prove your claim, but it's impossible for you to do, so you have committed Internet hari-kari.
  17. The polls today are chaotic. We are not going to understand the voter sentiment for another month.
  18. Tell me about the turnover in Trump's Cabinet 2017-2021.
  19. Do you believe that Trump weighs 215 pounds, like he claims. If you obfuscate, the answer is "yes".
  20. You claim not to be a Trump supporter, but your posts support the election of Trump. You seem confused. And I caught you by giving you the MAGA test: I asked you if you believed Trump when he said he weighed 215 pounds. MAGA types can't answer the question. Since you aren't an American, why are you so interested in supporting Trump?
  21. You Trump are confused because the Project 2025 manifesto doesn't overtly say "we want Fascism". It just describes Fascist policies. What do you think of JD Vance wanting to hunt down women who cross state lines for abortions?
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