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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You've mentioned it more than that. It's not relevant because it's nor verifiable, and your credibility being such that anything you post is suspect. Further, 'some-of-my-best-friends-are-Jews' is an old one. Might have been acceptable if not for how obvious you are. You and the other wannabe 'pro-Palestinian' sometimes toss all sorts of compliments and allegations my way. How would it play out if I said I had some Palestinian contacts, friends? You'll be all over this, and I would obviously be reluctant to go into detail on a public forum populated by the likes of you. So keep the rabbit in the cage.
  2. And what happens then? Same thing - you'll either blatantly deny, or run away back to the 'ignore' shelter, or deflect with some off topic nonsense. In short, you'll use even that for further trolling. Me, I choose when and what to feed trolls.
  3. Yet you seem to trust anything shown on AJ, Hamas statements included. That you try to cast doubt over what Hamas did on 7/10, despite the mountains of evidence - that pretty much brands you as a Hamas apologist, if not supporter. Yes, there is a difference. Yes, you know it. You're quite transparent, @thaibeachlovers
  4. I don't know that being an 'apologist' is a requirement, that's something you think. As for 'sides', may I suggest reading my posts without your 'grumpy' glasses on.
  5. The people on both sides do not have views? They all want peace? All do exactly as their leaders tell them?
  6. Because, very much like a magician's rabbit, you pull him out of the hat whenever confronted with your own posts and views. Besides, it's fun.
  7. Perhaps I'm not overly impressed by your pretending to be the arbiter of sides, or interpreter of posts.
  8. This is confusing, as I've been called a rabid Zionist on the other topic.
  9. Hamas is fighting to change one form of oppression with another. They are not about freedom. Or human rights. The funny thing is that if the win, you'll be whining about them from your anti-Muslim angle, immigration angle and so on. You do not so much support the Palestinians, but rather oppose Israel.
  10. A while back (I think two years back, actually, round the time I took a break) there were posts from management about openings for 'content creators'. Were these related to the 'paid staff' you referenced?
  11. Nonsense. As far as I'm aware, all are on the wanted list, or designated as terrorists, anyway.
  12. Them bulldozers, at least the heavily modified versions used, often move ahead or in tandem with the troops, clearing rubble that could hide nearby ambush spots, take care of mines and other explosive devices left by Hamas. Also clear paths for other vehicles. In Gaza, they are used to clear opening for tunnels rather than seal them.
  13. Posting such nonsense is what happens when putting half the participants on 'ignore' then not being aware of certain related things.
  14. Once again, @thaibeachlovers offers ignorance and slogans instead of facts. Educate yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izz_ad-Din_al-Qassam_Brigades There's a structure. They often wear uniforms. They have more than 'rifles and RPG's'. They have mortars and rockets. They have medical services. They often hold parades, award honors. Most of this is regularly on show even on AJ. So you're either not paying attention, or lying.
  15. Hamas is a multi-faceted organization. It certainly does have a military 'wing', possessing arms and structure like every other military organization. This can certainly be destroyed. Other elements of Hamas (such as the political 'wing') may be harder to dismantle, but not impossible. The other elements, relating more to social issues - not one intends to do anything about. Hamas can be handled the same way other outfits were handled - IS, AQ, Fatah...
  16. I doubt Iran will support their lavish lifestyle. Hezbollah officials and fans already had a go at them over that. But either way, they have more than enough already, unless the USA manages to take it away or freeze it. Not a remote possibility.
  17. Not exactly suspended, even, as it turns out. Banned from government meetings, but they aren't holding many of these now anyway - the war being run by a smaller ministerial forum. Not sure which MP 'got booted'.
  18. Got to love the 'probably'. Can just imagine POTUS pressing the Red Button, then turn to his Chief of Staff - 'we do have a way to interce...oh, we don't?"
  19. Yeah, I get it your very worried about the UK getting nuked, but since the UK is not a major part of this, and Taiwan is....
  20. 'US will be thing of past': Hamas official praises North Korea's ability to strike https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/us-will-be-thing-of-past-hamas-official-praises-north-koreas-ability-to-strike/ar-AA1jmSNP Hamas official says North Korea is ally, insinuates it could one day target the US https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-official-says-north-korea-is-ally-insinuates-it-could-one-day-target-the-us/ Doubt North Korea will risk anything much for the sake of Hamas, or the Palestinians. It even denied sale/transfer of arms to Hamas for the attack. On a bit of an off topic note - both North and South Korea must be looking at their border and each going 'hmmm...", for different reasons.
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