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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Not read the whole topic, but the OP enquired whether his PARTNER, could access the money. Simple answer NO, unless there was a Will naming her.. Upon death a partner is not entitled to any assets of the deceased, though she may be entitled to a monthly pension from an employer of the deceased A wife is however entitled in Thailand under the intestacy rules (if no Will) but at best she will only receive 50%
  2. Not if nobody tells them. Just drain the account leaving 100bt in. Not enough to pay for the annual ATM card, and as such the account will automatically be cancelled.
  3. Why 25 years jail? He cold bloodedly stabbed the driver to death. He should die too!
  4. From the photo, the girlfriend would appear to be a white skinned non-Thai
  5. A bit more accuracy and attention to detail would not go amiss
  6. Maybe, but they can be seen,,,,,,,,,,On display every day unlike those referred to as God's
  7. "A gang of reckless youths caused havoc on the streets of Buriram, " Misleading heading! If the 13 year old was admitted to Lahansai hospital, it can be assumed the problem occurred in Lahansai, which whilst in Buriram province is some 80kms to the South!
  8. Some years ago, I was having a meal with my daughter and her friend in a restaurant. We sat at a table for 4. After a while the friend suddenly started talking about God, and knowing my views, asked what would make me believe. I answered "if he came and sat in this empty chair and joined us for our meal" Her response was how would I know it was God. My answer " I'd ask to see his passport!"
  9. Misleading headline. I read it as all 13 deaths had occurred overnight, not during last december!
  10. I have never found the Surin hospital to which you refer as being reasonably priced, and not specially efficient. They wanted a huge sum to remove a small skin cancer lump by my nose, and when I saw a Doctor re lower back pain, and told him there problems associated with most pain killers and the various heart meds I was taking, he eventually came up with a tablet he said was safe. Back home my computer warned me not to touch it as it could be fatal! I fortunately have insurance (amazingly capped at the same price it was when I took it out decades ago except for inflationary increases). and am able to choose better hospitals when required. For heart conditions I cannot recommend Queen Sirikit Hospital Khon Kaen highly enough At close on 200,000bt/year the op might as well self-insure and if required use a local government hospital, many of which are very good. All being well, at age 80 he will have more than 1 million baht in the kitty
  11. Carrying out a crime using a weapon as a threat (knife/gun etc) and endangering peoples lives (possible heart attack) warrants a death sentence
  12. I gave up 25 years ago looking for virgins in Thailand.
  13. A young hot blooded male, becomes a monk, denying him all natural access to women and his sexuality. Completely abnormal. Most monks I see are decrepit old buggers 60/70 +
  14. Not involved with extensions, but it seems clear to me that if you can get a minimum 2..5% interest (which you can in the UK and somewhat more) and have access to the money for the full 12 months then it is by far cheaper to use an agent or a corrupt IO to process your extension for a fee of 15/20,000baht
  15. If I were the boys father, he would. Months not weeks!
  16. Last time I bought from 7-11 it was 14bt for Iced Coffee, and since you fill the cup yourself, you do not need to add ice. Excellent!
  17. Thats as maybe, but invariably involve someone driving drunk (80+%) mtorcyclists who drive without a care in the world whether drunk or sober most of the time
  18. around 1100 drunk drivers arrested each day of the 7 day period throughout Thailand which is approx 15 per day per province In my small village I can assure that more than 15 persons were guilty of drunk driving per day, including on some days 2 policemen (and possibly many more that I did not see)!!!!!!! So will prisons countrywide increase their number of guests by some 7,864 for drink driving? , What a stupid question! The Police are incapable of carrying out their job! Perhaps bring in the army at times like these (they really don't have much more to do!)
  19. On the same broad topic, A Scottish Will does not become null and void upon marriage, as do Thai and English Wills. If there is only 1 "universal WILL" and marriage to a Thai took place after the Will was drawn up, would Thai Laws after the drawing up of the Will nullify the Will here in Thailand, effectively declaring the deceased died intestate?
  20. No He will always be an evil bastard, but would receive severe punishment for his misdeeds
  21. The teacher assaulted the boy - severely. On top of wais. damages, loss of job, he deserves a 1 year minimum prison sentence
  22. A 29 year old woman was NOT arrested! It was a biological male dressed up as a woman. Get your facts correct please asean now!
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