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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Of late passport renewal is taking up to 11 weeks, whilst standard visitor visas for wives and partners are taking considerably longer than the indicated 15 working days.


    Can the Embassy put pressure on tjhose involved in the UK to speed up the process.  Especially with passports, many expats are finding their passports have expired before the new one is returned causing havoc with Imigration depts

  2. My kitchen extension has 4 fluorescent lights and 2 double power sockets - one circuit 30 amp breaker.  Been there probably 8/9 years..All cabling hidden above the ceiling

    In the past few days power has stopped for an hour or 2, then comes back on and goes off again a couple hours later.

    If I switch the lights off, they do not come back on for another hour or 2

    If lights are off, sometimes when I turn on, they light for a second and then go off. Power to the sockets is lost too.

    I have replaced the breaker to no avail.

    Any ideas?

  3. Advised Wednesday at 4pm. by VFS that renewed British passport back.  Can only collect Mon.Wed and Fri between 2-3pm   What total nonsense!!!!

    Heard this morning that earliest appointment for applying for a British passport is now early December!!!!!!!!!!!

    HMPO UK have problems, but cannot understand why VFS  cannot get their act together.  Add 4 weeks to HMPO 11 weeks and that makes 15, well beyond Immigration,s requirement for 90 day reporting.  Forget online reporting in most parts of Isan! Also plays havoc for many farangs who need to extend their permission to stay!

    Don't expect Immigration or the British Embassy to be sympathetic and assist!

  4. On 10/31/2021 at 8:33 AM, hotandsticky said:

    They don't. 


    You can always enter the UK as a British citizen, even with an expired passport.

    What about a Thai with dual British/Thai nationality. Whilst as you say they can enter the UK with an expired British passport, what problems would they encounter at the Thai airport when leaving on their valid Thai passsport, since the British passport which would ordinarily suffice instead of a visa has expired? I can imagine that would cause considerable confusion with some airlines.

  5. Don't know where you are Mommysboy, but I had a first Pfizer shot in Khon Kaen last Sunday, and am lined up for No 2 on 1st Nov at Bangkok Hospital Khon Kaen  Arranged by the British chamber of commerce (Thailand)  Also worth noting is that Buriram hospital are vaccinating teenagers this week.


    If your hospital messed up, and either Buriram or Khon Kaen are convenient to you, I am sure they could pull a few strings to get you your second vaccine.





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