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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I find that dealing with my bank back home from afar is not very different than dealing with Thai authorities and government offices. Usually go with what's easiest, rather than what's best. The less hassles, the better - even if it costs a bit more. Not talking about moving everything here, obviously, just maybe a larger than ordinary lump - then see how things pan out end of next year.
  2. There is no information (and not even Israeli/USA statements to this effect) that any top Hamas leaders were killed. As for infrastructure, a whole lot was destroyed in areas taken by the IDF, but that's just a relatively small part of the Gaza Strip. There is a measure of autonomy with regard to actions of the Hamas leadership in Gaza (and more specifically, the military wing) vs. other Hamas leaderships. Hamas is not 'decentralized' as you imagine. Actually quite organized and disciplined on such matters. Splinter groups, if and when, are dealt with very harshly. What sometimes does happen is that other organizations (such as PIJ) do their own thing (with or without Hamas's nod). One obvious problem with this deal is that it's open ended. Hamas can, on the 4th day, announce it will release some more hostages, with arrangements needed to be sorted again etc. This could lead to things dragging on and on. So far, this plays more to Hamas's benefit - but it's not like Israel had much choice there.
  3. Was it a forum ceasefire or humanitarian pause?
  4. In Hebrew tweet, Macron says France putting in all efforts to free hostages from Hamas https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/in-hebrew-tweet-macron-says-france-putting-in-all-efforts-to-free-hostages-from-hamas/
  5. That's almost as good as a Tourists-Impressed-By-Honest-Taxi-Driver story. But yes, had more than one similar experiences. Not everyone is dishonest, not everyone out to get my money, no mileage in thinking that way all the time. The Mrs. always checks, what with her poor-family background. Me? Not so much, and never at restaurants/shops where we're regulars.
  6. @thaibeachlovers By that rationale, all the people of Gaza are complicit in the Hamas 7/10 attack....
  7. Take it up with the organizers of the 'river-to-the-sea' protest.
  8. The numbers tell me that Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians. The numbers are also provided by a Hamas controlled source - notice how there's no indication of how many Hamas men died?
  9. @thaibeachlovers Apparently you have a wild imagination. They brought in a portable device, scanned all men over 16. There were arms found in the hospital. As for the rest - the IDF did not search the entire hospital, and from the MO I think it's safe to say they were (a) making sure the area was clear and securing it (b) getting on the ground intel (c) supplying medical stuff (d) mapping the buildings etc. I'm pretty sure they'll return soon, with more specialized tools and engineering equipment. There were several links detailing how the IDF deals with underground facilities, tunnels - it's a slow process meant to avoid casualties: (a) unearthing piers. (b) checking for initial explosives, mines, traps. (c) in goes a remote control robot. (d) where applicable, a trained canine follows. (e) tiny drones with cams do initial mapping. (f) fighting troops clear and secure. (g) specialized troops and units survey area.
  10. The hospital was not bombed, and did not suffer great damage during the fighting. Why are you spreading lies?
  11. How many people attended? I guess not as many as the 'river-to-the-sea' show got. Let me make a further guess - this is a a collection of groups that did not find the 'river-to-the-sea' event hospitable.
  12. @thaibeachlovers Never mind your lack of compassion, when expecting it from others - that's the usual emo nonsense. But both of the "her" quotes you bothered to post are actually from the son of the 72yo kidnapped woman. Must have missed that in your haste to score a point.
  13. Iran's 'Axis of Resistance' against Israel faces trial by fire https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/irans-axis-resistance-against-israel-faces-trial-by-fire-2023-11-15/ Basically Iran says to the Hamas 'you're on your own'. Doesn't mean there won't be more of the same from Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran-backed militias in Iraq/Syria - but probably not much beyond what's already happening.
  14. Not to regain popularity so much as hanging on to what he's got, IMO. I don't think the anger needs much stoking, or that Netnayahu's words carry much appeal in this regard. To the extent that people care about what politicians say and be motivated by it - I think that there are others who are currently more influential in this regard. Both on the extreme right and the center. But to repeat - the anger is there. And I don't think it's even solely directed at Hamas, Gaza or the Palestinians. A whole lot of this rage is vs. politicians. The ones doing the 'stoking'? I don't think it will do them much favors down the line.
  15. I don't know that they were. I know you're saying it. Not the same thing.
  16. You have no idea if the last line is true. I'd wager it is not. No need to overdo it, I think.
  17. I thought that too. First they wouldn't send to Thailand. Then they took their time. The part they sent wasn't the needed one. Not a happy customer.
  18. Right now, Netanyahu's popularity is at a low. So most of what he says manages to outrage and upset many Israelis, day in day out. I don't think anyone outside of his voter base takes him seriously, or does not think he's in election campaign mode. As far as I understand, soldiers in Gaza have little by way of off-duty communication with Israel. Israeli reporters doing stories from the front often relay that the troops are behind on what's going on back home. The thing to watch is not what he says, but what he does.
  19. But the pro-peace ones are ok, right?
  20. Dude...look at his avatar. Don't get your hopes high.
  21. Of course I am. I make you post stuff that you don't believe, don't subscribe to etc.
  22. Pathetic would be making a disparaging generalization about a people, then claiming some-of-them-aren't. That's exactly a variation on 'some-of-my-best-friends-are'.
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