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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Back in 2018, Hamas orchestrated (well, hijacked) mass protests along Gaza Strip's border with Israel. One of the most controversial tactics used by the IDF at the time was sniper fire against main instigators for violence in the crowd, those suspected of carrying arms, and those coming too near to the border fence (no full wall back then). The result was, of course, many more Palestinians dead and wounded. Israel's reasoning for choosing this tactic was that non-lethal means available were not effective for 'events' of this scope, and that the main concern was that a group of protestors allowed to rush the fence could result in a stampede possibly resulting in penetration and chaos. This was seen as both a major risk of the settlements located really near the border (one of the protestors' chants of choice was 'we'll meet at Netiv HaAsara' - a village just on the border), and as potentially leading to more Palestinian deaths as well (if troops had to use live fire at closer range). So anyway, back then there was a lot of criticism about this tactic - both abroad and within Israel. On this forum as well. Post the 7/10 attack, maybe the decision taken back then wasn't a wrong one.
  2. He may. But he may also be biased toward a political rival. They been to court not long ago - was kinda funny.
  3. Some people may 'reckon' you're pretty much in favor of anything favoring China.
  4. How about Chinese warships in the South China Sea, firing missiles at Taiwan, though? How about a war against Taiwan?
  5. Morch

    New member

    Every time I go to India and board a train or a plane.
  6. Ah, don't get me wrong - they did their fair share of killing (atrocities included), looting and burning. Just not Hamas men, that's all. Or think about it this way, how low down the scale you need to be for Hamas not to recruit you?
  7. Some people may 'reckon' you're pretty much in favor of anything favoring China.
  8. Those are not Hamas men. That's part of the mob of 'ordinary' Gazans who came in after the initial attack. You can notice not many (or maybe none, in this pic) is armed.
  9. When you claim the creation of the country was a mistake, and reference Jews' supposed 'internationalism' as their strength. What it amounts to, the way I read it is that the first part targets the country's existence, the second implying that nationalism (it it's 'neutral' meaning) is not for them.
  10. From the post I replied to: https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/page/305/#comment-18488291 If you meant something else, please explain.
  11. Considering the hundreds of post by yourself going on about things the same way - again, dishonest.
  12. I didn't say all, you implied it. I'm sure that Hamas men that dared pop their head out and were spotted were bombed. People get killed in wars. That includes civilians and children. That you treat it as some novel, unheard of thing is disingenuous, if expected.
  13. Are you a military expert? Do you have a much better way to conduct a war in an urban setting such as the Gaza Strip?
  14. Rejection may have been the wrong word. It was basically dismissed as irrelevant, downplayed. Main reason being that the government office in question does not hold any real authority, and is basically a reward position for loyalists. The Minister currently in charge is widely considered not the sharpest pencil, to put it mildly. She wasn't fired, same way the other 'nuke'm' minister wasn't - because Netanyahu's coalition might not survive this. In general, ministers being fired over such things, or accepting responsibility and resigning, is not a thing, when it comes to Netanyahu led governments.
  15. Oh, so you decided that Jews do not deserve a country ? Or even, if I got your drift, unfit to have one. That's cute. How did not having a country work out for Jews in the past?
  16. Abroad. Already discussed as well. Do either of his sons dictate the future of Israelis, the same way Hamas leaders do for Gazans?
  17. You seem to be doing the opposite non-stop, though.
  18. Australia is a democracy, Qatar isn't. Not same same. Lame try.
  19. I'm eager for you to acknowledge that this topic got boundaries, and that they were set and communicated more than once.
  20. No. Hamas was already 'created', no matter how you spin things. And that was the comment I was replying to. It would be correct to say that Israel tried to exploit or manipulate Hamas, and failed. But it's not quite the same thing as 'created'.
  21. If they were Hamas terrorists they'd get a safe place in them tunnels. Price of admission, of sorts.
  22. Years ago a thief broke to our house, opened the fridge, and treated the dog (a seriously oversized mean looking GSD) to the best meal of his life. Took Dad's empty briefcase, missed the envelope with air tickets and thousands of dollars. If the the dog's mom was alive (half size, psychotic) he's be shredded Our current fatty is getting older, so doesn't always notice things. But if someone dares lay a hand on the gate or fence, still sounds the alarm.
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