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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @ozimoron 'progressive foreign policy aims' - is that a thing? Are America's policies (and specifically, foreign policy) 'progressive'? Or is this more of a partisan thing? A fantasy?
  2. I did not and do not exaggerate the value of them Abraham Accords, but relative to the diplomatic wasteland in previous years, it was a positive development. I do not think there was an actual expectation that he would bring about peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, or something much grander than what he delivered. There were words said, yes - but political talk is cheap. In real terms, he actually got an ok deal.
  3. That would be how you see things, and how you frame them. It doesn't follow that your take is correct, factual or conforms to the way others see them. You have a habit of stating things as fact, then treating them as such, and insisting others do so as well. I'm not interested in your nonsense, in your insistence on getting answers tailored to your questions. I don't have to repeat replies to your contrived 'points', 'questions', 'issues' and so on. You want to make the topic about whether a person interviews exactly answered a question to your satisfaction? That's up to you. There's no reason or duty to accommodate your wishes. Coming form someone who specializes in digging discussion holes, empty comments about pixel waste is a laugh. Get a life.
  4. He's a Trump supporter, often deriding Biden about this or that. But Trump is also a vocal (if maybe less reliable) supporter of Israel (and no friend to the Palestinians) - hence the 'confusing' bit as far as @thaibeachlovers goes.
  5. I can get the couldn't help himself bit, that's easy (not condoning it). Sexual urges are powerful, so are some psychological motivations. Years ago, had a GF which used to go 'now!'. This 'now' could have happened pretty much anywhere, anytime. Never quite out in the open like this guy, though, and obviously consenting adults and all that. For me it was more of a thrill thing, rather exciting. For her it was like some sugar level drop issue. Guy needs help, for sure, and probably some off-time in a government facility.
  6. Newcomer as in one who started being active on these topics recently. Extreme views are extreme, and yours were called out as such by others. Even if it was just a 'personal opinion', what of it? My comment was a personal observation.
  7. Sure. So 'People of Iran are the main victims of western politicians however they pretend otherwise' is not a conspiracy theory, eh? Nothing about their lot got anything to do with their own leadership? Their own choices? It's all the doing of some nefarious all powerful 'western politicians'? Get a life.
  8. No, it's not just Trump fans. That would be you trying to frame what I said to fit what you want to say. Just a version of what you do in 'debate'. I have addressed your nonsense point. You do not accept I have. You insist on an answer fitting your framework. That's what you do. He did not 'insert' anything. And Eisin's interview is neither the focal point of this topic, nor that of the discrepancy issue between Israel's goals. You're just blowing it out of proportion, as usual. Somehow, because you read a couple of articles, you seem to think you've all the answers. Or that something you agree with is the only possible answer. That's not how reality works. Keeping on using that worn 'share with the rest of us' bit should address your last 'question'.
  9. No, not anyone. People who post extreme views, and are newcomers to topics, possibly yes.
  10. I agree, but not sure how easy or effective it is to 'restart' a campaign vs. going on. And a different question - If Trump gets is banned, does it effect the results of in states were party elections were already held? Like, if he's out - does it mean his votes are scrapped and the candidate who came in second gets the nomination? Or do they just move on? If the latter - can there technically be a situation where Trump practically secures the nomination, gets disqualified and then.....what?
  11. @ozimoron Before 7/10 there were about 20k Gazans working in Israel. Given Hamas rule, it's actions and agenda, more limitations were placed on issuing work permits for them then West Bank Palestinians. Investigations already indicate that a significant part of the intelligence collected by Hamas came from such. I'm aware that you do not like to acknowledge Hamas's stance as having much to do with anything, but in this case, your comment is plain weird.
  12. I thought it was obvious, given previous posts on the same matter.
  13. @ozimoron If they were not issued work permits, you'd whine about it as well. Do you somehow think Palestinians would prefer the option scrapped?
  14. Alleged how? I'm hardly the only one to denounce your posting habits. As for your nonsense - how do you mean 'can't find flaws' ? That happens only in your mind. I point out to flaws in your comments quite often. Not cheap shots, just no patience anymore for the likes of you. Cornered? You must have a real warped perception of things, don't think I ever felt 'cornered' by anything you posted. Projecting much? And no, you do not get to dictate what is 'the issue at hand'. You do not get to tell what the thread 'should be about'. The topic is in the header. It's not what you decide it is. You're just repeating things on loop, ignoring what others posters say. Apparently now you apply the same tactics toward the person interviewed. Like she's complected to address your points, or provide the answers you approve of. Bizarre. You do not speak for any 'us'. And what you believe is not very interesting.
  15. @ozimoron Your own posts can be described as lacking all of the things you mentioned, plus they are often so out there it's hard to tell what you're on about.
  16. @ozimoron I think you read about 50% of the posts at random, then 10% of the replies you make to said posts are also random.
  17. You do you. That is, you get hung on something, usually following an article in the NYT or such, about an issue which you do not actually know much about. What you do then is push it on and on as if it's gospel, and the only valid point of view. If posters do not play along, you whine about 'evasion' or 'not addressing points' - while at the same time ignoring much of what is said, and repeating the same message on loop. Maybe your notion that there are clear answers to things, and that these are found in them articles you are obsessed with is an illusion. What she says is credible and reasonable. It does not encompass all aspects? Sure. It doesn't answer all relevant points? Obviously. What of it? What's dubious is that you actually have a point, or that you care much beyond arguing.
  18. She loses nothing by remaining in the race. She might (if the things you outlined come about) actually win the gamble. It's unlikely he'll offer her any post in his administration if he wins (not even the vice-presidential bit, as some suggested earlier) - she's been 'disloyal' by running against him, and that's that, plus she doesn't actually bring something extra (from his point of view) to the table.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Your candidate of choice routinely makes fun of others' appearance. He also got this habit of attaching demeaning nicknames to them. You (and other Trump supporters) emulate him, and indulge in such on these topics.
  20. I guess what conveniences one needs, or feels indispensable. Also what compromises are acceptable. Which level of shopping, dining, entertainment, and medical services are sought? Sort this out and it will help narrow down your options. We didn't get any land from the family, but we did build are house in the same province Mrs. Morch comes from (although not in her hometown or too close to parents' place). One reason for this was connections - found it easier to get information about deals, plots, pitfalls etc. Another reason, which I did not fully appreciate at the time was that it makes you less of an outsider (well, her, and by extension myself). The minute people realize she's from around here, things are mellower, straightforward, less funny business.
  21. @placeholder No, I'm referring to Hamas breaking the terms of the last hostage exchange deal. What you 'pointed out' was already addressed. Try reading again. You have no main point. She doesn't say what you want to hear, or doesn't echo what you think, so you try to discredit her. As for 'hostile' - you brought up the 'who is this person' bit. Well, this person is 'a bit' more informed than yourself, with a wee bit more hands on experience in related matters. Hence, 'who are you?'. I'll help you with that - you're an anonymous poster on a Thai internet forum. It's bad enough that you imagine posters should post about what you want to talk about, and frame their comments to fit your arguments, now it seems like you extend this to....everyone?
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