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prakhonchai nick

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Everything posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. There should be compulsory retirement at 65, not just for chang drivers, but bus/coach drivers and ALL politicians!
  2. Couldn't agree more. They are indeed just normal men, except that they are barred from having direct contact with women. Just like most Thais. who believe in Buddha, they are the same, without the need to work or take care of family. They have no additional powers whatsoever, as the majority of Thai women like to believe. Treat them with respect, but no need to fawn over them, bow and scrape etc.
  3. If the monks need exercise, they should keep their Wats clean and tidy. Instead, the "faithfull" are expected to go with brushes, brooms and disinfectant once every few weeks to do thir dirty work!
  4. Residential buildings did not come under their remit. Only business premises
  5. I used to work alongside the Health and Safety Executive in the UK 40+ years ago. They would make random checks on business of all types, and if something was found dangerous, and could not be fixed immeiately, the business would be closed down, until such time as all requirements had been complied with. With my background, I am ashamed at the Thai authorities, who only check when forced to, and then just report their findings. All such clubs in Pattaya, and all and any other businesses in Thailand should immediately be shut down until all safety features are fully implemented
  6. Just look at neighbouring Cambodia. Sihanoukville has gone Chinese completekly, Sien reap is fast going that way. Its all part of China's aim to control all of Asia, and then at some time in the future. face off against the Muslims who are infiltrating the rest of the world!
  7. He can join 78 year old Biden or wannabe Trump who I think is 75. No matter how clever these people think they are, or may even be, their bodies cannot keep up with the job. There should be mandatory retirement for ALL politicians worldwide at 65
  8. Celebration time -even if short lived. Just back from shopping with 1 litre of jamesons whiskey!????
  9. He is certain to get a custodial sentence -should be life but likely far less, so whats with the nonsense of giving him bail now, when there is absolutely no doubt of his guilt. If I were the 8 year old daughter, who sadly witnessed her parents being knifed to death -something she will never never forget - I would be waiting for the murderer to be set free, then either kill him myself or pay someone to do it. Justice needs to be served!
  10. A farang recently got 8 years for a murder. Will this be 16 years for a double murder, with parole after 8 years if not a royal pardon before that?
  11. Beeping the horn unnecessarily should of course be banned. If used for nonsense purposes, including when passing temples, spirit houses and the like, people will not know when a horn is blown as a real warning.
  12. Somewhere there is a list of penalties for motoring infractions. Some penalties are very low, some seem to ignore the dangers involved, like jumping red lights, with a very modest penalty, and driving when drunk or worse, causing an accident when drunk carry the harshest penalties. Unfortunately those dishing out the penalties are easily swayed, and frequently ignore what the penalty should be. Far better for every one breaking the law to be taken to a court of law (magistrates court in the UK), and be sentenced there in accord with the book of rules.. None of this "do you know who I am"? Even royalty in the UK are fined for traffic infringements and correctly so!
  13. I understand that very many drug addicts commit other criminal offences to raise the cash to buy drugs. No money available when caught to pay off the police.
  14. There are laws, which when not enforced likely contribute to the accident rate. Whether driving when drunk or with drugs inside, overloaded motorbikes, people in the rear of pick-ups, or a whole host of motoring infractions, including speeding , regardless of whether the transgressor is a Thai, tourist, foreigner or whatever, they should all be prosecuted to the full extent of Thai law. Knowing that their refusal to obey the law will cost them one way or another, may just make them think twice and save much injury and death.. Nobody much cares at the moment, because its "what we do and what we have always done and the police will just turn a blind eye"!
  15. Farangs in Pattaya have in my 35 years experience here in Thailand, regularly been told by police, following an accident, that if they weren't here the accident would not have happened. The same could be said of the 4 people on the motorbike, except that they should not have all been on the same motorbike!. That does not excuse the allegedly intoxicated foreigner in any way, but simply had the 4 on the bike obeyed Thai law, they would not have been injured.
  16. I think we farangs like to point out the faults we see -predominantly with Thais since they are of course some 99% of the population, because from our own experience we see the danger they cause themselves-and others, by their often stupid actions -particularly on the roads. if by pointing out the dangers, and ever hopeful those whose job it is to enforce the law start to do so, we can save death and injury, I reckon our comments/complaints are worthwhile.
  17. Let the police contribute as they, as usual, were clearly not doing their job in allowing 4 on a bike!
  18. As a farang, better to murder someone and get 8 years, than life reduced to 33 years for merely signing for a package!
  19. The Cambodian border is going to be extra busy this coming week!
  20. Saw a pick-up truck in Buriram yesterday. Rear cargo area loaded up to a heght of some 1.5 metres. Atop the load were 4 men sitting with no cares in the world. Just hope an emergency stop was not required!
  21. Once the teams of lawyers have done their due diligence over the 14,000 "investors", there won't be anything left to share out- apart from amongst themselves!
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