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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Luckily, my happiness does not depend on what some random, anonymous person posts on the internet, As to what you posted: Just instant waffle. Self defense, for example, is acceptable.
  2. You may want to scroll back, and/or check parallel topic for comments made regarding Netanyahu, by myself and others. Again, stop making up stuff.
  3. So simple to do, eh? Hamas embeds itself within civilian population. If Hamas cared about Gazan lives, they could place their facilities and HQ and whatnot in a way that would lessen danger to the populace. Or, they could invest some of the funds they spend on rockets for buildings public bomb shelters.
  4. I did not make up stuff about what was posted. Go back to counting, perhaps?
  5. Hamas digs in among civilians, effectively using them as a shield. You seem to absolve them of any responsibility. As for your decisive claim, it is not accurate. There are sure to be a whole lot of civilian deaths, but it does not imply your hyperbole.
  6. Israel does not intentionally target children, or much of the other stuff carried out by Hamas on this attack. War is never pretty, nor nice. You conflate a terrorist attack with a military one.
  7. You're the one making claims Israel intends to kill all Gazans. You can't back it up with anything. The casualty figures were referenced to demonstrate the disingenuous nature of your complaint. If Israel wished to kill all Gazan's the death toll would be way higher by now. There would be no warnings issued, different armaments used. As for Arab countries' responses - so far pretty much muted, or on par with the usual stuff. I don't think that's quite Israel's foremost consideration at this time, and rightly so.
  8. Hamas launched a comparable number of rockets on Israeli citizens in a shorter time frame. Don't recall you having much issue with that. Then again, maybe it wasn't mentioned on AlJazeera, so you wouldn't know.
  9. Can you just stop making up stuff about what's posted? Or improve your comprehension skills?
  10. The Hamas launched a comparable number of rockets on Israeli citizens, and in a shorter time frame.
  11. Said the military expert. Thousands of rockets launched by Hamas against Israeli civilians are, apparently legit.
  12. Palestinians seem willing enough to die fighting Israel, because it's seen as an oppressive regime.
  13. Pity Hamas didn't warn Israeli civilians to evacuate before attacking.
  14. That's some fine logic. The current situation have nothing to do with Hamas's actions? Them hostages simply crossed the border and volunteered to be taken? Just last week, were the Israelis destroying Gaza, or maybe something happened that prompted that? Israel does not control the Egyptian border pass. The Egyptian border pass is closed according to Egyptian policy. Passage of Palestinians and goods was always restricted by Egypt. Are these your own lies or did you pick them up on AlJazeera?
  15. Most Western governments support Israel. Many others do to. Do tell which governments support Hamas.
  16. There was also no Palestine, as in a state, or even much of a national concept, back then.
  17. This topic is about the massacre of innocent Israelis.
  18. So, when others insist on details and facts, it's pedantry. When you do it, it's a quest for accuracy and truths. Gotcha.
  19. Get back to reality - the recent casualty lists more of less evened just now. There is no 'extermination' of over two million civilians, other than in hyperbole posts. There is no policy announced by Israel to that effect, and if there was you'd see international support withdrawn. That's not the case. The Stern Gang was not mainstream. Even the Irgun wasn't mainstream. Shamir was elected Prime Minister many many years after events - not right away or anything.
  20. What it that elusive 'correct mindset'? And how do you get it to be the mainstream mindset in the Middle East? Most Muslim countries in the Middle East have very small, if that, number of Jews living there. On the other hand, about a fifth of Israel's population is Muslim. Israel's current government upset also a lot of Israelis, mass protests for months now. What's your point?
  21. Kill everyone how? Current casualty figures evened out just now. If Israel intended to kill all Gazans, things would be different.
  22. Funny how this topic is about Thailand's stance vs. current events, yet some go on and on about the USA. Is Thailand a new US State nowadays?
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