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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Hmm....I was called a lefty more than once on this forum.
  2. I think they're scheduling this to right after Hamas express its condolences for the Israeli civilians murdered....so probably not anytime soon.
  3. You claim to be concerned with thing 'humanitarian'. Yet, somehow, most of what you post is basically a host of accusations leveled at Israel, and peppered with similarly one sided anecdotes. When confronted with facts, you throw a hissy fit. You're welcome to look up topic, as there are at least several posts (mine and other posters') relating the details mentioned. The topic is not about the entire history of the conflict, though, even if some try to make it so. I will add, that it is impossible to claim knowledge about the history of the conflict, without being aware of these things. Eager to learn what 'community insults' are.
  4. No, but at least they presented evidence. Hamas did not. Pictures taken today at the scene seem to support Israel's version.
  5. I wasn't denying there were attacks by Jews on Arabs, though. The poster I replied to is the one who presented a more one-sided version. This whole back-at-ya concept doesn't work out that well for you, Jeff.... Define 'help the situation'. Or maybe offer a realistic take on what Israel could/should have done following the attack.
  6. Yes. You made a comment that had nothing to do with my post, or the one I replied to. You obviously did not understand the context, nor bothered to check.
  7. I think that you are cherry picking and deflecting. There were atrocities, murders and whatnot carried out by Arabs vs Jews well before 1947. You choose and arbitrary point to start your 'argument'. Both sides have their long lists of bad things the other side did unto them. If you feel that the Hamas attack was 'justified' you're pretty much out there.
  8. I don't think that there was any reliable information on that. There were several Hamas higher ups killed, but can't recall if there was mention of bunkers etc. Links for a couple somewhere up topic if you wish to go back and check.
  9. Gambols and black rubber boots (for the garden or walking the dog). Shoes are for when traveling out of country, and feel weirder each time.
  10. Perhaps you should use Google if you're not sure of the context of the exchange. It's nothing to do with what you posted.
  11. Do they carry out many terrorist attacks?
  12. A large part of it was hubris, another falling in love with a theory. Then there was also the Hamas side, doing it's best to cover communications (apparently important stuff was not communicated by signals). There was some indication the night of the attack, that something is up, but the expectation was for something limited, if that. The situation now is different, Israel is in war mode, attention is heightened. Hamas is on the run, less careful. I'm pretty sure that raw data would have been shared at least with the USA on this case.
  13. You keep saying you prefer Al Jazeera, in the face of many comments detailing why it is not a great source (for this situation). That doesn't exactly help make your comments here seen as objective, or even factual. Sounds more like that's-my-brand-and-I'm-sticking-with-it.
  14. More nonsense. Biden is not 'ultra right'. No one in his right mind says that, other than members of the far left - and for them even 'regular' left is right. Biden is no Likud or Netnayhu fan - kept Netanyahu waiting for days to acknowledge elections victory, delayed inviting him for a US meeting, and when that happened, it was a short time affair during the UNGA annual thing. No White House meeting. Also critical of Netanyahu's domestic policies. As for your last part - not exactly. Israelis in the Kibbutzim generally vote center-left, those in the town that were attacked vote to the right or religious parties. As for the Palestinians, labeling the Hamas as 'left' is a choice. Same goes for Fatah, by the way.
  15. What 'truths'? You yourself admit you don't know much about matters at hand...
  16. The German chancellor condemns a firebomb attack on a Berlin synagogue and vows protection for Jews https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/berlin-synagogue-attacked-firebombs-antisemitic-incidents-rise-germany-104064043
  17. The ICC does not have an army, and could enforce anything as far Hamas goes. Previous UN investigation were all the same in this regard, with Hamas de-facto deciding what representatives see and whom they talk to. As for the other thing, not quite standing US policy, but Trump's doing.
  18. Hamas Hijacked Victims’ Social Media Accounts to Spread Terror https://news.yahoo.com/hamas-hijacked-victims-social-media-181636480.html
  19. I think people have the tendency to claim this whenever a crisis emerges. Like there's a one-size-fit-all template for these things. Seems more like a way to address chaos and uncertainty, rather than representing and actual 'thing'.
  20. What is an 'America First warrior'?
  21. What are you on about now?
  22. I stopped right there, because I got the Homer simpson "mmmm....ham sandwich!" image. Then went to get one.
  23. The initial casualty figure is bogus anyway. Hamas announced 500 casualties, about and hour, hour half after the explosion. No way they could have known that so quickly. But it's catchy number, and why waste a PR opportunity.
  24. I don't think you really wanna go there, what with topic being about Trump...
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